نبذة عن الشعبة العلمية
تعد الشعبة العلمية احد الشعب الأساسية والفاعلة في الهيكل التنظيمي لكلية التراث الجامعة، والتي تتبع ادارياً الى الشعب التي يديرها السيد مساعد رئيس الجامعة للشؤون العلمية، حيث تهتم هذه الشعبة بالشؤون العلمية للجامعة، وان من مهام الشعبة العلمية تسجيل ومتابعة وتنظيم البحوث العلمية للكادر التدريسي في الكلية بالتنسيق مع الكليات والاقسام العلمية المعنية ووحدة ضمان الجودة في جامعة التراث ، كذلك من مهام الشعبة العلمية هو متابعة البحوث والمقالات التطبيقية والأكاديمية التي تم رفعها على صفحات المجلات والمواقع الالكترونية المحلية والعالمية.
تطمح جامعة التراث ان يكون لها نصيباً مهماً من التطور العلمي في العراق باعتبارها اول كلية أهلية في العراق منذ تأسيسها عام 1988، حيث ساهمت الجامعة في تطوير البحث العلمي في العراق، تقوم الشعبة العلمية بمتابعة وتنظيم النشاطات العلمية في جامعة التراث ادارياً والتي تشمل كل نشاط علمي تقوم به الجامعة سواء على مستوى التدريسيين او الاقسام. ويشمل ذلك اعمام النشاطات العلمية مثل المؤتمرات والندوات والدورات التدريبية التي يتم تنظيمها داخل وخارج الجامعة.
تكمن رسالة الشعبة العلمية في تنسيق الجهود العلمية للباحثين في الجامعة من خلال متابعة نتاجاتهم العلمية ومشاريعهم البحثية ومشاركاتهم في المؤتمرات العلمية داخل وخارج الجامعة والتي تعالج المشاكل التي يواجها المجتمع وتسويق تلك النشاطات وما يتم التوصل اليه من ندوات ومؤتمرات واعمامها على الجامعات والوزارات ذات الشأن بهدف حل المشاكل التي يواجها المجتمع. اذ يتداخل عمل الشعبة مع باقي اقسام الكليات وشعب الجامعة لتتشابك وظائفه معها ويؤدي الجميع الرسالة المرجوة من جامعة التراث.
- رفع كفاءة الكلية علمياً من خلال نشر البحوث العلمية لتدريسيي جامعة التراث واعلام الجهات المعنية بالنتاجات العلمية.
- تسجيل ومتابعة وتنظيم البحوث العلمية للكادر التدريسي في الجامعة بالتنسيق مع الاقسام العلمية المعنية ووحدة ضمان الجودة.
- متابعة نشر البحوث والمقالات التطبيقية والأكاديمية والتي تم رفعها على صفحات المجلات والمواقع الالكترونية المحلية والعالمية.
- رفع اسم الجامعة في المحافل العلمية من خلال عرض النتاجات العلمية لاقسام الكليات كافة التي تخدم تطوير التعليم العالي في العراق.
- اعلام كليات الجامعة كافة عن النشاطات العلمية التي تقيمها الجامعات والمؤسسات العلمية العراقية الاخرى وحث منتسبي الجامعة على المشاركة فيها.
- دعم باحثي الكلية وتوجيههم للنشر في أفضل المجلات العلمية العالمية المحكمة ذات معامل تأثير (Impact Factor) .
- متابعة المجلات المفترسة والخارجة من مستوعبات سكوبس .
- بالإضافة الى متابعة وتسويق البحوث العلمية التي يقوم بها الباحثين في الجامعة.
- متابعة حسابات ومقالات تدريسيي الجامعة المنشورة في موقع البحث Google Scholar
بحوث جامعة التراث المفهرسة ضمن مستوعبات سكوبس للعام 2024
No: | Authors | Title | Year | Source title |
1 | Algashamy H.A.A.; Ismail L.S.; Abdalrazzaq A.S.; Palchyk S. | Exploring the Need for Visually Impaired Walking Aids | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
2 | Sajid W.A.; Mirzah N.; Mustafa F.M.; Shabala Y. | Educational Institution Management Information System | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
3 | Hummadi A.N.; Salman H.M.; Ahmed A.I.; Diachenko O. | Arduino-Based Sensor System for Safe Mobility of People with Visual Impairments | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
4 | Ahmed R.K.A.; Alamro L.; Khlaponin Y.; Izmailova O.; Abdulrazzaq A.Z. | Edutainment as a Concept of Education and Entertainment | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
5 | Abd S.K.; Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abosinnee A.S.; Kareem Z.H.; Wahab A.N.A.; Hassan R.; Jassim M.M. | Secured finance handling for supply chain integrated business intelligence using blockchain application scenarios | 2024 | Intelligent Data Analysis |
6 | Rasheed N.W.; Abdullah M.Y.; Sherif N.H.; Dudnikov O. | The Risk of Data Loss in Computerized Medical Record Systems | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
7 | Najm N.M.A.M.; Hussain A.K.; Mustafa S.I.; Rashit B.; Lukashenka V. | Design and Implementation of a Robot Firefighter for Indoor Applications | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
8 | Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Abosinnee A.S.; Kareem Z.H.; Hamdan H.F. | Retraction Note: Analysis of modern circulation industry development level using industrial structure mechanism (Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, (2023), 45, 2, (60), 10.1007/s10878-022-00973-9) | 2024 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization |
9 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Jaszczur M.; Salman H.M.; Mahmoud H.A.; Awwad E.M. | Saudi Arabia energy transition: Assessing the future of green hydrogen in climate change mitigation | 2024 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
10 | Abu-Alshaeer M.J.; Abdulkareem S.A.; Mustafa F.M.; Yakymenko N. | A Path to Safer Digital Systems Using Proactive Hazard Analysis in Logic Circuit Design | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
11 | Mohammed M.I.; Abid M.F.; Albassam I.; Abdullah H.M.; Abdul Razak A.A.; Mahmoud M.A.; Alaq E.K.; Aswed F.M. | Characterization of Minerals and Health Impact of Metals in Dust Storm Fallen on Baghdad, Iraq | 2024 | Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution |
12 | Khaleel B.M.; Alatba S.R.; Hamdoun S.H.; Terenchuk S. | Exploring Li-Fi for IoT Advanced Audio Data Transfer | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
13 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Jaszczur M.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Al Musawi T.J.; Ali B.M.; Viktor P.; Fodor M.; Ahsan M.; Salman H.M.; Sameen A.Z. | Hydrogen role in energy transition: A comparative review | 2024 | Process Safety and Environmental Protection |
14 | Jawad A.J.M.; Abed A.M.; Qasim N.H.; Abdelrahman A.A. | Design and Implement a GPS Car Tracker on Google Maps Using Arduino | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
15 | Ahma H.K.; Abdulkareem S.A.; Abdalrazzaq A.S.; Liashchenko M. | System for Detecting and Preventing Energy Theft | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
16 | Ismaeel M.M.; Al-Dergazly A.A.; AbdulKareem S.K.; Al-Jaburi K. | Effects of selective laser melting process parameters on 3D-printing of Ti6Al4V/ST316L composite material and their optimization using response surface methodology | 2024 | Heritage and Sustainable Development |
17 | Ali M.; Mahdi H.H.J.; Jassim M.M.; Palamarchuk D.; Oleksii S. | Algorithm for Accurate People Counting in Conference Halls | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
18 | Salih M.M.; Khaleel B.M.; Qasim N.H.; Ahmed W.S.; Kondakova S.; Abdullah M.Y. | Capacity, Spectral and Energy Efficiency of OMA and NOMA Systems | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
19 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Al-Musawi T.J.; Viktor P.; Jaszczur M.; Barakat M.; Sameen A.Z.; Hussein A.H. | GIS-based multi-criteria analysis for solar, wind, and biomass energy potential: A case study of Iraq with implications for climate goals | 2024 | Results in Engineering |
20 | Salim E.T.; Shafeeq S.R.; AbdulRazzaq M.J.; Fakhri M.A.; Azzahrani A.S.; Basem A.; Alsultany F.H.; Gopinath S.C.B. | Polycrystalline T- and H-Nb2O5 Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition: Impact of Laser Fluence | 2024 | Journal of Electronic Materials |
21 | Hatem F.; Mirzah N.; Hamdoun S.H.; Krasovska H. | Integration of Programs for Online Shopping for Users of Android Devices | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
22 | Sabzevari K.; Habib S.; Tabar V.S.; Shaillan H.M.; Hassan Q.; Muyeen S.M. | Energy market trading in green microgrids under information vulnerability of renewable energies: A data-driven approach | 2024 | Energy Reports |
23 | Hassan D.H.; Rheima A.M.; Kadhim M.M.; Madlool H.A.; Mahdi Z.M.; Adel M.; Hachim S.K. | Adsorption behavior of carvedilol drug on delivery systems of pure aluminum nitrite nanotube and its Ni-doping and decorated from the theoretical perspective | 2024 | Structural Chemistry |
24 | Al-Alwan A.A.K.; Al-Bazoon M.; I.Mussa F.; Alalwan H.A.; Hatem Shadhar M.; Mohammed M.M.; Mohammed M.F. | The impact of using rice husk ash as a replacement material in concrete: An experimental study | 2024 | Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences |
25 | Hassan Q.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Al-Razgan M.; Viktor P.; Ghazaly N.M.; Awwad E.M.; Algburi S.; Ali B.M.; Sapaev I.B.; Dawood I.I.; Jaszczur M.; Sameen A.Z.; Barakat M. | Sustainable energy planning and integration for district heating systems: A case study in Nineveh Province, Iraq | 2024 | Journal of Building Engineering |
26 | Sadique S.; Baqer A.A.; Salman A.W.; Iqbal M.A.; Kadim M.M.; Jamil F.; Majeed A.; Manahil S.; Altaf A. | Ruthenium complexes for breast cancer therapy | 2024 | Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry |
27 | Srivastava S.; Mustafa M.A.; Kaur J.; Kaur R.; Kumar Shah S.; Kamolova N.; Mahdi Ali A.; Abdali Abdulridui H.; Mohammad Ali Khalil N.A.; Zain Al-Abdeen S.H.; Ghafel Shakier H.; Elawady A. | Current trends and future directions in Si-based MXene composites for enhanced lithium-ion battery applications: a comperehensive review | 2024 | Composite Interfaces |
28 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M. | Assessment of industrial-scale green hydrogen production using renewable energy | 2024 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy |
29 | Meenakshi N.; Jaber M.M.; Pradhan R.; Kamruzzaman M.M.; Maragatham T.; Ramamoorthi J.S.; Murugesan M. | Design systematic wireless inventory trackers with prolonged lifetime and low energy consumption in future 6G network | 2024 | Wireless Networks |
30 | Tao H.; Abba S.I.; Al-Areeq A.M.; Tangang F.; Samantaray S.; Sahoo A.; Siqueira H.V.; Maroufpoor S.; Demir V.; Dhanraj Bokde N.; Goliatt L.; Jamei M.; Ahmadianfar I.; Bhagat S.K.; Halder B.; Guo T.; Helman D.S.; Ali M.; Sattar S.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Shahid S.; Yaseen Z.M. | Hybridized artificial intelligence models with nature-inspired algorithms for river flow modeling: A comprehensive review, assessment, and possible future research directions | 2024 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
31 | Aldeen Y.A.A.S.; Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Alkhayyat A.; Malik R.Q. | Electric charging station management using IoT and cloud computing framework for sustainable green transportation | 2024 | Multimedia Tools and Applications |
32 | Hassan Q.; Nassar A.K.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Viktor P.; Telba A.A.; Awwad E.M.; Amjad A.; Fakhruldeen H.F.; Algburi S.; Mashkoor S.C.; Jaszczur M.; Sameen A.Z.; Barakat M. | Mapping Europe renewable energy landscape: Insights into solar, wind, hydro, and green hydrogen production | 2024 | Technology in Society |
33 | Sarran M.A.; AbdulRazak A.A.; Abid M.F.; Jawad A.D. | Oily wastewater treatment using low-cost and highly efficient natural and activated Iraqi bentonite | 2024 | Desalination and Water Treatment |
34 | Jawad H.M.; Hasan H.A.; Abdulqader A.F.; Kovalevskaya L.; Kozubtsov I. | The Detection of Brain Tumors User Interface for MATLAB | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
35 | Thota C.; Jackson Samuel D.; Musa Jaber M.; Kamruzzaman M.; Ravi R.V.; Gnanasigamani L.J.; Premalatha R. | Image Smart Segmentation Analysis Against Diabetic Foot Ulcer Using Internet of Things with Virtual Sensing | 2024 | Big Data |
36 | Saadh M.J.; Rasulova I.; Khalil M.; Farahim F.; Sârbu I.; Ciongradi C.I.; Omar T.M.; Alhili A.; Jawad M.J.; Hani T.; Ali T.; Lakshmaiya N. | Natural killer cell-mediated immune surveillance in cancer: Role of tumor microenvironment | 2024 | Pathology Research and Practice |
37 | Ahmed S.S.; Abdul-Hamead A.A.; Flaieh E.H.; Abdulhameed S.A. | Effect of seed husk waste powder on the PLA medical thread properties fabricated via 3D printer | 2024 | Curved and Layered Structures |
38 | Al-Doori V.S.; Abbas S.Q.; Kulikov O.; Ismail M.N. | Home Automation System with a GIU that is Powered by Arduino and MATLAB | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
39 | Tuluwengjiang G.; Rasulova I.; Ahmed S.; Kiasari B.A.; Sârbu I.; Ciongradi C.I.; Omar T.M.; Hussain F.; Jawad M.J.; Castillo-Acobo R.Y.; Hani T.; Lakshmaiya N.; Samaniego S.S.C. | Dendritic cell-derived exosomes (Dex): Underlying the role of exosomes derived from diverse DC subtypes in cancer pathogenesis | 2024 | Pathology Research and Practice |
40 | Qasim N.H.; Salman A.J.; Salman H.M.; Abdelrahman A.A.; Kondakova A. | Evaluating NB-IoT within LTE Networks for Enhanced IoT Connectivity | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
41 | Al-Dulaimi M.K.H.; Hussin M.S.M.; Ismail M.N.; Gorbatyuk I. | Streamlining Testing Operations via OES | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
42 | Jawad H.M.; Ahmed S.S.; Jassim M.M.; Korniichuk B. | Design a pH Meter Using Arduino | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
43 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Jaszczur M.; Viktor P.; Iqbal A.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Hanoon T.M.; Barakat M.; Sameen A.Z. | Implement and evaluate resilient energy infrastructures capable of withstanding spatial, temporal, and annual weather fluctuations in Saudi Arabia by 2050 | 2024 | Sustainable Futures |
44 | Omar S.S.; Ahmed W.S.; Ismail M.N.; Sieliukov O. | In-Depth Examination of a Fingerprint Recognition System Using the Gabor Filter | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
45 | Jwaid M.M.; Adnan A.A. | In-silico design, molecular docking, molecular dynamic simulations, Molecular mechanics with generalised Born and surface area solvation study, and pharmacokinetic prediction of novel diclofenac as anti-inflammatory compounds | 2024 | Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry |
46 | Salih M.M.; Ahmed W.S.; Hamdoun S.H.; Shalenko V. | Displaying a Message on the Notice Board Using a PC | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
47 | Kuchampudi S.V.; Panchal S.; Naveen S.; Suresh V.; Satishkumar P.; Abdulrahman I.S.; Salman H.M.; Singh P.; Padmapriya S. | Analysis of sustainable groundwater management policies for urban development | 2024 | Environmental Quality Management |
48 | Hassan Q.; Al-Musawi T.J.; Algburi S.; Al-Razgan M.; Awwad E.M.; Viktor P.; Ahsan M.; Ali B.M.; Jaszczur M.; Kalaf G.A.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M. | Evaluating energy, economic, and environmental aspects of solar-wind-biomass systems to identify optimal locations in Iraq: A GIS-based case study | 2024 | Energy for Sustainable Development |
49 | Ali H.M.H.; Al-Zubaidy A.A.K.; Abdulamir A.S. | Bacteriophage Endolysins Antibacterial Effect against S. mutans Isolated from Dental Caries: An In-Vitro Study | 2024 | Advancements in Life Sciences |
50 | Hassan Q.; Nassar A.K.; Algburi S.; Fouly A.; Awwad E.M.; Jaszczur M.; Viktor P.; Amjad A.; Fakhruldeen H.F.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Sameen A.Z.; Barakat M. | Evaluation of solar and biomass perspectives using geographic information system – The case of Iraq regions | 2024 | Renewable Energy |
51 | Mohialdeen M.; Al-Sharify M.T.; Khlaponin Y.; Vlasenko M.; Al-Dulaimi M.K.H.; Mahdi H.H.J. | Regression Methods for Forecasting the State of Telecommunication Networks | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
52 | Kozubtsova L.; Ali R.H.M.; Kozubtsov I.; Lishchyna V.; Yashchuk A.; Hassan N.B.; Lukashenka V. | Approach To Risk Management Based On The Assessment Of The Cost Of Quality Of Implementation Of Cybersecurity Measures Of The Organization | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
53 | Jameel S.M.; Dhahir M.K.; Alkurtas S.A. | Correction to: Second-stage exposure of implant by a 940-nm pulsating diode laser (Lasers in Dental Science, (2024), 8, 1, (4), 10.1007/s41547-023-00209-x) | 2024 | Lasers in Dental Science |
54 | Hassan Q.; Viktor P.; J. Al-Musawi T.; Mahmood Ali B.; Algburi S.; Alzoubi H.M.; Khudhair Al-Jiboory A.; Zuhair Sameen A.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | The renewable energy role in the global energy Transformations | 2024 | Renewable Energy Focus |
55 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Jaszczur M.; Al-Razgan M.; Awwad E.M.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Ahsan M.; Shalal A.A.; Cuong N.M.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M. | Adapting German energy transition rules for Iraq through industry, flexibility, and demand management | 2024 | Futures |
56 | Honcharenko T.; Khrolenko V.; Gorbatyuk I.; Liashchenko M.; Bodnar N.; Sherif N.H. | Smart Integration of Information Technologies for City Digital Twins | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
57 | Turovsky O.; Tkachenko O.; Ghno G.S.N.; Abed A.M. | Selection and Substantiation of the System of Criteria for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Steganographic Methods of Hiding Information in the Image | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
58 | Thabit A.A.; Alzidi E.; Mohammed M.A.; Palchyk P. | Development of a System Based on a Graphical User Interface Using MATLAB Tools | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
59 | Hassan Al-Safi S.M.; Alwan Al-Jorani L.E.; Khadim Al-Azzawi A.K.J. | Effect of adding chrome-cobalt, titanium, and tungsten alloys to cold-cure acrylic resin oral stent for cancer patients with head and neck radiotherapy | 2024 | Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care |
60 | Ismaeel M.M.; Al-Dergazly A.A.; Al-Jaburi K.; AbdulKareem S.K. | Evaluation of Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V/ST316L Composite and Selective Laser Sintered Polyamide 12 Implants for Orthopedic Applications: Finite Element Analysis, Physical and Mechanical Characterization, in Vitro and in Vivo Biocompatibility | 2024 | Annales de Chimie: Science des Materiaux |
61 | Shnain S.K.; Maktoof M.A.J.; Delembovskyi M.; Abdulrazzaq A.Z. | Developing Vehicles Blind Spot Sensors Using Arduino to Avoid Parking Accidents | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
