
Qualifications of the graduate of the Department of Finance and banking Sciences

Possess the required knowledge in the fields of specialization that enable him to work in government institutions and private and mixed sector institutions, including the banking sector, as described below: , Qualified to carry out financial, accounting, commercial, investment and Financial Policy Analysis functions in its various directions. Qualified to study the mechanisms of investment in the financial markets and the banking sector and provide the necessary advice to the Houses of expertise in this field Qualified to contribute to the management and leadership of financial institutions including government and other banks , Qualified to conduct research and studies at both levels of micro-analysis (institutions and macro-general economic units). , Qualified to maintain bank records and organize business procedures in accordance with the requirements of financial and banking operations.


Financial and banking education that improves internationality, the ability to work in all government institutions and institutions of the mixed and private sector

The message

That the development of the financial and banking sector is not separate from the world and from the accelerated developments, especially in its cognitive dimension of its interrelated and integrated relationship at the theoretical and operational level and its employment towards the preparation of specialists in the fields of Finance and banking, through academic programs and curricula specializing in financial and banking thought Bachelor of Finance and banking for morning and evening studies


Preparing highly qualified and effective graduates in the field of Finance and banking.Attracting scientific competence from holders of higher degrees . Providing learners with various knowledge and skills in the field of Finance and banking. A distinctive education that promotes and activates the labor market . Providing consulting services and contributing to continuing education programs to develop expertise in various economic sectors and civil society. Provide a suitable environment for interaction between students, professors and staff.