Students Allowance Program
As a part of TU community services, this program was initiated to offer financial support for TU low-income students and the students in the surrounding local communities. It provides grants (zero-interest loans), monthly salaries, legal services, free access to the university facilities and vouchers to buy books from the TU library. 60% of grant recipients will be low-income students from the local community. The program targets student who their families income is below the average to help them finish their degree toward graduation. 31 students profited from the program in 2020, 50 in 2021, 65 in 2022, and 103 in 2023.
Since TU believes in gender equality, The TU board of trustees has decided to dedicate 50% of the recipients to be female students. This is one step of TU plan's to promote diversity around the campus, and hence, spread the sprit of love and peace.
All the names of the applicant will be confidential and will not be exposed to the public for their favorite. TU created a committee including three professors to meet the applicants and study their applications. The application starts from 20th of November to 10th of December. The students can ask for the application form from the office of their department chair who needs to approve the application first.
- Conditions :
- Fall the application form
- The applicant must provide legitimate evidence for their need for the support
- The applicant must attend an interview to convince the support center committee of their case