62 | Abu-Alshaeer M.J.; Hasan H.A.; Mustafa S.I.; Khlaponin D.; Krasovska K. | A Comprehensive Online Tourism Management System Revolutionizes Travel | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
63 | Abdulameer S.D.; Taher N.A.; Alatba S.R.; Qasim N.H.; Dorenskyi O. | Optimization of Underwater Channel Performance through Polar Code-OFDM Models | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
64 | Abdulla F.M.; Shnain Z.Y.; Alwasiti A.A.; Abid M.F.; Abdurahman N.H. | Photocatalysis technology for treating petroleum wastewater and the potential application of tapered bubble column (TBC): a review | 2024 | Global Nest Journal |
65 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Bader R.S.; Alkhuwaylidee A.R. | Application of image encryption based improved chaotic sequence complexity algorithm in the area of ubiquitous wireless technologies | 2024 | Wireless Networks |
66 | Kostyshyna N.; Chernyshev D.; Tsiutsiura M.; Yerukaiev A.; Rusan N.; Jawad A.M.; Al-Athari F.M. | An Evaluation Approach Enhancing Apartment Building Comfort through Artificial Intelligence | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
67 | Ahmad I.; Altameemi K.K.A.; Hani M.M.; Ali A.M.; Shareef H.K.; Hassan Z.F.; Alubiady M.H.S.; Al-Abdeen S.H.Z.; Shakier H.G.; Redhee A.H. | Shifting cold to hot tumors by nanoparticle-loaded drugs and products | 2024 | Clinical and Translational Oncology |
68 | Kozubtsov I.; Silko O.; Kozubtsova L.; Abu-Alshaeer M.J.; Ismail L.S.; Jassim M.M. | A Method for Calculating Efficiency Indicators of Information Security Systems | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
69 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Jassim M.; Alkhuwaylidee A.R.; Nidhal L. | Q-learning based task scheduling and energy-saving MAC protocol for wireless sensor networkss | 2024 | Wireless Networks |
70 | Varma V.K.C.; Rathinam R.; Suresh V.; Naveen S.; Satishkumar P.; Abdulrahman I.S.; Salman H.M.; Singh P.; Kumar J.A. | Urban waste water management paradigm evolution: Decentralization, resource recovery, and water reclamation and reuse | 2024 | Environmental Quality Management |
71 | Hassan Q.; Khadom A.A.; Algburi S.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Sameen A.Z.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Mahmoud H.A.; Awwad E.M.; Mahood H.B.; Kazem H.A.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | Implications of a smart grid-integrated renewable distributed generation capacity expansion strategy: The case of Iraq | 2024 | Renewable Energy |
72 | Eldalawy R.; Nasser N.M.; Hussein A.M. | Microscopical, phytochemical, and LC/MS analysis of Ginkgo biloba leaves | 2024 | Plant Science Today |
73 | Dolhopolov S.; Honcharenko T.; Terentyev O.; Savenko V.; Rosynskyi A.; Bodnar N.; Alzidi E. | Multi-Stage Classification of Construction Site Modeling Objects Using Artificial Intelligence Based on BIM Technology | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
74 | Hassan Q.; Hsu C.-Y.; MOUNICH K.; Algburi S.; Jaszczur M.; Telba A.A.; Viktor P.; Mahrous Awwad E.; Ahsan M.; Mahmood Ali B.; Khudhair Al-Jiboory A.; Henedy S.N.; Zuhair Sameen A.; Barakat M. | Enhancing smart grid integrated renewable distributed generation capacities: Implications for sustainable energy transformation | 2024 | Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments |
75 | Jaber M.M.; Yussof S.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Mubarak H. | PPDA-FAF: Maintaining Data Security and Privacy in Green IoT-Based Agriculture | 2024 | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems |
76 | Banjar M.F.; Suphi H.D.; Sarizan M.I.; Yaacob S.; Rahman A.S.A.; Khalil N.A.; Sapawe N.; Osman H.; Jaswan Singh M.S.A.; Dulaimi A.; Zulkifli M. | Facile study on molar ratio and the significance of particle effect in polymerization of polyaniline | 2024 | AIP Conference Proceedings |
77 | Jawad A.M.; Alamro L.; Abdulrazak L.F.; Abdelrahman A.A.; Bezklubenko I. | Study of Camera Efficiency and Image Resolution | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
78 | Hatem F.; Alatba S.R.; Abdullah M.Y.; Nimchenko T.; Myronchenko A. | A Method of Removing Rain or Snow from A Color Image using MATLAB | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
79 | Nakonechnyi V.; Toliupa S.; Saiko V.; Lutsenko V.; Ghno G.S.N.; Hussain A.K. | Blockchain Implementation in the Protection System of Banking System During Online Banking Operations | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
80 | Al-Ani F.N.; Abdulkareem S.S.A.; Mohammed M.A.; Temnikov V. | The Photovoltaic Active Dual Tracking Approach is Transforming Renewable Energy | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
81 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Majid M.S.; Alkhuwaylidee A.R.; Alyousif S. | Resnet-based deep learning multilayer fault detection model-based fault diagnosis | 2024 | Multimedia Tools and Applications |
82 | Mohammed M.K.A.; Shalan A.E.; Dehghanipour M.; Mohseni H.R. | Retraction notice to “Improved mixed-dimensional 3D/2D perovskite layer with formamidinium bromide salt for highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells” [Chem. Eng. J. 428 (2022) 131185] (Chemical Engineering Journal (2022) 428, (S1385894721027662), (10.1016/j.cej.2021.131185)) | 2024 | Chemical Engineering Journal |
83 | Nagaraj G.; Mohammed M.K.A.; Shekargoftar M.; Sasikumar P.; Sakthivel P.; Ravi G.; Dehghanipour M.; Akin S.; Shalan A.E. | Corrigendum to “High-performance perovskite solar cells using graphene quantum dot modified SnO2/ZnO photoelectrode” [Mater Today Energy 22 (2021) 100853] (Materials Today Energy (2021) 22, (S2468606921002185), (10.1016/j.mtener.2021.100853)) | 2024 | Materials Today Energy |
84 | El Jery A.; Khedher K.M.; Salman H.M.; Al-Ansari N.; Sammen S.Sh.; Scholz M. | Thermodynamic and structural investigation of oily wastewater treatment using peach kernel and walnut shell based activated carbon | 2024 | PLoS ONE |
85 | Abdulla F.M.; Shnain Z.Y.; Alwaisit A.A.; Abid M.F. | Use of Synthetic Iron Oxide-Doped Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Photocatalytic Degradation of BTX from Petroleum Wastewater | 2024 | Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry |
86 | Yousef T.A.; Al-Jibori L.H.K.; Fiahan A.S.; Elzupir A.O.; Abou-Krisha M.M.; Al-Janabi A.S.M. | Benzohydrazide derivative metal complex’s antimicrobial and inhibitory effects on liver cancer cell lines and quinone oxidoreductase 2: Experimental, molecular docking, and DFT investigations | 2024 | Journal of Molecular Structure |
87 | Mahdi S.A.; Jaafar I. | Gallbladder diseases detected by ultrasound and correlated risk factors | 2024 | Romanian Journal of Medical Practice |
88 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Jaszczur M.; Salman H.M. | Hydrogen as an energy carrier: properties, storage methods, challenges, and future implications | 2024 | Environment Systems and Decisions |
89 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | Green hydrogen: A pathway to a sustainable energy future | 2024 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
90 | Jaber G.S.; Dhaif S.S.; Abdul Hussian T.A.; Ibrahim N.A.; Arifiyanto A. | Corrigendum to “Enhancing the prodigiosin pigment by adding Ag\TiO2 synergism for antibacterial activity” [Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol. 54 (2023) 1–8] (Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (2023) 54, (S1878818123003018), (10.1016/j.bcab.2023.102900)) | 2024 | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology |
91 | Vinta S.R.; Patel S.A.; Sameen A.Z.; Soni M.; Khan D.I.R.; Salman H.M. | Dynamic Defense Model against Eclipse Attacks in Proof-of-Work Blockchain Systems | 2024 | Procedia Computer Science |
92 | Kadhim M.M.; Taha A.; Moktar E.G.; Al-Obaidi R.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Hachim S.K.; Rheima A.M. | Investigation of electronic reactivity and affinity of aluminum carbide (C3Al) monolayer toward cisplatin drug; a computational study | 2024 | Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering |
93 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Kadhim E.H.; Alkhuwaylidee A.R.; Alyousif S. | RETRACTED ARTICLE: AHI: a hybrid machine learning model for complex industrial information systems (Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, (2023), 45, 2, (58), 10.1007/s10878-023-00988-w) | 2024 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization |
94 | Jameel S.M.; Dhahir M.K.; Alkurtas S.A. | Second-stage exposure of implant by a 940-nm pulsating diode laser | 2024 | Lasers in Dental Science |
95 | Sajid W.A.; Hassan N.B.; Abdulrazak L.F.; Khlaponin Y.; Ahmed A.I.; Yashchuk A. | Performance Comparison of Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Codes for Reliable Communication in Noisy Channels | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
96 | Khlaponin Y.; Izmailova O.; Krasovska H.; Krasovska K.; Bodnar N.; Abbas S.Q. | Base of Models of the Information Security Risks Assessment System | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
97 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Jaszczur M.; Barakat M.; Sameen A.Z.; Ali B.M.; Kassid D.J. | Advancing toward a sustainable future in subtropical semi-arid type climatic zone: Iraq case – The progress of solar photovoltaic energy implementation | 2024 | e-Prime – Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy |
98 | Alnuaimy A.N.H.; Jawad A.M.; Abdulkareem S.A.; Mustafa F.M.; Ivanchenko S.; Toliupa S. | BM3D Denoising Algorithms for Medical Image | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
99 | Al-Heety R.A.; Turki K.M. | Association of circulating micro-RNAs (miR-21-5p and miR-142-3p (and tumor necrosis factor-α with Rheumatoid Arthritis | 2024 | Human Gene |
100 | Al-Doori V.S.; Maktoof M.A.J.; Abdulqader A.F.; Lienkov S. | Securing Smart Buildings Using RFID and Fingerprint Technologies | 2024 | Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT |
101 | Hassan Q.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M. | Hydrogen energy horizon: balancing opportunities and challenges | 2024 | Energy Harvesting and Systems |
102 | Hussein M.A.; Sahib M.N. | Assessment of Two-Phase Dissolution System as a Guide in Drug Formulation: The Furosemide Case | 2024 | Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
103 | Ismail S.; Mostafa S.A.; Baharum Z.; Erianda A.; Jaber M.M.; Jubair M.A.; Adiya M.H. | Software Agent Simulation Design on the Efficiency of Food Delivery | 2024 | International Journal on Informatics Visualization |
104 | Algashamy H.A.A.; Abbas S.Q.; Ghassan A.; Chornomordenko I. | THE CARBON FOOTPRINT OF IRAQI INDUSTRY: NAVIGATING THE PATH TO SUSTAINABILITY | 2024 | Investigacion Operacional |
105 | Qasim N.H.; Rahim F.; Bodnar N.; Salman H.M.; Mustafa S.I. | Data Management Challenges and Solutions in Cloud-Based Environments | 2024 | Radioelektronika, Nanosistemy, Informacionnye Tehnologii |
106 | AHMED O.S.; AHMED S.S.; DHEYAB R.T. | Body composition and physical fitness of different blood groups in Olympic athletes | 2024 | Journal of Human Sport and Exercise |
107 | Haddad N.M.; Mustafa M.s.; Salih H.S.; Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H. | Analysis of the Security of Internet of Multimedia Things in Wireless Environment | 2024 | Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility |
108 | Jawad Z.F.; Salim L.G.; Hussain S.S.; Salman A.J.; Radhi S. | Optimizing the performance of concrete tiles using nano-papyrus and carbon fibers | 2024 | Open Engineering |
109 | Hassan Q.; Hafedh S.A.; Mohammed H.B.; Abdulrahman I.S.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | A review of hydrogen production from bio-energy, technologies and assessments | 2024 | Energy Harvesting and Systems |
111 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Al-Jiboory A.K. | A review of green hydrogen production by renewable resources | 2024 | Energy Harvesting and Systems |
112 | Abu-Alshaeer M.J.; Abbas S.Q.; Jawad N.W.; Chornomordenko D. | THE IMPACT OF MONEY SUPPLY ON INFLATION: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE IRAQI ECONOMY | 2024 | Investigacion Operacional |
113 | Hassan Q.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | Large-scale green hydrogen production using alkaline water electrolysis based on seasonal solar radiation | 2024 | Energy Harvesting and Systems |
114 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Al-Musawi T.J.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Salman H.M.; Ali B.M.; Jaszczur M. | A comprehensive review of international renewable energy growth | 2024 | Energy and Built Environment |
115 | Ramkumar G.; Sivakumar S.; Soni M.; Muhammed Y.; Salman H.M.; Soomar A.M. | Deep learning based federated learning scheme for decentralized blockchain | 2024 | Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security – Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security, ICABCS 2023 |
116 | Taha A.; Kadhim M.M.; Naser S.T.; Majdi A.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Hachim S.K.; Abdulwahid Abdulhussain M.; Mahdi Rheima A. | A density functional theory study on the potential application of Ni and Co doped ZnO nanosheets as a carrier for ciclopirox anticancer drug | 2024 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering |
117 | El Jery A.; Al-Bahrani M.; Rahim Alatba S.; Fraga M. | Simultaneous effect of thermal shock and prebuckling loads on the exact coupled thermoelasticity response of the nanocomposite-reinforced sandwich sector system | 2024 | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
118 | Hussain A.J.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Al Saffar I.Q. | New recycling method of lubricant oil and the effect on the viscosity and viscous shear as an environmentally friendly | 2024 | Open Engineering |
119 | Saadh M.J.; Rasulova I.; Almoyad M.A.A.; Kiasari B.A.; Ali R.T.; Rasheed T.; Faisal A.; Hussain F.; Jawad M.J.; Hani T.; Sârbu I.; Lakshmaiya N.; Ciongradi C.I. | Recent progress and the emerging role of lncRNAs in cancer drug resistance; focusing on signaling pathways | 2024 | Pathology Research and Practice |
120 | Hassan Q.; Abbas M.K.; Tabar V.S.; Tohidi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M. | Techno-economic assessment of battery storage with photovoltaics for maximum self-consumption | 2024 | Energy Harvesting and Systems |
121 | Hassan N.F.; Nayef J.M.; Kadhim A.T.; Lienkov S. | THE ROLE OF NON-EXECUTIVE TECHNICAL DIRECTORS IN FOSTERING COMPANY INNOVATION | 2024 | Investigacion Operacional |
122 | Jebur Y.M.; Kareem Y.N.A.; Abed M.A.; Hashim T.M.; Nasr M.S.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Falah M.; Khalaf D.H. | Production of an Eco-friendly Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixture Using Recycled Additives | 2024 | International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology |
123 | Hassan Q.; Tabar V.S.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | A review of green hydrogen production based on solar energy; techniques and methods | 2024 | Energy Harvesting and Systems |
124 | Amari A.; Hassan Z.K.; Al-Bahrani M.; Saberi L.; Maktoof M.A.J. | Practical parameter tuning toward enhancing thermomechanical shock resistance of the nanocomposite structure | 2024 | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
125 | Mekki A.S.; Yousif S.M.; Baraa S.M. | A Red Cross Bag MPA with a Very Low SAR and High F/B Ratio for Bio-Medical Applications | 2024 | Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters |
126 | Omar S.S.; Nayef J.M.; Qasim N.H.; Kawad R.T.; Kalenychenko R. | THE ROLE OF DIGITALIZATION IN IMPROVING ACCOUNTABILITY AND EFFICIENCY IN PUBLIC SERVICES | 2024 | Investigacion Operacional |
127 | Jalil A.T.; Al-Kazzaz H.H.; Hassan F.A.; Mohammed S.H.; Merza M.S.; Aslandook T.; Elewadi A.; Fadhil A.; Alsalamy A. | Metabolic Reprogramming of Anti-cancer T Cells: Targeting AMPK and PPAR to Optimize Cancer Immunotherapy | 2024 | Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry |
128 | Al-Athari F.M. | A New Robust Interval Estimation for the Median of An Exponential Population When Some of the Observations are Extreme Values | 2024 | Mathematics and Statistics |
بحوث جامعة التراث المفهرسة ضمن مستوعبات سكوبس للعام 2023
No: | Authors | Title | Year | Source title | |
1 | Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Shadhar M.H.; Saleh Z.M.; Ahmed B.A.; Najm Z.M.; Al Mashhadani Z.I. | Investigating the effect of structural antisite defects on the adsorption and detection of ozone gas by AlP nanotubes | 2023 | Structural Chemistry | |
2 | Jawad A.A.; Mahmoud Z.H.; Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Abbas Z.S.; Al-bayati A.D.J.; Abed Z.T.; Al-Jaafari F.M.D.; Jaber A.S.; Hachim S.K.; Ali F.K. | Functionalize and supercapacitor performance of magnetic oxide nanoparticles | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
3 | Jalil A.T.; Hassan N.F.; Abdulameer S.J.; Farhan Z.M.; Suleiman A.A.; Al-Azzawi A.K.; Zabibah R.; Fadhil A. | Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathway and inflammatory bowel disease: Current status and future prospects | 2023 | Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology | |
4 | Al-Attar Z.; Jassim S.; Abbood M.A.; Hussein W.A. | Knowledge of Medical Students Regarding Antimicrobial Resistance | 2023 | Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part B | |
5 | Alsudani M.Q.; Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Alkhayyat A.; Kareem Z.H.; Mohhan A.R. | Retraction Note: Smart logistics with IoT-based enterprise management system using global manufacturing(Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, (2023), 45, (57), 10.1007/s10878-022-00977-5) | 2023 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | |
6 | Homod R.Z.; Saad Jreou G.N.; Mohammed H.I.; Almusaed A.; Hussein A.K.; Al-Kouz W.; Togun H.; Ismael M.A.; Al-Saaidi H.A.I.; Alawi O.A.; Yaseen Z.M. | Crude oil production prediction based on an intelligent hybrid modelling structure generated by using the clustering algorithm in big data | 2023 | Geoenergy Science and Engineering | |
