
Computer Technology Engineering Department

The Computer Technology Engineering Department was established in the academic year 2012-2013, it is a technical engineering department whose input is from graduates of preparatory school in its scientific branch, as well as graduates of vocational education in the specializations of computers, electronics and information technology.  The department aims at preparing technical engineering staffs specialized in the field of computer networks, digital communications systems, various digital processors, electronic control systems, software systems and all modern technologies related to this specialty, as well as the fields of digital electronics to meet the growing need for specialists in computer technology engineering. The duration of study in the department is four years, after which the graduate obtains a bachelor’s degree in computer technology engineering/computer communications networks branch, equivalent to the certificate granted in the specialty by the College of Electrical Engineering Technology/Central Technical University. The graduate is also given the identity of the Engineers Association and has the right to practice the engineering profession in public and private sector departments.  The graduate can obtain a master’s and Ph.D. degrees in the fields of computer technology engineering in all specializations.

Laboratory & Classroom
Numbers of Faculty Members
Current Number of Students
The Number of Graduates is More Than


The Department of Computer Technology Engineering at Al-Turath University College seeks to be one of the distinguished departments among the corresponding departments in private and public colleges by being distinguished by its scientific solidity, modern teaching methods and scientific research, and keeping pace with the latest scientific and technological developments leading to the advancement of knowledge and community service via providing continuous technical support and raising Efficiency of graduates and enhancing students’ scientific skills and experiences by placing them in appropriate positions during summer training.


The department's mission is to provide students with scientific, programming, and technical knowledge and those concerned with designing and maintaining computer-related devices and parts by keeping pace with the latest scientific and technological developments, it also includes focusing on developing analysis, assembly and design skills for the main components of modern computers and computer-based systems applications, and enhancing students' scientific skills and expertise by placing students in appropriate positions during summer training.


• Graduating technical engineering staffs specialized in the field of computer networks and with a high level of understanding and knowledge capable of building and developing computer systems and networks. • Raising teaching and administrative efficiency in a manner consistent with international accreditation standards to achieve the department’s vision and mission. • Approving students’ scientific graduation research and applying it for the purpose of solving industrial and service problems in society. • Active participation in the renaissance and progress of society through holding scientific symposiums and conferences. • Providing academic consultation in the fields of computer engineering.

Establishment, Studying System & Department Inputs

The Computer Technology Engineering Department was established in the academic year 2012-2013, it is a technical engineering department whose input is from graduates of preparatory school in its scientific branch, as well as graduates of vocational education in the specializations of computers, electronics and information technology.
The department aims at preparing technical engineering staffs specialized in the field of computer networks, digital communications systems, various digital processors, electronic control systems, software systems and all modern technologies related to this specialty, as well as the fields of digital electronics to meet the growing need for specialists in computer technology engineering.
The duration of study in the department is four years, after which the graduate obtains a bachelor’s degree in computer technology engineering/computer communications networks branch, equivalent to the certificate granted in the specialty by the College of Electrical Engineering Technology/Middle Technical University.
The graduate is also given the identity of the Engineers Syndicate and has the right to practice the engineering profession in public and private sector departments.
The graduate can obtain a master’s and doctorate in the fields of computer technology engineering in all specializations.




توصيف عمل خريج قسم هندسة تقنيات الحاسوب

  • تخريج كوادر هندسية تقنية متخصصة في مجال شبكات الحاسبات وعلى مستوى عالي من الفهم والمعرفة قادرين على بناء انظمة الحاسبات وشبكاتها وتطويرها.
  • رفع الكفاءة التدريسية والادارية وبما يتناسب ومعايير الاعتماد الدولية لتحقيق رؤية القسم ورسالته.
  • اعتماد بحوث تخرج للطلبة علمية وتطبيقه لغرض حل المشاكل الصناعية والخدمية في المجتمع.
  • المشاركة الفعالة في نهضة المجتمع وتقدمه من خلال اقامة الندوات والمؤتمرات العلمية.
  • تقديم الاستشارة الاكاديمية في مجالات هندسة الحاسوب.
  • تفعيل شراكات مع القطاع الحكومي والخاص لتقليص الفجوة المعرفية والمهنية بين خريجي القسم وسوق العمل وتبادل المعلومات والخبرات مع المؤسسات الهندسية التقنية المحلية والعالمية