
First International Forum of Displacement and International immigration

Al Turath University hosted the First International Forum of Displacement and International immigration. The forum was held under the sponsorship of ‏the chairman of the board of trustees of TU, Mr. Ali Al Okaily, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the ministry of immigration and immigrants.

Many influenced personalities had attended the forum including Mrs. Evan Faiq, minister of immigration and immigrants in Iraq, Mr. Haider Sabah Salih, the director of the scientific affairs department in the ministry of Higher education and scientific research / Private Higher education directorate Mr. Joy Song Sue, the Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea Mr. Giorgi Gigauri – chief of the mission of the international migration organization Mr. Orhan Aziz Uglo, the chief of the International Union of Universities and many other NGO representatives.

Attendants dealt with the illegal immigration issue and its dangers and negative reflections upon society in all aspects of life, and the role of education to specify the causes of the problem and the adequate ways to solve it worldwide. Also, they discuss suggesting new policies and strategies in collaboration with NGOs to better look over the causes, like luck of education, poverty, and luck of job opportunities, and the solutions over the society problems.

Al Turath University is keen on participating in building society and solving its problems as well as bridging scientific research with the needs of the services and production sector as it well knows the importance of its role in shaping the cultural ideologies of the individual and society as whole.