7 | Hsu C.-Y.; Rheima A.M.; Abbas Z.S.; Faryad M.U.; Kadhim M.M.; Altimari U.S.; Dawood A.H.; jawad al-bayati A.D.; Abed Z.T.; Radhi R.S.; Jaber A.S.; Hachim S.K.; Ali F.K.; Mahmoud Z.H.; Behzadi pour G.; Kianfar E. | Nanowires Properties and Applications: A Review Study | 2023 | South African Journal of Chemical Engineering | |
8 | Sedigh S.S.; Gholipour A.; Zandi M.; Saeed B.Q.; Al-Naqeeb B.Z.T.; AL-Tameemi N.M.A.; Nassar M.F.; Amini P.; Yasamineh S.; Gholizadeh O. | Retraction Note: The role of bismuth nanoparticles in the inhibition of bacterial infection (World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2023), 39, 7, (190), 10.1007/s11274-023-03629-w) | 2023 | World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | |
9 | Jalil A.T.; Abdulhadi M.A.; Al Jawadri A.M.H.; Talib H.A.; Al-Azzawi A.K.J.; Zabibah R.S.; Ali A. | Cancer Stem Cells in Colorectal Cancer: Implications for Targeted Immunotherapies | 2023 | Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer | |
10 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | Implications of strategic photovoltaic deployment on regional electricity self-sufficiency by 2050: A case study in Iraq | 2023 | Renewable Energy Focus | |
11 | Kadhim M.M.; Kadhim I.K.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.; Taban T.Z.; Rheima A.M. | Aluminum Carbide Sheet-Like Materials as Promising Drug Delivery Systems for Anticancer Drug | 2023 | Journal of Cluster Science | |
12 | Kadhim M.M.; Hachim S.K.; Alomar S.; Taban T.Z.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Alnasoud N. | Introducing a New Type of Drug Delivery System Based on the Silicon Carbide Monolayer | 2023 | Silicon | |
13 | Jasim D.J.; Mohammed T.J.; Harharah H.N.; Harharah R.H.; Amari A.; Abid M.F. | Modeling and Optimal Operating Conditions of Hollow Fiber Membrane for CO2/CH4 Separation | 2023 | Membranes | |
14 | Mahdi J.M.; Abed A.M.; Al-Saaidi H.A.; Ben Khedher N.; Ibrahim R.K.; Ben Amara M. | Augmenting the thermal response of helical coil latent-heat storage systems with a central return tube configuration | 2023 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | |
15 | Hassan Q.; Azzawi I.D.J.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M. | Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges | 2023 | Sustainability (Switzerland) | |
16 | Radhi N.S.; Hamad A.M. | Investigate the Corrosion Behavior of (Nickel-Titania) Composite Coating on Low Carbon Steel Substrate by electroplating technique | 2023 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
17 | Li B.; Amin A.H.; Ali A.M.; Isam M.; Lagum A.A.; Sabugaa M.M.; Pecho R.D.C.; Salman H.M.; Nassar M.F. | UV and solar-based photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants from ceramics industrial wastewater by Fe-doped ZnS nanoparticles | 2023 | Chemosphere | |
18 | Kadhim M.M.; Majdi A.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.; Taban T.Z.; Rheima A.M. | A first-principles study of B3O3 monolayer as potential anode materials for calcium-ion batteries | 2023 | Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering | |
19 | Hassan Q.; Abdulateef A.M.; Hafedh S.A.; Al-samari A.; Abdulateef J.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Wieteska S.; Jaszczur M. | Renewable energy-to-green hydrogen: A review of main resources routes, processes and evaluation | 2023 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
20 | Ali M.M.; Algashamy H.A.A.; Alzidi E.; Ahmed K.; Bui F.M.; Patel S.K.; Azam S.; Abdulrazak L.F.; Moni M.A. | Development and performance analysis of machine learning methods for predicting depression among menopausal women | 2023 | Healthcare Analytics | |
21 | Sivaparthipan C.B.; Gnanasigamani L.J.; Agrawal R.; Awaji B.H.; Sathyaprakash P.; Jaber M.M.; Jumani A.K. | Internet of things enabled privacy-conserving health record virtual sharing using jungle computing | 2023 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | |
22 | Kadhim M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Abdullaha S.A.; Alomar T.S.; AlMasoud N.; Hachim S.K. | Application of Pure and Au-Decorated YN (Y = B, Al, and Ga) Nanotubes as Good Media for Toxic Phosgene Oxime Gas Adsorption | 2023 | Journal of Cluster Science | |
23 | Anwar K.; Ghufran S.J.; Dhaif S.S. | Preparation of TiO2NPs by Laser and Study Its Antibacterial Activity against Bacterial Pathogens | 2023 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
24 | Jaszczur M.; Hassan Q.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Olapade O.T.; Wieteska S. | Massive Green Hydrogen Production Using Solar and Wind Energy: Comparison between Europe and the Middle East | 2023 | Energies | |
25 | Majeed N.M.; Obaid S.M.H.; Raheema M.H.; Al-Noor T.H.; Al-Ayash S.R.; Abdou A. | Preparation, Characterization, and Biological Activity of Mixed Schiff Base Ligand Complexes with Amino Acid L-Proline | 2023 | Russian Journal of General Chemistry | |
26 | Hashim S.R.; Enad R.A.; Al-Khafagi A.M.; Abdalhameed N.K. | The facilities of detection by using a tool of Wireshark | 2023 | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | |
27 | Hsu C.-Y.; Rheima A.M.; Kadhim M.M.; Ahmed N.N.; Mohammed S.H.; Abbas F.H.; Abed Z.T.; Mahdi Z.M.; Abbas Z.S.; Hachim S.K.; Ali F.K.; Mahmoud Z.H.; Kianfar E. | An overview of nanoparticles in drug delivery: Properties and applications | 2023 | South African Journal of Chemical Engineering | |
28 | Kadhim M.M.; Hadi M.A.; Hachim S.K.; Abed Z.T.; Abdullaha S.A.; Rheima A.M. | Quantum Chemical Study the Removal of Acetone by Using the Pristine and Si-doped C2N Monolayer | 2023 | Silicon | |
29 | Salari Sedigh S.; Gholipour A.; zandi M.; Qubais Saeed B.; Al-Naqeeb B.Z.T.; Abdullah AL-Tameemi N.M.; Nassar M.F.; Amini P.; Yasamineh S.; Gholizadeh O. | The role of bismuth nanoparticles in the inhibition of bacterial infection | 2023 | World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | |
30 | Ortiz G.G.R.; Zaidi N.H.; Saini R.S.; Ramirez Coronel A.A.; Alsandook T.; Hadi Lafta M.; Arias-Gonzáles J.L.; Amin A.H.; Maaliw III R.R. | The developing role of extracellular vesicles in autoimmune diseases: special attention to mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles | 2023 | International Immunopharmacology | |
31 | Hassan Q.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M.; Al-Hitmi M.; Alghoul M. | Energy futures and green hydrogen production: Is Saudi Arabia trend? | 2023 | Results in Engineering | |
32 | Hassan Q.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M.; Al-Jiboory A.K. | Hydrogen energy future: Advancements in storage technologies and implications for sustainability | 2023 | Journal of Energy Storage | |
33 | Alawamleh H.S.K.; Mousavi S.; Ashoori D.; Salman H.M.; Zahmatkesh S.; Sillanpää M. | Correction: Wastewater Management Using Coagulation and Surface Adsorption through Different Polyferrics in the Presence of TiO2-g-PMAA Particles (Water, (2022), 15, 1, (145), 10.3390/w15010145) | 2023 | Water (Switzerland) | |
34 | Hassan Q.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | Large-scale green hydrogen production via alkaline water electrolysis using solar and wind energy | 2023 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
35 | Mekki A.S.; Yousif S.M.; Abed M.M.J. | Testing of chlorine dosage in drinking water using microstrip patch sensor | 2023 | Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) | |
36 | Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Radhi S.S.; Mahdi M.M.; Radhi N.S.; Mareai B.M. | Measuring Radiation in Space with Bubble Detectors and the Effect of Radiation on Health System of Human Body | 2023 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
37 | Gerami M.H.; Khorram R.; Rasoolzadegan S.; Mardpour S.; Nakhaei P.; Hashemi S.; Al-Naqeeb B.Z.T.; Aminian A.; Samimi S. | Emerging role of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) and MSCs-derived exosomes in bone- and joint-associated musculoskeletal disorders: a new frontier | 2023 | European Journal of Medical Research | |
38 | Sattar S.; Alaiwi Y.; Radhi N.S.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Al-Hashimi O.; Alzahrani H.; Yaseen Z.M. | Corrosion reduction in steam turbine blades using nano-composite coating | 2023 | Journal of King Saud University – Science | |
39 | Al-Khafaji Z.; Hussein S.A. | Using of plastic wastes as aggregates replacement in construction projects | 2023 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
40 | Alawamleh H.S.K.; Amin A.H.; Ali A.M.; Alreda B.A.; Lagum A.A.; Pecho R.D.C.; Taqi N.; Salman H.M.; Fawzi Nassar M. | Solar light driven enhanced photocatalytic treatment of azo dye contaminated water based on Co-doped ZnO/ g-C3N4 nanocomposite | 2023 | Chemosphere | |
41 | Assefi M.; Ataeinaeini M.; Nazari A.; Gholipour A.; Vertiz-Osores J.J.; Melody Calla-Vásquez K.; Zuhair Talib Al-Naqeeb B.; Hussein Jassim K.; Kalajahi H.G.; Yasamineh S.; Dadashpour M. | A state-of-the-art review on solid lipid nanoparticles as a nanovaccines delivery system | 2023 | Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology | |
42 | Tahseen alhayo R.; Jassim G.S.; Naji H.A.; Shather A.H.; Naser I.H.; Khaleel L.A.; Almashhadani H.A. | An Fe3O4 supported O-phenylenediamine based tetraaza Schiff base-Cu(ii) complex as a novel nanomagnetic catalytic system for synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles | 2023 | Nanoscale Advances | |
43 | Nasiri K.; Mohammadzadehsaliani S.; Kheradjoo H.; Shabestari A.M.; Eshaghizadeh P.; Pakmehr A.; Alsaffar M.F.; Al-Naqeeb B.Z.T.; Yasamineh S.; Gholizadeh O. | Spotlight on the impact of viral infections on Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) with a focus on COVID-19 effects | 2023 | Cell Communication and Signaling | |
44 | Alkhawaldeh A.K.; Rheima A.M.; Kadhim M.M.; sabri Abbas Z.; jawad al-bayati A.D.; Talib Abed Z.; dashoor Al-Jaafari F.M.; Salam Jaber A.; Hachim S.K.; Ali F.K.; Mahmoud Z.H.; Behzadi pour G.; kianfar E. | Nanomaterials as transmitters of non-viral gene vectors: A review | 2023 | Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering | |
45 | Taher M.G.; Mohammed M.R.; Al-Mahdawi M.A.S.; Halaf N.K.A.; Jalil A.T.; Alsandook T. | The role of protein kinases in diabetic neuropathic pain: an update review | 2023 | Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders | |
46 | Kadhim M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Obaid R.F.; Almashhadani H.A.; Shadhar M.H.; Bustani G.S.; Rheima A.M.; Mohamadi A. | A computational study on the potential application of Ca12O12 cluster for sensing of fungicide molecule | 2023 | Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering | |
47 | Jaber G.S.; Dhaif S.S.; Abdul Hussian T.A.; Ibrahim N.A.; Arifiyanto A. | Enhancing the prodigiosin pigment by adding Ag\TiO2 synergism for antibacterial activity | 2023 | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology | |
48 | Hassan Q.; Sameen A.Z.; Olapade O.; Alghoul M.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | Hydrogen fuel as an important element of the energy storage needs for future smart cities | 2023 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
49 | Babakhani D.; Daneshdoust D.; Baharvand A.; Mivefroshan A.; Raeisi I.; Zuhair Talib Al-Naqeeb B.; Tavakoli F. | Renal cell carcinoma derived exosome as natural nanoparticles inhibits T cell proliferation and induces their apoptosis | 2023 | Nanomedicine Research Journal | |
50 | Hsu C.-Y.; Rheima A.M.; Mohammed M.S.; Kadhim M.M.; Mohammed S.H.; Abbas F.H.; Abed Z.T.; Mahdi Z.M.; Abbas Z.S.; Hachim S.K.; Ali F.K.; Mahmoud Z.H.; kianfar E. | Application of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene-Based Nanoadsorbents in Water Treatment | 2023 | BioNanoScience | |
51 | Ali M.M.; Al-Doori V.S.; Mirzah N.; Hemu A.A.; Mahmud I.; Azam S.; Al-tabatabaie K.F.; Ahmed K.; Bui F.M.; Moni M.A. | A machine learning approach for risk factors analysis and survival prediction of Heart Failure patients | 2023 | Healthcare Analytics | |
52 | Turki Jalil A.; Abdulhadi M.A.; Al-Ameer L.R.; Jaafar Naser S.; Merza M.; Alsandook T.; al-hili A.; Zabibah R.S. | Bacterial contamination of cockroaches in different wards of hospital, restaurant and home | 2023 | Heliyon | |
53 | Kadhim M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Rheima A.M.; Hachim S.K.; Abed A.M. | Potential use of silicon carbide monolayer as an anode in rechargeable Mg-ion batteries | 2023 | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | |
54 | Hassan Q.; Abbas M.K.; Tabar V.S.; Tohidi S.; Abdulrahman I.S.; Salman H.M. | Sizing electrolyzer capacity in conjunction with an off-grid photovoltaic system for the highest hydrogen production | 2023 | Energy Harvesting and Systems | |
55 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Alreda B.A.; Alkhuwaylidee A.R.; Alyousif S. | A Machine Learning-Based Semantic Pattern Matching Model for Remote Sensing Data Registration | 2023 | Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | |
56 | Eldalawy R.; Kutaif R.H.; Tawfeeq T.A.; Fayyadh M.S. | Quantitative Analysis of Caffeine in different commercial kinds of coffee in Iraq | 2023 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | |
57 | Assefi M.; Bijan Rostami R.; Ebrahimi M.; Altafi M.; Tehrany P.M.; Zaidan H.K.; Talib Al-Naqeeb B.Z.; Hadi M.; Yasamineh S.; Gholizadeh O. | Potential use of the cholesterol transfer inhibitor U18666A as an antiviral drug for research on various viral infections | 2023 | Microbial Pathogenesis | |
58 | Hussein M.J.; Mansour K.A. | Effectiveness of Applying Guidelines of Hemodialysis with COVID-19 on Nurses’ Practice | 2023 | Bahrain Medical Bulletin | |
59 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; CB S.; Asaad R.R.; Agrawal R.; Bizu B.; Sanz-Prieto I. | Future smart grids creation and dimensionality reduction with signal handling on smart grid using targeted projection | 2023 | Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems | |
60 | Alsubai S.; Dutta A.K.; Alkhayyat A.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abbas A.H.; Kumar A. | Hybrid deep learning with improved Salp swarm optimization based multi-class grape disease classification model | 2023 | Computers and Electrical Engineering | |
61 | Rajab Y.S.; Zaidan T.F. | Oral Findings, Salivary Bicarbonate, and Phosphate Levels in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease | 2023 | Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences | |
62 | Ghani H.A.; Bustani G.S.; Shadhar M.H.; Obaid R.F.; Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Almashhadani H.A. | Correction: Thiophosgene Detection by Ag-Decorated AlN Nanotube: A Mechanical Quantum Survey (Journal of Electronic Materials, (2023), 52, 8, (5670-5679), 10.1007/s11664-023-10483-x) | 2023 | Journal of Electronic Materials | |
63 | Jalil A.T.; Abdulhadi M.A.; Al-Marzook F.A.; Hizam M.M.; Abdulameer S.J.; Al-Azzawi A.K.J.; Zabibah R.S.; Fadhil A.A. | NK cells direct the perspective approaches to cancer immunotherapy | 2023 | Medical Oncology | |
64 | Nogourani Z.S.; Alizadeh A.; Salman H.M.; J. Al-Musawi T.; Pasha P.; Waqas M.; Ganji D.D. | Numerical investigation of the effect of changes in blood viscosity on parameters hemodynamic blood flow in the left coronary artery with consideration capturing fluid–solid interaction | 2023 | Alexandria Engineering Journal | |
65 | İlhan A.; Golestani S.; Shafagh S.G.; Asadi F.; Daneshdoust D.; Al-Naqeeb B.Z.T.; Nemati M.M.; Khalatbari F.; Yaseri A.F. | The dual role of microRNA (miR)-20b in cancers: Friend or foe? | 2023 | Cell Communication and Signaling | |
66 | Mahmood L.H.; Abid M.F.; Abdulrazak A.A.; Kadhim B.J.; Abdulla I.N. | Experimental and analysis study on removal of furfural in synthetic refinery wastewater using an agricultural waste-based modified adsorbent | 2023 | Desalination and Water Treatment | |
67 | Jasim H.M.; Ghrabat M.J.J.; Abdulrahman L.Q.; Nyangaresi V.O.; Ma J.; Abduljabbar Z.A.; Abduljaleel I.Q. | Provably Efficient Multi-Cancer Image Segmentation Based on Multi-Class Fuzzy Entropy | 2023 | Informatica (Slovenia) | |
68 | sabri Abbas Z.; Kadhim M.M.; Mahdi Rheima A.; jawad al-bayati A.; Talib Abed Z.; dashoor Al-Jaafari F.; Salam Jaber A.; Hachim S.K.; Mahmoud Z.H.; Ali F.K.; Koten H.; Kianfar E. | Preparing Hybrid Nanocomposites on the Basis of Resole/Graphene/Carbon Fibers for Investigating Mechanical and Thermal Properties | 2023 | BioNanoScience | |
69 | Alabada R.; Kadhim M.M.; sabri Abbas Z.; Rheima A.M.; Altimari U.S.; Dawood A.H.; jawad al-bayati A.D.; Talib Abed Z.; Saeed Radhi R.; Salam Jaber A.; Hachim S.K.; Ali F.K.; Mahmoud Z.H.; Kianfar E. | Investigation of effective parameters in the production of alumina gel through the sol-gel method | 2023 | Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering | |
70 | Kadhim M.M.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Fadhel Mohammed Al-Kazazz F.; Majdi A.; Ammar Hashim O.; Mohamed Dashoor Al-Jaafari F.; Abduladheem Umran D.; Adel M.; Hachim S.K.; Talib Zaidan D. | Application of zinc carbide nanosheet as a promising material for 5-fluorouracil drug delivery | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
71 | Jalil A.T.; Thabit S.N.; Hanan Z.K.; Alasheqi M.Q.; Al-Azzawi A.K.J.; Zabibah R.S.; Fadhil A.A. | Modulating gut microbiota using nanotechnology to increase anticancer efficacy of the treatments | 2023 | Macromolecular Research | |
72 | Kandasamy S.K.; Ravindaran R.; Michalska M.; Muthusamy S.; Almutairi T.M.; Panchal H.; Gorji M.R.; Alrubai A.J.; Mohamed M.A.; Jaber M.M. | Highly carbonized Prunus dulcis shell-derived activated carbon for high-performance supercapacitor applications | 2023 | Polymer Bulletin | |
73 | Yousif S.M.; Mekki A.S.; Lafta A.J. | Compact low profile 5.8 GHz MPA for on-body applications | 2023 | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | |
74 | Najm A.Z.; Jalil A.T.; Al Jawadri A.M.H.; Talib H.A.; Hanan Z.K.; Hani T.; Zabibah R.S.; Fadhil A.A. | Transplantation immune responses: Biology, challenges, and opportunities using biomaterials | 2023 | Gene Reports | |
75 | Ortiz G.G.R.; Mohammadi Y.; Nazari A.; Ataeinaeini M.; Kazemi P.; Yasamineh S.; Al-Naqeeb B.Z.T.; Zaidan H.K.; Gholizadeh O. | A state-of-the-art review on the MicroRNAs roles in hematopoietic stem cell aging and longevity | 2023 | Cell Communication and Signaling | |
76 | Adel M.; Kadhim M.M.; Muttashar H.H.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.; Rheima A.M. | Two-dimensional silicon carbide monolayer as a promising drug delivery vehicle for hydroxyurea anti-cancer drug | 2023 | Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering | |
77 | Wang X.; Mohammadzadehsaliani S.; Vafaei S.; Ahmadi L.; Iqbal A.; Alreda B.A.; Talib Al-Naqeeb B.Z.; Kheradjoo H. | Synthesis and electrochemical study of enzymatic graphene oxide-based nanocomposite as stable biosensor for determination of bevacizumab as a medicine in colorectal cancer in human serum and wastewater fluids | 2023 | Chemosphere | |
78 | Rheima A.M.; sabri Abbas Z.; Kadhim M.M.; Hashim Mohammed S.; Yahaia Alhameedi D.; Rasen F.A.; jawad al-bayati A.D.; Ramadan M.F.; Talib Abed Z.; Salam Jaber A.; Hachim S.K.; Ali F.K.; Mahmoud Z.H.; Kianfar E. | Aluminum oxide nano porous: Synthesis, properties, and applications | 2023 | Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering | |
79 | Mahedi M.R.A.; Mounich K.; Hsu C.-Y.; Bhuiyan J.R.; Jasim I.K.; Khalaf O.M.; Darshan J.C.; Wei C.R.; Mushfique M.B.; Syrmos N.; Afrin S.; Singh P. | Cefiderocol (CFDC): A Spy Antibiotic Future Replacement of Carbapenem | 2023 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | |
80 | Radhi N.S.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Mareai B.M.; Radhi S.; Alsaegh A.M. | REDUCING OIL PIPES CORROSION BY (ZN-NI) ALLOY COATING ON LOW CARBON STEEL SUBSTRATE BY SUSTAINABLE PROCESS | 2023 | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology | |
81 | Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Taban T.Z.; Malik S.A. | Theoretical Sensing Performance for Detection of Cyclophosphamide Drug by Using Aluminum Carbide (C3Al) Monolayer: a DFT Study | 2023 | Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | |
82 | El Jery A.; Ahsan A.; Sammen S.S.; Shanableh A.; Sain D.; Ramírez-Coronel A.A.; Uddin M.A.; Maktoof M.A.J.; Shafiquzzaman M.; Al-Ansari N. | Industrial oily wastewater treatment by microfiltration using silver nanoparticle-incorporated poly (acrylonitrile-styrene) membrane | 2023 | Environmental Sciences Europe | |
83 | Alakbaree M.; Abdulsalam A.H.; Ahmed H.H.; Ali F.H.; Al-Hili A.; Omar M.S.S.; Alonazi M.; Jamalis J.; Latif N.A.; Hamza M.A.; Amran S.I. | A computational study of structural analysis of Class I human glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) variants: Elaborating the correlation to chronic non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia (CNSHA) | 2023 | Computational Biology and Chemistry | |
84 | Saadh M.J.; Arellano M.T.C.; Saini R.S.; Amin A.H.; Sharma N.; Arias-Gonzáles J.L.; Alsandook T.; Cotrina-Aliaga J.C.; Akhavan-Sigari R. | Molecular mechanisms of long non-coding RNAs in differentiation of T Helper17 cells | 2023 | International Immunopharmacology | |
85 | Hassan Q.; Abbas M.K.; Tabar V.S.; Tohidi S.; Jaszczur M.; Abdulrahman I.S.; Salman H.M. | Modelling and analysis of green hydrogen production by solar energy | 2023 | Energy Harvesting and Systems | |
87 | Yang L.; Atakhanova N.; Arellano M.T.C.; Mohamed M.Y.; Hani T.; Fahdil A.A.; Castillo-Acobo R.Y.; Juyal A.; Hussein A.K.; Amin A.H.; Pecho R.D.C.; Akhavan-Sigari R. | Translational research of new developments in targeted therapy of colorectal cancer | 2023 | Pathology Research and Practice | |
88 | Hassan Q.; Jaszczur M.; Abdulrahman I.S.; Salman H.M. | An economic and technological analysis of hybrid photovoltaic/wind turbine/battery renewable energy system with the highest self-sustainability | 2023 | Energy Harvesting and Systems | |
89 | Hussein A.M.; Abbas Z.S.; Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Barzan M.; Al-attia L.H.; Elameer A.S.; Hachim S.K.; Hadi M.A. | Inhibitory behavior and adsorption of asparagine dipeptide amino acid on the Fe(111) surface | 2023 | Journal of Molecular Modeling | |
90 | Jalil A.T.; Hassan M.M.; Ziyad R.A.; Jasim I.; Zabibah R.; Fadhil A. | PDE5 inhibitors and gastric mucosa: implications for the management of peptic ulcer disease | 2023 | Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology | |
91 | Alsudani M.Q.; Jaber M.M.; Malik R.Q.; Abd S.K.; Ali M.H.; Alkhayyat A.; Khalaf G.A. | Blockchain-Based E-Medical Record and Data Security Service Management Based on IoMT Resource | 2023 | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | |
92 | Harismah K.; Hassan A.; Hamid O.T.; Saadoon M.A.; Zandi H. | Drug Delivery Assessments of Hydroxyurea Anticancer by an Epoxy-Decorated Fullerene Cage | 2023 | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry | |
93 | Hassan Q.; Algburi S.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | A review of hybrid renewable energy systems: Solar and wind-powered solutions: Challenges, opportunities, and policy implications | 2023 | Results in Engineering | |
94 | Ghani H.A.; Bustani G.S.; Shadhar M.H.; Obaid R.F.; Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Almashhadani H.A. | Thiophosgene Detection by Ag-Decorated AlN Nanotube: A Mechanical Quantum Survey | 2023 | Journal of Electronic Materials | |
95 | Hameed M.; Bharadwaj A.; Mumtaz M.; Hussain M.; Goyal M.; Fatima N.; Juyal A.; Hani T.; Mahjoob Khalaf O.; M Aljowaie R.; Chen T.-W.; Abdul Salam M. | Evaluating the effectiveness of Moringa oleifera leaf capsules in controlling glycemic and hypertension levels in type 2 diabetes patients | 2023 | Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences | |
96 | Mohammadnejad Z.; Al-Khafaji H.M.R.; Mohammed A.S.; Alatba S.R. | Energy optimization for optimal location in 5G networks using improved Barnacles Mating Optimizer | 2023 | Physical Communication | |
97 | Gao Q.; Omran A.H.; Baghersad Y.; Mohammadi O.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Al-Azzawi A.K.J.; Al-Khafaji S.H.; Emami N.; Toghraie D.; Golkar M.J. | Electroencephalogram signal classification based on Fourier transform and Pattern Recognition Network for epilepsy diagnosis | 2023 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | |
98 | Sadeq L.M.J.; Kadhim M.M.; Azeez N.F.; Waleed I.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Hachim S.K.; Awiz A.S.; Rheima A.M. | Examination of the adsorption mechanism of procarbazine anti-cancer drug onto the functionalized GaN nano-tube as a drug delivery vehicle: a DFT study | 2023 | Bulletin of Materials Science | |
99 | Ali S.M.; Burhanuddin M.A.; Yaseen A.T.; Jaber M.M.; Jassim M.M.; Ali A.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Mohammed M.A.; Mohamad A.A.H. | E-Health technological barriers faced by Iraqi healthcare institutions | 2023 | Intelligent Data Analysis | |
100 | Hassoon N.H.; Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Abosinnee A.S.; Kareem Z.H. | Prediction and analysis of chronic epilepsy using electroencephalographic signals on medical internet of things platform | 2023 | Intelligent Data Analysis | |
101 | Hussian A.; Hussien N.A.; Al-Chilibi H.; Alsalhy M.J.; Abdul Jaleel Maktoof M.; Matti I. | Prevention and Management of Natural Disasters with Integrated Multidisciplinary Climatic Sensitivity and Big Data Model | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
102 | Mahdi Hussin M.S.; Al-Hameed M.R.; Al-Tahee M.; Zearah S.A.; Diame H.A.; Al-Tameemi A.R. | Deep Learning with Wireless Sensor Network Platform for Multimedia Data Modeling | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
103 | Hussian A.; Ali Ettyem S.; Ali Zearah S.; Ahmed I.; Ismail L.S.; Ibrahem M. | Machine Learning-Aided Optimization Approach for Sustainable Energy Systems | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
104 | Sherif N.H.; Raad Ali R.; Fahidhil E.; Haroon N.H.; Hussam R.; Ibrahem M. | Integrating NLP in the Business Decision Support System to Promote Customer Loyalty | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
105 | Hassan Q.; Abbas M.K.; Tabar V.S.; Tohidi S.; Al-Hitmi M.; Jaszczur M.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M. | Collective self-consumption of solar photovoltaic and batteries for a micro-grid energy system | 2023 | Results in Engineering | |
106 | Abbas S.Q.; Jalil A.; Sheel S.; Mahmood S.N.; Khalid R. | Predicting mental health problems in children at risk for psychological abuse and depression using deep belief networks | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
107 | Kadhim M.M.; Abdullaha S.A.; Zedan Taban T.; Ahmed Hamza T.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Hachim S.K. | Application of pure and Ti-decorated AlP nano-sheet in the dacarbazine anti-cancer drug delivery: DFT calculations | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
108 | Salman H.M.; Hameed W.; Hussam R.; Abdulhussain Z.N.; Alubady R.; Majeed Z. | Smart Environment Network Design for Healthcare based on Artificial Intelligence | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
109 | Abdul Hadi M.; Kadhim M.M.; Sabri Abbas Z.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Mahdi Rheima A. | Investigation the sensing behavior of pristine and Ti-doped C2N monolayer toward H2S gas | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
110 | Ramírez-Coronel A.A.; Rostami A.; Younus L.A.; Arias Gonzáles J.L.; Lafta M.H.; Amin A.H.; Saadoon M.A.; Salman H.M.; Bahrami A.; Feilei R.; Akhavan-Sigari R. | Designing Effective Multi-Target Drugs and Identifying Biomarkers in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) Using In Vivo, In Vitro, and In Silico Approaches | 2023 | Biomedicines | |
111 | A.Alamir H.T.; Ismaeel G.L.; Jalil A.T.; Hadi W.H.; Jasim I.K.; Almulla A.F.; Radhea Z.A. | Advanced injectable hydrogels for bone tissue regeneration | 2023 | Biophysical Reviews | |
112 | Obaid H.A.; Sheel S.; Ali Hussien N.; Rahim Alatba S.; Saleem M.; Warush H. | Analyzing the physical activity and exercise management for obesity and weight loss based on fuzzy logic | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
113 | Hassan A.R.; Sheel S.; Haroon N.H.; Ismail L.S.; Diame T.A.; Jawad I.A. | Deep Learning-Based Supervision for Enhanced Self-Awareness under Widespread Video Surveillance: Psychological and Social Consequences | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
114 | Ali Zearah S.; Mohammed Abed A.; Hussian A.; Ali Ettyem S.; Hussam R.; Matti I. | Internet of Things and wearable device-basedtracking of an elderly person’s physical activity | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
115 | Kiani A.; Döğüş Y.; Saadatnia S.; Yazdani Y.; Asadi F.; Al-Naqeeb B.Z.T.; Masouleh S.S.; Merza M.S.; Daemi A.; Rahimi A. | Sperm DNA fragmentation and apoptosis in the sperm of men with oligozoospermia are closely related to anti-ODF2 autoantibodies | 2023 | Pathology Research and Practice | |
116 | Mahal R.K.; Taha A.; Sabur D.A.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M. | A Density Functional Study on Adrucil Drug Sensing Based on the Rh-Decorated Gallium Nitride Nanotube | 2023 | Journal of Electronic Materials | |
117 | Mahdi Hussin M.S.; Mohammed A.; Alubady R.; Al-Hameed M.R.; Al-Tahee M.; Ali A. | Integrated Marketing Communication and Data Analytics using Narrowband-based IoT and Big Data Model | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
118 | Ansari M.; Ahmed S.; Khan M.T.; Hamad N.A.; Ali H.M.; Abbasi A.; Mubeen I.; Intisar A.; Hasan M.E.; Jasim I.K. | Evaluation of In Vitro and In Vivo Antifungal Activity of Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles against Early Blight in Tomato | 2023 | Horticulturae | |
119 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Kadhim E.H.; Alkhuwaylidee A.R.; Alyousif S. | AHI: a hybrid machine learning model for complex industrial information systems | 2023 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | |
120 | Ali Abdulkareem S.; Isam M.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Taha A.; Haroon N.H.; Abdulaziz S. | Virtual Reality-based English Teaching and Translation with 5G Wireless Technology for Hyper-realistic Experiences | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
121 | Saleem M.; Alubady R.; Majeed M.G.; Kadhim Mohsin S.; Ftaiet A.A.; Ibrahem M. | IoT-based Digital Twin Braiding Machinery for Defect Detection | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
122 | Majeed M.G.; Nazar Dawood M.; Taha A.; Hussien N.A.; Lafta A.M.; Noori M. | Fostering Air Pollution using Cloud Computing and IoT-based Methods | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
123 | Shelash Al-Hawary S.I.; Abdalkareem Jasim S.; M. Kadhim M.; Jaafar Saadoon S.; Ahmad I.; Romero Parra R.M.; Hasan Hammoodi S.; Abulkassim R.; M. Hameed N.; K. Alkhafaje W.; Mustafa Y.F.; Javed Ansari M. | Curcumin in the treatment of liver cancer: From mechanisms of action to nanoformulations | 2023 | Phytotherapy Research | |
124 | Alsalhy M.J.; Sharif H.; Haroon N.H.; Kadhim Mohsin S.; Khalid R.; Ali A. | Integrating AI-based Smart-Driven Marketing to Promote Sustainable and Green Systems | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
125 | Hussain A.K.; Hassan A.R.; Fouad L.; Haroon N.H.; Ali A.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Implementing Business Intelligence Systems is Crucial for SMEs to make Efficient Decisions | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
126 | Kadhim M.M.; Abed Z.T.; Rayid R.; Abdullaha S.A.; Majdi A.; Rheima A.M.; Hachim S.K. | The Cd-decorated AlN nanotube as a potential chemical sensor for chloropicrin: DFT studies | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
127 | Al-Hetty H.R.A.K.; Abdulameer S.J.; Alkubaisy S.A.; Zaid S.A.; Jalil A.T.; Jasim I.K. | STAT3 signaling in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a candidate therapeutic target | 2023 | Pathology Research and Practice | |
128 | Borikar S.A.; Borikar D.A.; Panchal H.; Cuce E.; Dalkilic A.S.; Alrubaie A.J.; Jaber M.M. | An experimental case study on the effect of condenser geometry in a refrigerator: Sub-cooling and coefficient of performance issues; [Une étude de cas expérimentale sur l’effet de la géométrie du condenseur dans un réfrigérateur: problèmes de sous-refroidissement et de coefficient de performance] | 2023 | International Journal of Refrigeration | |
129 | Ismael R.; Alhameedawi A.; Abbas R.; Alsallameh S.; Amer H.; Firat M.; Karkhane M. | Staphylococcus aureus virulence genes and methicillin-resistant gene detection and antimicrobial resistance profiles isolated from different infection sites | 2023 | Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal | |
130 | Kadhim M.M.; Abdullaha S.A.; Taban T.Z.; Alomar T.; Almasoud N.; Hachim S.K. | Strong reactivity and electronic sensitivity of Au-decorated BC3 nanotubes toward the phenylpropanolamine drug | 2023 | Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing | |
131 | Kadhim M.M.; Waleed I.; Abed Z.T.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Rheima A.M. | DFT investigation for the adsorption of acrolein onto the surface of pristine and doped C70: NBO and QTAIM analyses | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
132 | Gao H.; Alkaaby H.H.C.; Hachim S.K.; Lafta H.A.; Zahra M.M.A.; Abbas Z.S.; Kubaisy M.M.R.A.; Rheima A.M.; Al-Majdi K.; Shams M.A.; Estarki M.R.L.; Haghpanah S. | Investigation of mechanical properties and transparency of spark plasma sintered Mg2+ and Y3+ codoped α-Al2O3 nanoparticles synthesized via coprecipitation | 2023 | Journal of Materials Research and Technology | |
133 | Majdi A.; Kadhim Wadday A.; Sabri Abbas Z.; Kadhim M.M.; Mahdi Rheima A.; barzan M.; Haitham Al-attia L.; Hachim S.K.; Abdul Hadi M. | Quantum capacitance of iron metal doped boron carbide monolayer-based for supercapacitors electrodes: A DFT study | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
134 | Zearah S.A.; Al-Tahee M.; Mohammed A.; Shnawa A.H.; Harith Jameel Mahdi H.; Majeed Z. | Smart City Application based on Internet-of-Things and Artificial Intelligence for Energy Management Dynamic Memory Modelling | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
135 | Kadhim M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Abdullaha S.A.; Alnasoud N.; Hachim S.K.; Alomar S. | Application of zinc oxide nano-tube as drug-delivery vehicles of anticancer drug | 2023 | Journal of Molecular Modeling | |
136 | Al-Hetty H.R.A.K.; Jalil A.T.; Alghazali M.W.; fadel H.; Ahmed O.S.; Abosaooda M.; Ali M. | Nanomaterials for combination cancer photothermal therapy | 2023 | Emergent Materials | |
137 | Raad R.; Zearah S.A.; Saleem M.; Al-Tahee A.M.; Qasim Abbas S.; Kadhim M. | Research on Corporate Protection Systems using Advanced Protection Techniques and Information Security | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
138 | Naser Z.L.; Taha A.; Haroon N.H.; Hassan N.B.; Al-Tahee M.; Matti I. | Modern Art Teaching and Evaluation Model using Blockchain Technologies | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
139 | Amari A.; Alawameleh H.S.K.; Isam M.; Maktoof M.A.J.; Osman H.; Panneerselvam B.; Thomas M. | Thermodynamic Investigation and Study of Kinetics and Mass Transfer Mechanisms of Oily Wastewater Adsorption on UIO-66–MnFe2O4 as a Metal–Organic Framework (MOF) | 2023 | Sustainability (Switzerland) | |
140 | Kadhim M.M.; Sadoon N.; Gheni H.A.; Hachim S.K.; Majdi A.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Rheima A.M. | Study the effect of salicylic acid and π -linkage of electrical and optical properties of organic based solar cell | 2023 | Chemical Papers | |
141 | Hassan A.R.; Hanoon Haroon N.; Isam M.; Hussam R.; Mahmood H.; Kadhim M. | Redundant Manipulator Motion with Automatic Control Algorithm for Industrial Robots | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
142 | Wang Z.; Takhti A.H.N.; Salman H.M.; Yazdimoghaddam J. | A novel investigation on finding optimal mode and performance improvement of a control system | 2023 | Alexandria Engineering Journal | |
143 | Jaber N.A.; Abed Z.T.; Kadhim M.M.; Yaseen Y.; Khazaal W.M.; Almashhadani H.A.; Rheima A.M.; Mohamadi A. | BC2N nanotube as a promising anode for rechargeable calcium ion batteries | 2023 | Materials Chemistry and Physics | |
144 | Kadhim M.M.; Abdullaha S.A.; Taban T.Z.; Alomar T.S.; Ahmed Al-Masoud N.; Hachim S.K. | The effect of Stone–Wales defect on the sensitivity of a ZnO monolayer in detection of PH3 and AsH3 gases: a DFT study | 2023 | Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing | |
145 | Hassan A.R.; Alubady R.; Jaffer Z.; Al-Tahee M.; Hussain A.K.; Majeed Z. | Research on Innovative Data Mining Framework for Supply Chain Management in IoT Platform | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
146 | Aljabari F.I.; Almashhadani H.A.; Jehad M.H.; Kadhim M.M. | Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Metronidazole by using Allyl Chloride and Allyl Bromide as Monomers | 2023 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | |
147 | Kahrizi M.S.; Fattahi S.; Kashian M.; Jasim M.A.; Heydari M.; Tavakoli-Far B.; Shah-Abadi M.E. | Human T cell derived exosome, natural nano-particles, elicits antitumor effect on human solid tumor cells in vitro | 2023 | Nanomedicine Research Journal | |
148 | Hussam R.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Rahim Alatba S.; Hussain Ajeel Allami K.M.; Al-Tahee M. | Integration and refinement of Electrical power acquisition and marketing based on the Internet of Things | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
149 | Kurdi S.Z.; Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Saba T.; Rehman A.; Damaševičius R. | Brain Tumor Classification Using Meta-Heuristic Optimized Convolutional Neural Networks | 2023 | Journal of Personalized Medicine | |
150 | Abed A.M.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Ali A.; Haroon N.H.; Majed S.; Majeed Z. | Fault Diagnosis Using a Resnet-based Deep Learning Multilayer Fault Detection Model | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
151 | Ali Hussien N.; Shnawa A.H.; Jaffer Z.; Wasmi Zaydan N.R.; Hussam R.; Noori M. | Investigation of Big Data for Human Emotion Detection using Deep Learning | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
152 | Ghadeer F.K.; Alwan L.E.; Al-Azzawi A.K.J. | Crystallization firing effect on the marginal discrepancy of the IPS. emax CAD crowns using two different CAD/CAM systems | 2023 | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry | |
153 | Shery F.S.; Taha A.; Abed A.M.; Ali H.M.S.; Majed S. | Bio-inspired artificial intelligence robots: current challenges and potential research directions | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
154 | El Jery A.; P S.; Mahmood Salman H.; majeed saeed S.; Mohamed Khedher K. | Comparison of different approaches for numerical modeling of nanofluid subcooled flow boiling and proposing predictive models using artificial neural network | 2023 | Progress in Nuclear Energy | |
155 | Shadhar M.H.; Mohammed M.M.; Abdullah M.H.; A. H. Shather; Alalwan H.A. | Self-healing of concrete using bacteria: investigation of the impact of the process’s conditions | 2023 | Innovative Infrastructure Solutions | |
156 | Hassan Q.; Al-Hitmi M.; Tabar V.S.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | Middle East energy consumption and potential renewable sources: An overview | 2023 | Cleaner Engineering and Technology | |
157 | Kadhim M.M.; Ihsan Mahmood Helmi Al-Bayati A.; Taha A.; Abdullaha S.A.; Jassim Khalil M.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Hachim S.K. | Pristine, Co, Rh, and, Ir decorated aluminum phosphide nano-sheet semiconductors as viable chemical sensors for cathinone | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
158 | Radhi N.S.; Jasim A.H.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Falah M. | Investigation of Hematite Nanoparticles According to Mechanical Characteristics of Aluminium Matrix Composite | 2023 | Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii | |
159 | Sherif N.H.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Fouad L.; Haroon N.H.; Hussam R.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Research on Analyzing Smart Education Model based on Machine Learning and Virtual Reality Technologies | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
160 | Abdulsada Z.R.; Ahmed I.; Alubady R.; Salman Mazin H.M.; Al-Tahee M.; Abdulaziz S. | The correction system of student actions in the physical education classroom based on improved machine learning | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
161 | Kadhim M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Abdullaha S.A.; Sabur D.A.; Rheima A.M.; Hachim S.K. | A computational study on the potential application of metal-doped AlN nanotubes for chloroform detection | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
162 | Kadhim M.M.; Sadoon N.; Abbas Z.S.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Rheima A.M. | Exploring the role of 2D-C2N monolayers in potassium ion batteries | 2023 | Journal of Molecular Modeling | |
163 | Ali Al-Fadheeli M.S.; Bouteraa Y.; Mohammed A.H.; Mahmood Salman H.; Ghasemi G. | Predicting building energy utilization with energy plus simulation and advanced sea lion optimization algorithm based on Elman neural network | 2023 | Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience | |
164 | Al Maadhede T.S.; Jumali M.H.; Al-Agealy H.J.; Yap C.C.; Al-Douri Y. | Improved performance of D149 dye-sensitized ZnO-based solar cell under solvents activation effect | 2023 | European Physical Journal Plus | |
165 | Hamza T.A.; Hussein E.S.; Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Al-Marjani M.F.; Alattia L.H.; Mahdi Z.M.; Hachim S.K.; Adel M. | Cyclophosphamide drug sensing characteristics by using pure and Ti-doped graphyne-like BN-yne | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
166 | Kadhim M.M.; Abdulkadhim A.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Taban T.Z.; Rheima A.M. | Removal of As2O3 gaseous by using C3N monolayer adsorbent: DFT study | 2023 | Diamond and Related Materials | |
167 | Hasan H.A.; Adile M.; Hussian A.; Abdul Kadeem S.R.; Alubady R.; Matti I. | Brain imaging and the difficulties of understanding cognitive development | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
168 | Sabah H.A.; Hanoon Haroon N.; Ali A.; Fouad L.; Ahmed W.S.; Abdulaziz I. | Social Media Data Analytics Using Deep Learning for Business Intelligence | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
169 | Kadhim M.M.; Taha A.; Abdullaha S.A.; Naser S.T.; Hachim S.K.; Rheima A.M. | Delivery of Cisplatin Anti-cancer Drug by Si-Decorated Al24N24 Nanocage: DFT Evaluation of Electronic and Structural Features | 2023 | Journal of Electronic Materials | |
170 | Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Abosinnee A.S.; Kareem Z.H.; Hamdan H.F. | Analysis of modern circulation industry development level using industrial structure mechanism | 2023 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | |
171 | Jabbar K.A.; Sharif H.; Haroon N.H.; Mohsin S.K.; Khalid R. | Studying the Factors that Affect the Synergy between Logistics’ Benefits and the Environment’s Outcomes | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
172 | Shehab A.K.; Al-Mashhadani A.H.; Abood W.K. | Assessment of lung cancer risk due to exposure to radon from oil well in (Majnoon) Basra | 2023 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
173 | Kadhim M.M.; Khamis Mahal R.; Adel M.; Muhsin Khalaf R.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Haleem Al-Qaim Z.; Hachim S.K.; Mahdi Rheima A. | The potential of pure and atom-decorated AlP nano-sheet as a drug delivery system for procarbazine: A DFT approach | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
174 | Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Abbas Z.S.; Jlood H.H.; Hachim S.K.; Kadhum W.R.; Kianfar E. | Evaluation of a biosensor-based graphene oxide-DNA nanohybrid for lung cancer | 2023 | RSC Advances | |
175 | Alsudani M.Q.; Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Alkhayyat A.; Kareem Z.H.; Mohhan A.R. | Smart logistics with IoT-based enterprise management system using global manufacturing | 2023 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | |
176 | Kadhim M.M.; Sahib A.S.; Hachim S.K.; Taban T.Z.; Abdullaha S.A.; Rheima A.M. | B3O3 monolayer an emerging 2D material in as a carrier for anticancer delivery system | 2023 | Materials Chemistry and Physics | |
177 | Jaleel Maktoof M.A.; Saleh A.S.; Adile M.; Ahmed M.S.M.; Mohammed A. | Application of Virtual Reality-based Stress and Anxiety Management | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
178 | Sangeetha A.; Shanmugan S.; Alrubaie A.J.; Jaber M.M.; Panchal H.; Attia M.E.H.; Elsheikh A.H.; Mevada D.; Essa F.A. | A review on PCM and nanofluid for various productivity enhancement methods for double slope solar still: Future challenge and current water issues | 2023 | Desalination | |
179 | El Jery A.; Salman H.M.; Al-Khafaji R.M.; Nassar M.F.; Sillanpää M. | Thermodynamics Investigation and Artificial Neural Network Prediction of Energy, Exergy, and Hydrogen Production from a Solar Thermochemical Plant Using a Polymer Membrane Electrolyzer | 2023 | Molecules | |
180 | Thejeel S.H.; Hussian A.; Hussian A.; Ahmed W.S.; Ali Zearah S.; Ali M. | Target Detection in Complex Environments using UAV and Deep Learning-based Focal Pruning Method | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
181 | Kadhim M.M.; Sadoon N.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Sabri Abbas Z.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Hachim S.K. | Evaluation the sensing affinities of propylene oxide towards B2N2 monolayer: A dispersion corrected DFT study | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
182 | Abbas M.K.; Hassan Q.; Tabar V.S.; Tohidi S.; Jaszczur M.; Abdulrahman I.S.; Salman H.M. | Techno-economic analysis for clean hydrogen production using solar energy under varied climate conditions | 2023 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
183 | Phani Praveen S.; Hasan Ali M.; Musa Jaber M.; Buddhi D.; Prakash C.; Rani D.R.; Thirugnanam T. | IoT-Enabled Healthcare Data Analysis in Virtual Hospital Systems Using Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing | 2023 | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | |
184 | Alalwan H.A.; Alminshid A.; Mohammed M.M.; Mohammed M.F. | Spectroscopic Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Interactions with Transition Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles | 2023 | Chemical Engineering and Technology | |
185 | Kadhim M.M.; Abdul Hadi M.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.; Sabri Abbas Z.; Mahdi Rheima A. | Study the application of nitrogenated holey graphene (C2N) nanosheets as a high-performance anode material for magnesium ion battery (MIB): DFT study | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
186 | Al-Marzook F.A.; Salam Hussein E.; Kadhim M.M.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Al-Marjani M.F.; Ahmed Hamza T.; Muhammed Mahdi Z.; Adel M.; Darabinajand B. | Studying Ga and Ge-doped AlP nanotube as a drug carrier for ciclopirox anticancer drug using DFT | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
187 | Kadhim M.M.; Khadom A.A.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Abdulkareem Almashhadani H. | On the influence of hydrocarbons solvents on the inhibition efficiency of some organic corrosion inhibitors: Theoretical and validation studies | 2023 | Journal of Molecular Liquids | |
188 | Rajabizadeh A.; Alihosseini M.; Amin H.I.M.; Almashhadani H.A.; Mousazadeh F.; Nobre M.A.L.; Soltani M.D.; Sharaki S.; Jalil A.T.; Kadhim M.M. | The Recent Advances of Metal–Organic Frameworks in Electric Vehicle Batteries | 2023 | Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials | |
189 | Jameel Mahdi H.H.; Shnawa A.H.; Hussam R.; Alubady R.; Al-Tahee M.; Matti I. | Prediction of Major Wave Heights from Scatterometry measurement Data via Machine Learning Mode | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
190 | Hassan Q.; Sameen A.Z.; Salman H.M.; Jaszczur M. | A Roadmap with Strategic Policy toward Green Hydrogen Production: The Case of Iraq | 2023 | Sustainability (Switzerland) | |
191 | Dawood M.N.; Brayyich M.; Majed S.; Zearah S.A.; Ali A.; Ali A. | Human-Computer Interaction Assisted Economic Growth and Financial Status of Urban Cities using Artificial Intelligence | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
192 | Khorsheed Zangana L.M.; Yaseen A.H.; Hassan Q.H.; Mohammed M.M.; Mohammed M.F.; Alalwan H.A. | Investigated kerosene-diesel fuel performance in internal combustion engine | 2023 | Cleaner Engineering and Technology | |
193 | Hassan A.R.; Taha A.; Hussien N.A.; Khalid Hussain A.; Ali A.; Matti I. | Moving Scene Classification And Human Action Recognition Based On Artificial Intelligence | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
194 | Ali Awad M.; Majdi A.; Abbas Z.S.; Kadhim M.M.; Abdul Hadi M.; Hachim S.K.; barzan M.; Kadhum W.R.; Abdullaha S.A.H. | Monolayer of B3O3 as a promising material in anode of magnesium-ion batteries: A theoretical study | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
195 | Alalwan H.A.; Mohammed Ali N.S.; Mohammed M.M.; Mohammed M.F.; Alminshid A.H. | A comparison study of methyl green removal by peroxi-coagulation and peroxi-electrocoagulation processes | 2023 | Cleaner Engineering and Technology | |
196 | Ibrahim A.K.; Fouad L.; Ali Hussien N.; Hani Sherif N.; Ali A. | Civil engineering structure monitoring based on Integrated sensor fusion device with an optimized mathematical model | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
197 | Jaber G.S.; khashan K.S.; Abbas M.J.; Ibrahim N.A. | Improvement of glass ionomer restoration by adding ZnO nanoparticles prepared by laser in (Vitro study) | 2023 | Journal of the Indian Chemical Society | |
198 | Fouad L.; Hussien N.A.; Hussian A.; Alwan A.A.; Qasim Abbas S.; Abdulaziz I. | Study on Host-based Security System Advancement in ICT-Enabled Smart Cities | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
199 | Alizadeh A.; Sabet Sarvestani F.; Zekri H.; AL-Khafaji M.O.; Mahmood Salman H.; Domiri Ganji D.; Pasha P. | The novelty of using the AGM and FEM for solutions of partial differential and ordinary equations along a stretchable straight cylinder | 2023 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | |
200 | Hassan A.R.; Fouad L.; Hussien N.A.; Hani Sherif N.; Ali A.; Ibrahem M. | IoT-based Green Transportation Technique for Sustainable Growth in Transportation Industry | 2023 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 – Proceedings | |
201 | Alubady R.; A.shlaka R.; Diame H.A.; Abdulkareem S.A.; Hussam R.; Yassine S.; Rajinikanth V. | Blockchain-based e-Medical Record and Data Security Service Management based on IoMT resource | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
202 | Zearah S.A.; Ettyem S.A.; Adile M.; Abed A.M.; Hussian A.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Computer Network-Assisted Technology-Based English Teaching Method with Artificial Intelligence | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
203 | Ahmed A.S.; Ali H.O.H.; Al-Asadi T.; Al-Edanni M.Sh. | Comparison of functional and radiological outcomes of lower third closed tibia fractures treated by nail VS plate osteosynthesis | 2023 | Rawal Medical Journal | |
204 | Adile M.; Kadeem S.R.A.; Zearah S.A.; Abdulkareem S.A.; Fahidhil E.; Abbas J.K. | Workplace Safety Training for Healthcare Workers Based on Deep Learning | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
205 | Alkhayyat A.; Zalzala A.M.; AL-Salih A.A.M.; Jawad A.J.M.; Abdul-Adheem W.R.; Iqbal J.; Ibraheem I.K.; Ibrahim W.K.; Jaber M.M.; Hameed A.S. | A novel class of adaptive observers for dynamic nonlinear uncertain systems | 2023 | Expert Systems | |
206 | Khalid R.; Ahmed O.S.; Al-Sharify T.A.; Hameed W.; Marjan R.K. | Fusion system for blockchain asset securitization risk control using adaptive deep learning-based framework | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
207 | Madhuri A.; Jyothi V.E.; Praveen S.P.; Altaee M.; Abdullah I.N. | Granulation-Based Data Fusion Approach for a Critical Thinking Worldview Information Processing | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
208 | Verma S.; Singh G.; Warishpatel; Salman H.M.; Pavani A.; Srikanth S. | Detection of Traffic Sign using Inception V3 in Comparison with VGG-19 to Measure Accuracy | 2023 | 2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023 | |
209 | Haroon N.H.; Abdulsada Z.R.; Sharif H.; Ahmed W.S.; Saleem M.; Jawad I.A. | Social Media Analysis using Fuzzy Natural Language Processing with an extension of semantic queries | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
210 | Ramkumar G.; Sivakumar S.; Soni M.; Muhammed Y.; Salman H.M.; Soomar A.M. | Deep learning based federated learning scheme for decentralized blockchain | 2023 | Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security: Volume 1 | |
211 | Najem I.; Abdulhussein T.A.; Ali M.H.; Hameed A.S.; Ali I.R.; Altaee M. | Fuzzy-Based Clustering for Larger-Scale Deep Learning in Autonomous Systems Based on Fusion Data | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
212 | Sutariya K.; Vishal Gupta M.; Lal B.; Rahim Alatba S.; Sriramakrishnan G.V.; Tripathi V. | Rabble Based Autonomous Assistance Using Machine Learning Algorithms | 2023 | 2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023 | |
213 | Hameed W.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Ghali F.; Kalaw H.; Jaffer Z.; Abdulhasan M.M. | Strategy and effect factors for a flexible financial infrastructure and supply chain | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
214 | Kshaish R.H.; Khalida A.; Mansur | Effectiveness of a clinical pathway program on nurses’ practices for the child with clubfoot at the Orthopedic units at Baghdad City, Iraq | 2023 | Rawal Medical Journal | |
215 | Jalil A.T.; Zair M.A.; Hanthal Z.R.; Naser S.J.; Aslandook T.; Abosaooda M.; Fadhil A. | Role of the AMP-Activated Protein Kinase in the Pathogenesis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | 2023 | Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry | |
216 | Saqlain M.; Abdulrazak L.F.; Kashif M.; Al-Sharify T.A.; Ismail L.S.; Baqir M.A. | On the Propagation through Annular Core Optical Fiber under DB Boundary Conditions | 2023 | Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters | |
217 | Althabhawee A.A.; Zaidan T.F. | Assessment of Salivary Alpha-Amylase, Cortisol, and Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorder in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder | 2023 | Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences | |
218 | Al Maadhede T.S.; Al-Agealy H.J.M.; Razzaq Mohsin M.A. | Investigating the Probability of the Charging Transition Rate in Cu Contact to P6 System Devices | 2023 | Key Engineering Materials | |
219 | Ali R.R.; Fouad L.; Alubady R.; Ahmed W.S.; Ahmed I.; Jawad I.A. | The role of service-oriented human-computer interaction of Low-resource, high-efficiency public transit systems | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
220 | Hasan H.A.; Ettyem S.A.; Hameed W.; Hussien N.A.; Diame H.A.; Al-Tameemi A.R. | Environmental and Financial Asset Optimization through Multi-Restoration Informed by AI Systems for Optimizing Ecosystem Functioning | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
221 | Zearah S.A.; Majeed M.G.; Brayyich M.; Wasmi Zaydan N.R.; Ali A.; Mohammed M.Q.; Rajinikanth V. | A Framework Based on “One Belt, All Road” Strategy to Evaluate Regional Industry’s Cluster Innovation Capacity | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
222 | Rassol H.J.; Zaidan T.F. | Immunohistochemical expression of T-cell subsets (CD4 and CD8) in oral lichen planus | 2023 | The Pan African medical journal | |
223 | Ali R.R.; Adile M.; Alubady R.; Dawood M.N.; Jaffer Z.; Jawad I.A. | Copyright and privacy protection for digital music with the implementation of distributed ledger technology and deep learning | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
224 | Hafedh K.A.; Ibrahim Z.K.; Razooqi A.I.; Mohammed M.M.; Alalwan H.A. | PROTECTION OF CARBON STEEL FROM WEAR BY QUENCHING WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY TO USE IT IN DIES PARTS | 2023 | Journal of Applied Engineering Science | |
225 | Husin N.S.I.M.; Mostafa S.A.; Jaber M.M.; Gunasekaran S.S.; Al-Shakarchi A.H.; Abdulsattar N.F. | Machine Learning Regression Approach for Estimating Energy Consumption of Appliances in Smart Home | 2023 | AICCIT 2023 – Al-Sadiq International Conference on Communication and Information Technology | |
226 | Jaffer Z.; Shnawa A.H.; Ali A.; Ghali F.; Zaydan N.R.W.; Al-Tameemi A.R. | Deep Learning-Assisted Physical Education and Resource Allocation Management in Higher Education | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
227 | Ettyem S.A.; Ahmed I.; Ahmed W.S.; Hussien N.A.; Majeed M.G.; Cengiz K.; Benameur N. | Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare: Bridging Biomedical Clothing to the IoT Future | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
228 | Ali Z.H.; Salman H.M.; Harif A.H. | SMS Spam Detection Using Multiple Linear Regression and Extreme Learning Machines | 2023 | Iraqi Journal of Science | |
229 | Praveen S.P.; Thati B.; Anuradha C.; Sindhura S.; Altaee M.; Jalil M.A. | A Novel Approach for Enhance Fusion Based Healthcare System In Cloud Computing | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
230 | Majeed M.G.; Hameed W.; Haroon N.H.; Abdul Kadeem S.R.; Salman H.M.; Kadry S. | Optimizing Resource Management in Physical Education through Intelligent 5G-Enabled Robotic Systems | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
231 | Al-Bedyry N.; Mergan M.; Rasheed M.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Al-Husseinawi F.N. | The use of genetic expression programming to optimize the parameters of the Muskingum method comparison with numerical methods, Euphrates river a case study | 2023 | Archives of Civil Engineering | |
232 | Alsalhy M.J.; Ahmed I.; Hussien N.A.; Hussain A.K.; Hussian A.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Application of Wearable Sensors in Physical education for biomedical surveillance and human-machine interface | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
233 | Dawood M.N.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Hussian A.; Diame H.A.; Hussien N.A.; Yassine S.; Rajinikanth V. | Developing a Risk Management System with an Optimistic Predictive Approach and Business Decision-Making | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
234 | Raheema M.H.; Jaber G.S. | Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Using Modified Hummers Method for Cathode Electrodes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell | 2023 | Baghdad Science Journal | |
235 | Khudhair A.T.; Gbashi E.K.; Maolood A.T. | Novel Dynamic S-Box Based on Password Key and Circle Map; [طريقة صندوق أس جديدة باالعتماد على كلمة المرور وخريطة الدائرة] | 2023 | Iraqi Journal of Science | |
236 | Altaee M.; Talib A.; Jalil M.A.; Ali J.; Alalwani T.A. | Intelligent Multi-Level Feature Fusion Using Remote Sensing and CNN Image Classification Algorithm | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
237 | Maryoosh T.M.; Hassan A.F.; Ismael S.H.; Saihood A.H.; Hmood K.S.; Al-Shawi N.N. | Evaluation of The Genoprotective Effect of Curcumin Against Methotrexate in Bone Marrow and Spleen Cells in Mice | 2023 | Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
238 | Sharif H.; Ali R.R.; Ghali F.; Sherif N.H.; Khalid R.; Jawad I.A. | Examining the Correlation Between Big Data Analytics for Online-to-Offline Market Models: A Research Review | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
239 | Ghali F.; Hassan A.R.; Ahmed I.; Kalaw H.; Saleem M.; Al-Tameemi A.R. | Design of hybrid photovoltaic wind energy systems for residential and commercial applications for environmentally sustainable production | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
240 | Alubady R.; Abdul Kadeem S.R.; Taha A.; Ali S.; Al-Chilibi A.H.; Sadiq S.N. | Enhanced Hemorrhage Detection Based on Deep Reinforcement Hemorrhage Candidate Filtering (DR-HCF) for Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
241 | Diame T.A.; Abdul Jaleel M. M.; Ettyem S.A.; Alubady R.; Adile M.; Abd Ghani M.K.; Gunerhan H. | Data Management and Decision-Making Process Using Machine Learning Approach for Enterprises | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
242 | Haroon N.H.; Saadon H.B.; Abed A.M.; Taha A.; Majeed M.G.; Mohammed M.Q.; Bafjaish S.S. | Developing a Smart Economy Using Statistical Framework-Based Business Models in Smart Cities | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
243 | Jameel Mahdi H.H.; Lafta A.M.; Hameed W.; Haroon N.H.; Al-Tameemi A.R. | Bio-Inspired Automated Underwater Robot Based On Fish Swimming Mechanism And Navigational Command Guiding System | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
244 | Mustafa M.S.; Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Khan A.R.; Elhakim N.; Saba T. | Secure and Smart Teleradiology Framework Integrated with Technology-Based Fault Detection (CVT-FD) | 2023 | Journal of Advances in Information Technology | |
245 | Majeed M.G.; Allwiftaiet A.; Fouad L.; Hussien N.A.; Abbas S.Q. | Research on Sustainable development of green energy and manufacturing in smart agriculture based on big data analysis | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
246 | Majeed M.G.; Sabah H.A.; Dawood M.N.; Adile M.; Haroon N.H.; Jojoal M.; Khan A.M. | Athlete’s Performance Analysis Based on Improved Machine Learning Approach on Wearable Devices | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
247 | Alatba S.R.; Ettyem S.A.; Ahmed I.; Hussien N.; Sharif H.; Abbas J.K. | Big Data Framework for the Development of Public Management Application Talents using Innovative Elements in Smart Cities | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
248 | Abdulqader Othman A.H.; Alkhafaji M.A.; Hussam R.; Haroon N.H.; Majeed M.G.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Predicting Consumer Behaviour and Results Using Social Media and Deep Learning | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
249 | Shnawa A.H.; Ali A.; Hussien N.A.; Wasmi Zaydan N.R.; Jaffer Z.; Jawad I.A. | Psychological behavior Analysis in social media based on automated deep learning method | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
250 | Mohammed A.; Alsalhy M.J.; Al-Tahee M.; Alubady R.; Hussain A.K.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Entrepreneurial Performance Management Using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
251 | Diame H.A.; Hameed W.; Abdulsada Z.R.; Sherif N.H.; Haroon N.H.; Benameur N.; Burhanuddin M.A. | Machine Learning Based Logistic Decision Support System for Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
252 | Raheema M.H. | Coating of Carbon Nanotubes Using Chemical Method to Enhance the Corrosion Protection of Copper and Aluminum Metals in Seawater Medium | 2023 | Iraqi Journal of Science | |
253 | Al Maadhede T.S.; Al-Agealy H.J.M.; Mejbel H.K.; Mahdi H.A. | Study and Evaluation of Charge Current Rate for Fe/ZnPc Sensitizers Molecule Interface System | 2023 | Key Engineering Materials | |
254 | Talib A.; Taha A.; Haroon N.H.; Salman H.M.; Ali A.; Abdulhasan M.M. | A Trust-Based Security Mechanism for Low-Power Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
255 | Yadav A.K.; Kashyap S.; Pund S.S.; Mahmood Salman H.; Ernest Ravindran R.S.; V. Sriramakrishnan G. | Compared to The Threshold Dependent Segmentation Technique, Normal Type Lung Cancer Identification in CT Images Utilizing Structural Flood Segmentation Process to Enhance Efficiency | 2023 | 2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023 | |
256 | Sherif N.H.; Fahidhil E.; Faris N.N.; Diame H.A.; Alubady R.; Kadry S. | Modeling Sports Event Tasks in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Using Deep Learning | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
257 | Prashar N.; Mahmood Salman H.; Ameta G.; Tanpoco M.R.; Upadhyay R.; Alfurhood B.S. | A Novel Content Over Context Based Filtering for College Recommendation System and Enhanced Accuracy Rate Enabled Hybrid Framework | 2023 | 2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023 | |
258 | Hussien N.A.; Brayyich M.; Hussian A.; Dawood M.N.; Majed S.; Jawad I.A. | Application of Mobile Health in Mental Health Interventions | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
259 | Naser Z.L.; Taha A.; Alubady R.; Jameel Mahdi H.H.; Jaffer Z.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Transportation Regulation in Smart Cities: A Study in Cognition Sensor Network Development | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
260 | Diame T.A.; Zearah S.A.; Abdul Kadeem S.R.; Hasan H.A.; Munqith M.S.; Benameur N.; Burhanuddin M.A. | Diagnosis of Overlapping Communities and Coherent Groups Using Structural Centrality based Methodology | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
261 | Zearah S.A.; Abdul Kadeem S.R.; Taha A.; Mahdi Hussin M.S.; Majeed M.G.; Al-Tameemi A.R. | Application of Internet of Things and Cognitive Design Protocol for Clothing Pattern Design | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
262 | Jasim A.H.; Radhi N.S.; Kareem N.E.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Falah M. | Identification and investigation of corrosion behavior of electroless composite coating on steel substrate | 2023 | Open Engineering | |
263 | Altaee M.; Jawad A.; Jalil M.A.; Al-Kikani S.; Oleiwi A.; Günerhan H. | A Multi-level Fusion System for Intelligent Capture and Assessment of Student Activity in Physical Training based on Machine Learning | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
264 | Jayalakshmi M.; Singh P.; Tanwar V.K.; Rahim Alatba S.; Mohanty S.; Shingadiya C.J. | Implementation of Integration of Advanced Optimized Models With Block Chain Models | 2023 | 2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023 | |
265 | Jindal P.; Parikh S.; Sikka R.; Alatba S.R.; Babu S.; Sriramakrishnan G.V. | Analyzing the differences between SVM and Naive Bayes for Feature Extraction | 2023 | 2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023 | |
266 | Isam M.; Nase Z.L.; Sheel S.; Ghali F.; Abed A.M.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Deep Learning-Assisted Fine-Grained Action Recognition From Physical Education Teaching Videos | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
267 | Diame T.A.; Jabbar K.A.; Taha A.; Hussien N.A.; Alatba S.R.; Al-Mhiqani M.N.; Rajinikanth V. | Anomaly Detection in Complex Power Grid using Organic Combination of Various Deep Learning (OC-VDL) | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
268 | Saleem M.; Saadon H.B.; Mahdi Hussin M.S.; Diame T.A.; Alubady R.; Abd Ghani M.K.; Günerhan H. | Application of Edge Computing-Based Information-Centric Networking in Smart Cities | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
269 | Salim E.T.; Shafeeq S.R.; AbdulRazzaq M.J.; Fakhri M.A.; Azzahrani A.S.; Ibrahim R.K.; Ismail R.A. | Substrate temperature impact on preparing Nb2O5 Nano-films by IR-Nd: YAG using pulsed laser deposition technique | 2023 | Journal of Optics (India) | |
270 | Zearah S.A.; Hassan A.R.; Ali A.; Abbas S.Q.; Diame T.A.; Khan A.M.; Jojoal M. | Construction of Improved Device-to-Device Communication in 5G Networks based on Deep Learning Techniques | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
271 | Dhahir Mohammed H.; Hayati Bahadorani Z.; Fallah N.; Seyyedi E.; Mahmood Salman H.; Morabbi Heravi H. | The Most Effective Functioning of Competitive Supply Chain Pricing Based on Social Responsibility Dimensions: A Case Study of Oil Products of Knowledge-Based Companies | 2023 | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | |
272 | Jaleel Maktoof M.A.; Sabah H.A.; Ali A.; Haroon N.H.; Fouad L.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Improving the Data Analytics Model to Drive Industrial Decision-Making and Economic Development | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
273 | Raheema M.H.; Khudhair N.A.; AL-Noor T.H.; Al-Ayash S.R.; Kharnoob H.H.; Obed S.M.H. | Enhancement of corrosion protection of metal carbon steel C45 and stainless steel 316 by using inhibitor (Schiff base) in sea water; [تعزيز الحماية من التآكل لمعدنين الكربون والفوالذ المقاوم للصدأ باستخدام مثبط )قاعدة شيف( في ماء الملحي] | 2023 | Baghdad Science Journal | |
274 | Ali A.; Hassan A.R.; Ahmed I.; Hussien N.A.; Hussain A.K.; Al-Shaikhli T.R. | Big data-based data visualization techniques for e-learning interactive data exploration | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
275 | Minocha S.; Krishnachalitha K.C.; Gupta Chancellor S.; Alatba S.R.; Pund S.S.; Alfurhood B.S. | A finger print recognition using CNN Model | 2023 | 2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023 | |
276 | Aldulaimi M.H.; Najem I.; Abdulhussein T.A.; Ali M.H.; Hameed A.S.; Altaee M.; Günerhan H. | Intelligent Load Identification of Household-Smart Meters Using Multilevel Decision Tree and Data Fusion Techniques | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
277 | Hassan A.R.; Ahmed I.; Ghali F.; Mohsin S.K.; Majed S.; Jawad I.A. | Strategies for the Creation and Implementation of Business Intelligence Frameworks | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
278 | Al-Shakarchi A.H.; Mostafa S.A.; Saringat M.Z.; Mohammed D.A.; Khaleefah S.H.; Jaber M.M. | A Data Mining Approach for Analysis of Telco Customer Churn | 2023 | AICCIT 2023 – Al-Sadiq International Conference on Communication and Information Technology | |
279 | Shaid S.S.; Naser S.J.; Diame H.A.; Hassan N.B.; Hussien N.A.; Kadry S. | Intelligent system for Distributed Quality Monitoring of Sewage Management based on Wastewater Treatment Procedure and Data Mining | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
280 | Mahdi Hussin M.S.; Brayyich M.; Al-Tahee M.; Diame T.A.; Zearah S.A.; Mohammed M.Q.; Bafjais S.S. | A Framework for Strategic Planning Adaptation in Smart Cities through Recurrent Neural Networks | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
281 | Zearah S.A.; Alsalhy M.J.; Taha A.; Alatba S.R.; Fouad L.; Jawad I.A. | Application of Mobile Health Technology for Predicting attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for adolescent | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
282 | Kadum N.S.; Al-Shatari S.A.; Mahdi S.A.; Alshewered A. | Causes of exclusive breastfeeding failure in a sample from a primary healthcare center in Baghdad, Iraq | 2023 | Voprosy Detskoi Dietologii | |
283 | Saify S.; Radhi M.S.; Al-Mashhadi S.A.; Mareai B.; Jabr S.F.; Mohammed Z.A.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Al-Husseinawi F. | Impact of waste materials (glass powder and silica fume) on features of high-strength concrete | 2023 | Open Engineering | |
284 | Hassan A.R.; Fouad L.; Haroon N.H.; Abdulkareem S.A.; Isam M.; Al-Tameemi A.R. | Combination of Different Mathematical Objectives to Model Public Safety and Emergency Responses | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
285 | Al-Tahee M.; Mahdi Hussin M.S.; Alsalhy M.J.; Diame H.A.; Haroon N.H.; Bafjaish S.S.; Al-Mhiqani M.N. | A Study on Artificial Intelligence-based Security Techniques for IoT-based Systems | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
286 | Dakhil A.J.; Falah M.; Al-Khafaji Z. | Study the Behavior of Square Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened with CFRP | 2023 | Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering | |
287 | Jery A.E.; Salman H.M.; Al-Ansari N.; Sammen S.S.; Maktoof M.A.J.; AL-Bonsrulah H.A.Z. | Optimization of oil industry wastewater treatment system and proposing empirical correlations for chemical oxygen demand removal using electrocoagulation and predicting the system’s performance by artificial neural network | 2023 | PeerJ | |
288 | Al-Humairi B.A.J.; Rahal N.S.; Alalwan H.A. | Studying the effect of climate elements variability on surface water runoff and infiltration rate in Babylon province by using statistical analysis | 2023 | International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology | |
289 | Alwan A.A.; Hussian A.; Ghali F.; Salman H.M.; Ahmed I.; Jawad I.A. | Business Intelligence systems (BIS) focused on the principle of global quality improvement through data mining | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
290 | Laith L.F.; Al-Hameed M.R.; Ismail L.S.; Zearah S.A.; Majeed M.G.; Abd Ghani M.K.; Günerhan H. | Developing Heart Rate Monitoring system for Athletes using Fuzzy Clustering Approach | 2023 | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | |
291 | Barseghyan A.; Serafin S.; Kostyakova A.; Naamo G.S.; Qinbr M.I. | Financial and analytical assessment of the costs of maintaining large urban park spaces in the Mediterranean on the example of Barcelona; [Фінансово-аналітична оцінка витрат на утримання великих міських паркових просторів Середземномор’я на прикладі Барселони] | 2023 | Scientific Horizons | |
292 | Alubady R.; Diame T.A.; Sabah H.; Mahdi H.H.J.; Saleem M.; Cengiz K.; Yassine S. | Anticipating Student Engagement in Classroom through IoT-Enabled Intelligent Teaching Model Enhanced by Machine Learning | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
293 | Talib T.M.; Zaidan T.F. | Salivary trace elements in patients with ulcerative colitis on different treatment modalities | 2023 | Bionatura | |
294 | Alkhafaji M.A.; Hussam R.; Haroon N.H.; Abdulqader Othman A.H.; Majeed M.G. | Space Invariant Artificial Neural Network based Prediction of human activity of Knee joints | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
295 | Faris N.N.; Adile M.; Alubady R.; Alatba S.R.; Diame T.A.; Sadiq S.N. | Analyzing Industry Information Management and limitations based on P2P computing | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
296 | Fahidhil E.; Abdulhussain Z.N.; Hussam R.; Ghali F.; Jameel Mahdi H.H.; Sadiq S.N. | Application of Deep neural network for an Effective user experience in an interactive platform | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
297 | Majed S.; Al-Hameed M.R.; Hussian A.; Zearah S.A.; Nazar Dawood M.; Abbas J.K. | Online Student Assessment Based on Facial Expression Recognition through Machine Learning | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
298 | Abdulkareem S.A.; Jabbar K.A.; Ahmed I.; Zearah S.A.; Diame H.A.; Sadiq S.N. | Deep reinforcement learning-based Smart Education System with wireless sensor network virtualization | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
299 | Sharif H.; Alsalhy M.J.; Alubady R.; Mohsin S.K.; Hussam R.; Abbas J.K. | Investor Behavior Analysis Using Bayesian Learning for the Equity Market | 2023 | 2023 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, AICERA/ICIS 2023 | |
300 | Mohammed S.S.; Mustafa W.W. | Effects of Lycopene as Monotherapy or Combined with Clobetasol on Spleen Index and Inflammatory Markers in Mouse Model of Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis | 2023 | Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences | |
301 | Abedi F.; Ghanimi H.M.A.; Sadeeq M.A.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Kareem Z.H.; Mahmood S.N.; Ali Hashim Abbas; Ali Abosinnee S.; Al-Azzawi W.K.; Jaber M.M.; Dauwed M. | Hybrid Deep Learning Enabled Load Prediction for Energy Storage Systems | 2023 | Computers, Materials and Continua | |
302 | Jery A.E.; Satishkumar P.; Abdul Jaleel Maktoof M.; Suplata M.; Dudic B.; Spalevic V. | Sustainable Heat Transfer Management: Modeling of Entropy Generation Minimization and Nusselt Number Development in Internal Flows with Various Shapes of Cross-Sections Using Water and Al2O3/Water Nanofluid | 2023 | Water (Switzerland) | |
303 | Jery A.E.; Khudhair A.K.; Abbas S.Q.; Abed A.M.; Khedher K.M. | Numerical simulation and artificial neural network prediction of hydrodynamic and heat transfer in a geothermal heat exchanger to obtain the optimal diameter of tubes with the lowest entropy using water and Al2O3/water nanofluid | 2023 | Geothermics | |
304 | Mohammed G.J.; Burhanuddin M.A.; Dawood F.A.A.; Alyousif S.; Alkhayyat A.; Ali M.H.; Malik R.Q.; Jaber M.M. | An Empirical Study on the Affecting Factors of Cloud-based ERP System Adoption in Iraqi SMEs | 2023 | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | |
305 | Shirehjini S.N.; Farahani M.S.; Ibrahim M.K.; Salman H.M.; Motevalli S.; Mohammadi M.H. | Mechanisms of Action of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation with Weak Non-Constant Current Stimulation Approaches | 2023 | Iranian Journal of Psychiatry | |
306 | Gokulakrishnan S.; Jarwar M.A.; Ali M.H.; Kamruzzaman M.M.; Meenakshisundaram I.; Jaber M.M.; Kumar R.L. | Maliciously roaming person’s detection around hospital surface using intelligent cloud-edge based federated learning | 2023 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | |
307 | Prasad V.K.; Bhattacharya P.; Maru D.; Tanwar S.; Verma A.; Singh A.; Tiwari A.K.; Sharma R.; Alkhayyat A.; Țurcanu F.-E.; Raboaca M.S. | Federated Learning for the Internet-of-Medical-Things: A Survey | 2023 | Mathematics | |
308 | Abedi F.; Zeebaree S.R.M.; Ageed Z.S.; Ghanimi H.M.A.; Alkhayyat A.; Sadeeq M.A.M.; Mahmood S.N.; Abosinnee A.S.; Kareem Z.H.; Abbas A.H.; Al-Azzawi W.K.; Jaber M.M.; Dauwed M. | Severity Based Light-Weight Encryption Model for Secure Medical Information System | 2023 | Computers, Materials and Continua | |
309 | Altaee M.; Jawad A.J.M.; Jalil M.A.; Sami N.; Madhi Z.S. | Multi-level fusion optimization in cyber-physical systems using computer vision-based fault detection | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
311 | Brontowiyono W.; AbdulHussein W.A.; Smaisim G.F.; Mahmoud M.Z.; Singh S.; Lafta H.A.; Hussein S.A.; Kadhim M.M.; Mustafa Y.F.; Aravindhan S. | Annealing Temperature Effect on Structural, Magnetic Properties and Methyl Green Degradation of Fe2O3 Nanostructures | 2023 | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | |
312 | Kadem S.; Sami N.; Elaraby A.; Alyousif S.; Jalil M.; Altaee M.; Almusawi M.; Ghany I.A.; Kareem A.K.; Kamalrudin M.; Ftaiet A.A. | Comparison of Epilepsy Induced by Ischemic Hypoxic Brain Injury and Hypoglycemic Brain Injury using Multilevel Fusion of Data Features | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
313 | Kadhim M.M.; Tabarsaei N.; Ghorchibeigi M.; Sadeghi Meresht A. | New MCRs in Ionic Liquid: Green Synthesis and Biological Activity Investigation of New Pyrazoloazepines: Application of Ag/Fe3O4/CdO@MWCNT MNCs in Reduction of Organic Pollutant | 2023 | Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds | |
314 | Aljajawy T.M.A.; Dawood M.S. | A Proposed Accounting Framework for Controlling Highly Complex and Thoroughness Risks Through Using of Financial Derivatives (Covid – 19) as a Model | 2023 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | |
315 | Aziz Ameen K.; Abdulrasool Hasan H.; Sherza J.S.; Hasan H.A.; Mohy R.J.; Hatam A.A. | Vibration Analysis of Fluid Structure Interface for Rectangular Plate | 2023 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | |
316 | Dikshit S.V.; Chavali S.; Malwe P.D.; Kulkarni S.; Panchal H.; Alrubaie A.J.; Mohamed M.A.; Jaber M.M. | A comprehensive review on dehumidification system using solid desiccant for thermal comfort in HVAC applications | 2023 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering | |
317 | Kadhim M.M.; Alabboodi K.O.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.; Taban T.Z.; Rheima A.M. | Analysis of the protection of copper corrosion by using amino acid inhibitors | 2023 | Journal of Molecular Modeling | |
318 | Hussein A.; Ahmed S.; Abed S.K.; Thamer N. | Enhancing iot-based intelligent video surveillance through multi-sensor fusion and deep reinforcement learning | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
319 | Naser B.K.; Dauwed M.; Alkhayyat A.; Jaber M.M.; Alyousif S.; Ali M.H. | An Efficient Method for Heat Recovery Process and Temperature Optimization | 2023 | Computers, Materials and Continua | |
320 | Kadhim M.M.; Alomar S.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.; Zedan Taban T. | BeO nanotube as a promising material for anticancer drugs delivery system | 2023 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering | |
321 | Alyousif S.; Dauwed M.; Nader R.; Ali M.H.; Jabar M.M.; Alkhayyat A. | An Optimal Algorithm for Resource Allocation in D2D Communication | 2023 | Computers, Materials and Continua | |
322 | Luaibi A.R.; Al-Saffar M.; Jalil A.T.; Rasol M.A.; Fedorovich E.V.; Saleh M.M.; Ahmed O.S. | Long non-coding RNAs: The modulators of innate and adaptive immune cells | 2023 | Pathology Research and Practice | |
323 | Amari A.; Noreen A.; Osman H.; Sammen S.S.; Al-Ansari N.; Salman H.M. | Investigation of the viable role of oil sludge-derived activated carbon for oily wastewater remediation | 2023 | Frontiers in Environmental Science | |
324 | Maktoof M.A.J.; Ibraheem H.M.; Razzaq M.A.A.; Abbas A.; Majdi A. | Machine learning-based intelligent video surveillance in smart city framework | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
325 | Alja’afreh I.Y.; Alaatabi R.M.; Aldoghachi F.E.H.; Mudhafar M.; Almashhadani H.A.; Kadhim M.M.; Shari F.H. | Study the antioxidant of Matricaria chamomilla (Chamomile) powder: In vitro and vivo | 2023 | Bionatura | |
326 | Alawamleh H.S.K.; Mousavi S.; Ashoori D.; Salman H.M.; Zahmatkesh S.; Sillanpää M. | Wastewater Management Using Coagulation and Surface Adsorption through Different Polyferrics in the Presence of TiO2-g-PMAA Particles | 2023 | Water (Switzerland) | |
327 | Banjar M.F.; Yahaya A.N.A.; Khalil N.A.; Al-Dulaimi A.A.; Singh M.; Zulkifli M. | Mechanical properties and conductivity of polyaniline-cellulose-latex hybrid | 2023 | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
328 | Fhadil H.A.; Al-Bahrani M.; Huang C.; Abbas S.Q. | Application of the piezoelectricity as the effective solution to energy management of the composite structures exposed to abrupt thermal load | 2023 | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures | |
329 | Jawad M.M.; Abd Malik N.N.N.; Mohammed A.J.; Murad N.A.; Esa M.R.M.; Hussein Y.M. | Design of A Conformal Fractal Antenna with SIW for Medical Implants Application; [Projekt konformalnej anteny fraktalnej z SIW do zastosowań w implantach medycznych] | 2023 | Przeglad Elektrotechniczny | |
330 | Salman H.M.; Hamdan H.F.; Khalid R.; Al-Kikani S. | Physical activity monitoring for older adults through iot and wearable devices: Leveraging data fusion techniques | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
331 | Hassan Q.; Abdulrahman I.S.; Salman H.M.; Olapade O.T.; Jaszczur M. | Techno-Economic Assessment of Green Hydrogen Production by an Off-Grid Photovoltaic Energy System | 2023 | Energies | |
332 | Harismah K.; Hassan A.; Nassar M.F.; Hamid O.T.; Zandi H. | Carbon Dioxide Uptake by a Polonium-Doped Fullerene: Computational Analyses | 2023 | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry | |
333 | Abdul Zahra M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Kadhim M.M.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Almashhadani H.A.; Rheima A.M.; Hachim S.K.; Ebadi A.G. | Engineering promising A-π-D type molecules for efficient organic-based material solar cells | 2023 | Molecular Simulation | |
334 | Mouhmmd L.T.; Rahima M.A.; Mohammed A.M.; Hasan H.F.; Alwan A.S.; Sharaf H.K. | THE EFFECT OF FIRM TYPE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACCOUNTING QUALITY AND TRADE CREDIT IN LISTED FIRMS | 2023 | Corporate and Business Strategy Review | |
335 | Ismaeel G.A.; Gheni M.B.; Abbas S.Q.; Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H. | DEVELOPING SATELLITE HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE PROCESSING USING A MAXIMUM ABUNDANCE CLASSIFIER WITH NINE GROUND TRUTH CLASSES | 2023 | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | |
336 | Kadhim M.M.; Abdulkareem Mahmood E.; Poor Heravi M.R.; Soleimani-Amiri S.; Ebadi A.G.; Vessally E. | The synthesis of biologically active 1-sulfonyl-1, 2, 3-triazoles from sulfonyl azides and alkynes: a focus review | 2023 | Journal of Sulfur Chemistry | |
337 | Javaheri S.; Attry S.; Saber Mahani F.; Obaid R.F.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Almashhadani H.A.; Kadhim M.M. | Detection of nitrotyrosine (Alzheimer’s agent) by B24N24 nano cluster: A comparative DFT and QTAIM insight | 2023 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
338 | Mareai B.M.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Al-Husseinawi F. | Bio-Medical Waste Management and Analysis for Selected Hospitals in Southern and middle parts of Iraq; [Nakládání s biomedicínským odpadem a analýza pro vybrané nemocnice v jižní a střední části Iráku] | 2023 | Waste Forum | |
339 | Hassan Q.H.; Alalwan H.A.; Mohammed M.M.; Mohammed M.F. | IDENTIFYING THE IMPACT OF METHANOL-DIESEL FUEL ON THE ENVIRONMENT USING A FOUR-STROKE CI ENGINE | 2023 | Journal of Applied Engineering Science | |
340 | Baharvand A.; Molaeipour L.; Alesaeidi S.; Shaddel R.; Mashatan N.; Amiriani T.; Kiaei Sudkolaei M.; Abbasian S.; Talib Al-Naqeeb B.Z.; Kouhsari E. | The increasing antimicrobial resistance of Shigella species among Iranian pediatrics: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2023 | Pathogens and Global Health | |
341 | Al-Yousif S.; Nabeel A.; Ibrahim W.K.; Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Jaber M.; Hameed A.S.; Al-Khayyat A.H.; Omer A.F.; Mustafa N.; Jabbar K.A.; Abbood A.A.A. | Intelligent Multilevel Fusion System for Wireless Sensor Network Virtualization Using Deep Reinforcement Learning in Education | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
342 | Alalwan H.A.; Alminshid A.H.; Mohammed M.M.; Mohammed M.F. | Methane activation on metal oxide nanoparticles: spectroscopic identification of reaction mechanism | 2023 | Particulate Science and Technology | |
343 | Kadhim M.M.; Rheima A.M.; Shadhar M.H.; Abdulnabi S.M.; Saleh Z.M.; Al Mashhadani Z.I.; Najm Z.M.; Sarkar A. | New Type Anode for Calcium Ion Batteries Based on Silicon Carbide Monolayer | 2023 | Silicon | |
344 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Abosinnee A.S.; Malik R.Q. | Simulation research on the collision between freight cars and expressway three-wave beam steel guardrail | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | |
345 | Kadhim M.M.; Sadoon N.; Gheni H.A.; Hachim S.K.; Majdi A.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Rheima A.M. | Application of B3O3 monolayer as an electrical sensor for detection of formaldehyde gas: A DFT study | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
346 | Harismah K.; Khadivi R.; Balali E.; Chaitanya M.V.N.L.; Cotrina-Aliaga J.C.; Jasim I.K.; Arias-Gonzáles J.L. | Hydrogen-Bonded Dimers of 2-Thiouracil: Insights from Computational Analyses | 2023 | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry | |
347 | Jassim D.A.; Jassim S.I.; Alhayani N.J. | Image De-Blurring and De-Noising by Using a Wiener Filter for Different Types of Noise | 2023 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | |
348 | Kadhim M.M.; Abed Z.T.; Azeez H.M.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Hadi M.A.; Rheima A.M. | AlC3 monolayer as an efficient adsorbent for removal of edifenphos molecule: a density functional theory study | 2023 | Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements | |
349 | Amari A.; Mohammed B.A.; Salman H.M.; Lagos J.M. | Numerical assessment of the nanocomposite sector annular plates with the aim of promoting their mixed-form thermal shock response | 2023 | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | |
350 | Hassan Q.; Jaszezur M.; Hasan A. | Optimizing hybrid power system at highest sustainability | 2023 | Energy Harvesting and Systems | |
351 | Salman H.M.; Al-Doori V.S.; Sharif H.; Hameed W.; Bader R.S. | Accurate Recognition of Natural language Using Machine Learning and Feature Fusion Processing | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
352 | Ahmed S.S.; Jawad A.J.M.; Abd S.K.; Mohammed A.; Majeed A.H. | Intelligent decision making in iot-based enterprise management through fusion optimization with deep learning models | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
353 | Abdulsahib A.K.; Kamaruddin S.S.; Jabar M.M. | A Double Clustering Approach for Color Image Segmentation | 2023 | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | |
354 | Maktoof M.A.J.; Jawad A.J.M.; Abd H.M.; Husain A.; Majdi A. | Using a fuzzy logic integrated machine learning algorithm for information fusion in smart parking | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
355 | Hadi M.A.; Kadhim M.M.; Al-Azawi I.I.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Majdi A.; Hachim S.K.; Rheima A.M. | Evaluation of the role perfect and defect boron nitride monolayer in calcium ion batteries as a anode | 2023 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
356 | Kadhim M.M.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Taban T.Z.; Alomar T.; AI- Masoud N.; Hachim S.K. | Quantum mechanical survey on the electronic sensitivity of aluminium phosphide monolayer toward halogen gases | 2023 | Molecular Simulation | |
357 | Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Alfred Daniel J.; Vignesh C.C.; Meenakshisundaram I.; Kumar B.S.; Punitha P. | Autonomous vehicles decision-making enhancement using self-determination theory and mixed-precision neural networks | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | |
358 | Ahmed O.S.; Fadhil F.; Alzubaidi L.H.J.; Al-Obaidi R. | Fusion Processing Techniques and Bio-inspired Algorithm for E-Communication and Knowledge Transfer | 2023 | Fusion: Practice and Applications | |
359 | Mahdi S.M.; Hussein S.A.; Salman H.M.; Sfayyih A.H.; Sulaiman N.B. | DEVELOPING MICROPHONE-BASED AUDIO COMMANDS CLASSIFIER USING CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK | 2023 | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | |
360 | Harismah K.; Nassar M.F.; Hamid O.T.; Al-Khafaji M.O.; Zandi H. | Investigating a Boron Nitride Plate for the Formaldehyde Adsorption: Density Functional Theory Calculations | 2023 | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry | |
361 | Patra I.; Naser R.H.; Hussam F.; Hameed N.M.; Kadhim M.M.; Ahmad I.; Awadh S.A.; Hamad D.A.; Parra R.M.R.; Mustafa Y.F. | Ketoprofen suppresses triple negative breast cancer cell growth by inducing apoptosis and inhibiting autophagy | 2023 | Molecular Biology Reports | |
362 | Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Khalil Abd S.; Alkhayyat A.; R. Q M.; Ali M.H. | Application of internet of things-based efficient security solution for industrial | 2023 | Production Planning and Control |
بحوث جامعة التراث المفهرسة ضمن مستوعبات سكوبس للعام 2022
No: | Authors | Title | Year | Source title | |
1 | Kadhim M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Abbas Z.S.; Hachim S.K.; Rheima A.M.; Almashhadani H.A.; Ebadi A.G. | Design new D-π-A materials for sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells: Quantum chemical study | 2022 | Optik | |
2 | Hussein F.M.; Abdul Amir Y.K.; AL-Ani R.R.; AL-Mokaram A.M.A. | Synthesis and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2-coupled SnO2 Nanoparticles Prepared By Sol–Gel Technique | 2022 | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry | |
3 | Adnan Al-Sanjari H.; Reaad S.; Sabri Abbas Z.; Rayid R.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Hachim S.K.; Kadhim M.M.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Ismael Ibrahim A. | Exploring the role of Stone-Wales defect in boron nitride nano-sheet as a anode Mg-ion batteries | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
4 | Long W.; Hamza M.U.; Abdul-Fattah M.N.; Rheima A.M.; Ahmed Y.M.; Fahim F.S.; Altimari U.S.; Aldulaim A.K.O.; Janani B.J.; Fakhri A. | Preparation, photocatalytic and antibacterial studies on novel doped ferrite nanoparticles: Characterization and mechanism evaluation | 2022 | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | |
5 | AlKhafaji K.S.; Shakor Z.M.; Al-Zaidi B.Y.; Hussein S.J. | Preparation and Characterization of Metakaolin-Based Catalysts for Gasoil Hydrodesulfurization Purposes | 2022 | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | |
6 | Jassim G.S.; Al-Dhalimy A.M.B.; Noori A.S.; Shadhar M.H.; Kadhim M.M.; Almashhadani H.A.; Rheima A.M.; Liu P. | Study the application of new type green corrosion inhibitors for iron metal | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
7 | Kadhim M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Abbas Z.S.; Hachim S.K.; Rheima A.M.; Almashhadani H.A.; Ebadi A.G. | Investigation of performance and efficiency of donor-π-bridge-acceptor based material solar cell | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
8 | Kadhim M.M.; Taban T.Z.; Shadhar M.H.; Jasem H.; Hachim S.K.; Rheima A.M.; Masileno A. | A first principle study on sensing properties of quasi-planer born (B36 borophene) towards COS, SO2, H2S and CS2 gases | 2022 | Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures | |
9 | Sonawane C.; Alrubaie A.J.; Panchal H.; Chamkha A.J.; Jaber M.M.; Oza A.D.; Zahmatkesh S.; Burduhos-Nergis D.D.; Burduhos-Nergis D.P. | Investigation on the Impact of Different Absorber Materials in Solar Still Using CFD Simulation—Economic and Environmental Analysis | 2022 | Water (Switzerland) | |
10 | Zahmatkesh S.; Klemeš J.J.; Bokhari A.; Rezakhani Y.; Wang C.; Sillanpaa M.; Amesho K.T.T.; Ahmed W.S. | Reducing chemical oxygen demand from low strength wastewater: A novel application of fuzzy logic based simulation in MATLAB | 2022 | Computers and Chemical Engineering | |
11 | Ali M.H.; Al-Azzawi W.K.; Jaber M.; Abd S.K.; Alkhayyat A.; Rasool Z.I. | Improving coal mine safety with internet of things (IoT) based Dynamic Sensor Information Control System | 2022 | Physics and Chemistry of the Earth | |
12 | Afram R.M.; Abd Al-Muhsen G.S.; Ali Y.H.; AL-Saffar B.; Ahmed W.R.; Ali H.A.; Jasim A.A.; Josephine R.; Muslim A.M.; Ali E.H. | Real-time Motion Up and Down Activity Recognition Based on Smart Phone and Smart Watch Sensors | 2022 | 4th International Conference on Current Research in Engineering and Science Applications, ICCRESA 2022 | |
13 | Aadil M.; Hassan W.; Somaily H.H.; Ejaz S.R.; Abass R.R.; Jasem H.; Hachim S.K.; Adhab A.H.; Abood E.S.; Alsafari I.A. | Synergistic effect of doping and nanotechnology to fabricate highly efficient photocatalyst for environmental remediation | 2022 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | |
14 | Hassan Q.; Pawela B.; Hasan A.; Jaszczur M. | Optimization of Large-Scale Battery Storage Capacity in Conjunction with Photovoltaic Systems for Maximum Self-Sustainability | 2022 | Energies | |
15 | Bloh A.H.; Kadhim M.M.; Obaid R.F.; Taban T.Z.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Almashhadani H.A.; Y. A. | Chlorine trifluoride gas adsorption on the Fe, Ru, Rh, and Ir decorated gallium nitride nanotubes | 2022 | Solid State Communications | |
16 | Husham Almukhtar F.; Abbas Ajwad A.; Kamil A.S.; Jaleel R.A.; Adil Kamil R.; Jalal Mosa S. | Deep Learning Techniques for Pattern Recognition in EEG Audio Signal-Processing-Based Eye-Closed and Eye-Open Cases | 2022 | Electronics (Switzerland) | |
17 | Qasim M.T.; Mahdi Mohammed Alakkam E.; Mahdi Mohammed M.; Hachim S.K.; Sabah Jabr H.; Emad Izzat S.; Mohammed K.A.; Hamood S.A.; Shnain Ali M.; Najd Obaid F.; Mohsin Al-Dhalemi D. | Ovine Pasteurellosis Vaccine: Assessment of the Protective Antibody Titer and Recognition of the Prevailing Serotypes | 2022 | Archives of Razi Institute | |
18 | Faeck Jaafar I.; Ahmed Mehdi S.; M. Fawzi A.-H. | Isolation insult during COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological status of medical students | 2022 | Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis | |
19 | Jaber M.M.; Alameri T.; Ali M.H.; Alsyouf A.; Al-Bsheish M.; Aldhmadi B.K.; Ali S.Y.; Abd S.K.; Ali S.M.; Albaker W.; Jarrar M. | Remotely Monitoring COVID-19 Patient Health Condition Using Metaheuristics Convolute Networks from IoT-Based Wearable Device Health Data | 2022 | Sensors | |
21 | Kadhim M.M.; Kadhim Mahmood R.; Ali N.; Sabri Abbas Z.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Mahdi Rheima A. | Sensing properties of acetone gas on the two-dimensional orthorhombic diboron dinitride sheet: A DFT investigation | 2022 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
22 | Ghazi H.F.; Hasan T.N.; Rashed F.H.; Mahdi K.S.; Sami F.A.; Najm L.A.; Abd F.A. | Students’ Knowledge Regarding Antibiotic Usage for Children Upper Respiratory Tract Infections | 2022 | Unnes Journal of Public Health | |
23 | Darbandi A.; Gavahi M.; Shirani Bidabadi E.; Kadhim M.M.; Naghsh N.; Canli G.; Ahmed O.S. | Complexation of mercaptopurine anticancer drug with an iron-doped fullerene cage: DFT assessments of drug delivery approach | 2022 | Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics | |
24 | Salim A.J.; Al-Haidarie Y.K.; Nasir M.I. | Adsorptive Desulfurization of Model Oil by Ag Nanoparticles-Modified Eichhornia Crassipes: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Thermodynamic Studies | 2022 | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry | |
25 | Mohammed M.K.A.; Esmail Shalan A.; Dehghanipour M.; Mohseni H.R. | Improved mixed-dimensional 3D/2D perovskite layer with formamidinium bromide salt for highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells | 2022 | Chemical Engineering Journal | |
26 | Liu Q.; Wang J.; Liu W.; Zedan Taban T.; Kadhim M.M.; Sarkar A. | Thermodynamic and density functional theory study the removal of different forms of gas arsenic by using aluminum nitride nanotube | 2022 | Fuel | |
27 | Hassan Q.; Jaszczur M.; Teneta J.; Abbas M.K.; Hasan A.; Al-Jiboory A.K. | Experimental investigation for the estimation of the intensity of solar irradiance on oblique surfaces by means of various models | 2022 | Energy Harvesting and Systems | |
28 | Qinb M.; Baban O. | Attitudes of faculty members at the Al-Turath University College towards employing e-learning tools | 2022 | Res Militaris | |
29 | Ismail L.S.; Lupu C.; Alshareefi H. | Design of Adaptive-RST Controller for Nonlinear Magnetic Levitation System Using Multiple Zone-Model Approach in Real-Time Experimentation | 2022 | Applied System Innovation | |
30 | Dameh M.; Baqer A.A.; Zaidi M.; Hachim S.K.; Hameed N.M.; Awadh S.A.; Obaid A.J.; Adhab Z.H. | Evaluating the efficacy of flavonoids from Capparis Spinosa extracts in treatment of Candida Vulvovaginitis | 2022 | Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences | |
31 | Kadhim M.M.; Shadhar M.H.; Merzah K.S.; Jasem H.; Hachim S.K.; Rheima A.M.; Ahmadi R. | Propylthiouracil drug adsorption on pristine, Cu, Ag, and Au decorated AlP nanosheets | 2022 | Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics | |
32 | Alalwan H.A.; Alminshid A.H.; Mohammed M.M.; Mohammed M.F.; Shadhar M.H. | Reviewing of Using Nanomaterials for Wastewater Treatment | 2022 | Pollution | |
33 | Mousa N.E.; Mohammed S.S.; Shnain Z.Y.; Abid M.F.; Sukkar K.A.; Al-Wasiti A.A. | Catalytic Photodegradation of Cyclic Sulfur Compounds in a Model Fuel Using a Bench-scale Falling-film Reactor Irradiated by a Visible Light | 2022 | Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis | |
34 | Kareem H.A.; Zaidi M.; Baqer A.A.; Hachim S.K.; ghazuan T.; Alasedi K.K.; Hameed N.M.; Aldulaim A.K.O.; Abid M.K.; Hussein M.J.; Dahesh S.M.A. | Synthesis and Characterization of CoFe2 O4 Nanoparticles and Its Application in Removal of Reactive Violet 5 from Water | 2022 | Journal of Nanostructures | |
35 | Mohamed M.B.M.; Dahabiyeh L.A.; Sahib M.N. | Design and evaluation of molecular organogel based on folic acid as a potential green drug carrier for oral route | 2022 | Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy | |
36 | Abdulsattar N.F.; Mohammed D.A.; Alkhayyat A.; Hamed S.Z.; Hariz H.M.; Abosinnee A.S.; Abbas A.H.; Hassan M.H.; Jubair M.A.; Abbas F.H.; Algarni A.D.; Soliman N.F.; El-Shafai W. | Privacy-Preserving Mobility Model and Optimization-Based Advanced Cluster Head Selection (P2O-ACH) for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks | 2022 | Electronics (Switzerland) | |
37 | Kadhim M.M.; Sh. Jassim G.; Fadhel Obaid R.; Zedan Taban T.; Almashhadani H.A.; Hachim S.K.; Sharma S. | Potential application of some metal decorated AlP nano-sheet for detection of boron trichloride | 2022 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
38 | Hammadi Fahad I.; Sadoon N.; Kadhim M.M.; Abbas Alhussainy A.; Hachim S.K.; Abdulwahid Abdulhussain M.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Mahdi Rheima A. | Potential of zinc carbide 2D monolayers as a new drug delivery system for nitrosourea (NU) anti-cancer drug | 2022 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
39 | Radhi S.S.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Falah M.W. | Sustainable heating system by infrared radiators | 2022 | Heritage and Sustainable Development | |
40 | Hussein R.A.; Sabit S.H.; Alwan M.G.; Wafqan H.M.; Baqer A.A.; Ali M.H.; Hachim S.K.; Sahi Z.T.; AlSalami H.T.; Sulaiman B.A.F. | Psychometric Evaluation of Dictations with the Rasch Model | 2022 | International Journal of Language Testing | |
41 | Kareem M.Q.; Jassim G.S.; Obaid R.F.; Shadhar M.H.; Kadhim M.M.; Almashhadani H.A.; Sarkar A. | Nile red based dye D–π–A as a promising material for solar cell applications | 2022 | Chemical Papers | |
42 | Janabi Z.M.A.; Alsalami H.S.J.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Hussien S.A. | Increasing Of The Corrosion Resistance By Preparing The Trivalent Nickel Complex | 2022 | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry | |
43 | Al-Masoodi Z.; Dulaimi A.; Jafer H.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Atherton W.; Hussien S.A. | Soft Soil Treated with Waste Fluid Catalytic Cracking as a Sustainable Stabilizer Material | 2022 | Iraqi Geological Journal | |
44 | Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Alkhayyat A.; Jasim A.D. | Arti¯cial Neural Network-Based Medical Diagnostics and Therapeutics | 2022 | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | |
45 | Ridha F.F.; Al-Janabi A.; Al-Hayali S.K. | Mach-Zehnder interferometer comb filter for multi-wavelength mode-locked generation from erbium-doped fiber laser | 2022 | Applied Optics | |
46 | Reaad S.; Hatem Shadhar M.; Kadhim M.M.; Mohsen Najm Z.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Hachim S.K.; Sharma S. | Carbonyl fluoride gas adsorption and detection by the pristine and Ni-doped inorganic boron nitride nanoclusters | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
47 | Al-Saedi M.N.; Sabbar A.S.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Al-Saedi S.R. | Resilient Modulus and Permanent Deformation Responses of Tire Rubber-Cement Stabilize Soft Clay | 2022 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
48 | Kadhim M.M.; Zedan Taban T.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Sabri Abbas Z.; Hachim S.K.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Abdulkareem Almashhadani H.; Ahmadi R. | Sarin chemical warfare agent detection by Sc-decorated XN nanotubes (X = Al or Ga) | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
49 | Al-Hetty H.R.A.K.; Al-Lami M.S.; Jawad S.F.; Waleed I.; muttashar H.H.; Mohamed A.M.A.; Kadhim M.M.; Derakhshandeh M. | Adsorption of Thiotepa anticancer drugs on the BC3 nanotube as a promising nanocarriers for drug delivery | 2022 | Journal of Biotechnology | |
50 | Ali Y.H.; Azmi A.I.; Albaji A.O.; Muslim A.M.; Murhg H.D.; AL-Saffar B.; Ali E.H. | A Review of Traffic Highway Noise Towards Residential Area | 2022 | 4th International Conference on Current Research in Engineering and Science Applications, ICCRESA 2022 | |
51 | Barzan Talab M.; hasan muttashar H.; Faraj J.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Hachim S.K.; Adel M.; Kadhim M.M.; Mahdi Rheima A. | Inspection the potential of B3O3 monolayer as a carrier for flutamide anticancer delivery system | 2022 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
52 | Hussein R.A.; Dhyaaldian S.M.A.; Alwan M.G.; Wafqan H.M.; Baqer A.A.; Ali M.H.; Hachim S.K.; Sahi Z.T.; Alsalami H.T.; Sulaiman B.A.F.; Sabit S.H. | Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire among Iraqi Patients with Type II Diabetes | 2022 | International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture | |
53 | Mohammed A.K.; Al-Shaheeb S.; Fawzi O.F.; Almashhadani H.A.; Kadhim M.M. | Evaluation of Interlukein-6 and Vitamin D in Patients with COVID-19 | 2022 | Research Journal of Biotechnology | |
54 | Chaturvedi A.; Yadav S.A.; Salman H.M.; Goyal H.R.; Gebregziabher H.; Rao A.K. | Classification of Sound using Convolutional Neural Networks | 2022 | Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, IC3I 2022 | |
55 | Esmaeilzadeh A.A.; Rasoolzadegan S.; Arabi A.R.; Soofi D.; Ramsheh S.S.R.; Ahmed W.S.; Pour R.M. | Cytotoxic study of green synthesized pure and Ag-doped α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles on breast cancer (MCF-7) cell line | 2022 | Nanomedicine Research Journal | |
56 | Sherza J.S.; Hasan H.A.; Hussain I.Y.; Abdullah O.I. | Investigate the Effect of Alternative Dry Frictional Clutch Disc Material on the Transient Thermal Performance of Sliding System Experimentally under Different Boundary Conditions | 2022 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
57 | Jazea N.A.; Ali M.H.; Sherif N.H. | Evaluate consumption of electric energy of residential sector and its environmental and economic effects | 2022 | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | |
58 | Kadhim Al-Hayali S.; Salman A.M.; Hadi Al-Janabi A. | Low-cost high-sensitivity pH sensor based on a droplet-shaped single-mode fiber Mach–Zehnder interferometer | 2022 | Optical Fiber Technology | |
59 | Salam Karim Y.; Hachim S.K.; Abdul Ali A.; Ameen Baqer A.; Ali Yaseen M.; Lafta H.A.; Hussein Adhab Z.; Ayad Kareem H.; Shaker Hamza I.; Hamad D.A. | The Influence of Rumen-Protected Choline and α-tocopherol Supplementation on Early Lactating Dairy Cows Metabolism | 2022 | Archives of Razi Institute | |
60 | Kadhim M.M.; Shadhar M.H.; Nathir I.; Taban T.Z.; Noori A.S.; Almashhadani H.A.; Rheima A.M.; Ebadi A.G. | Exploring the application of AlN graphyne in calcium ion batteries | 2022 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
61 | Abdulamir H.A.; Aldafaay A.A.A.; Al-Shammari A.H. | The Role of Liver Function Tests in Monitoring the effect of Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Children with Gaucher Disease | 2022 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | |
62 | Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Alkhayyat A.; Jameel H.A. | Model for wireless image correlation assisted by sensors based on 3D display technology | 2022 | Optik | |
63 | Mahdi Mohammed Alakkam E.; Abulkassim R.; Hachim S.K.; Kadhim A.J.; Hasan Al-Zubaidi S.; Hussein Adhab A.; Jamal Abdulhasan M.; Jalil Obaid A.; Khaleel Almusawi Y.; Takleef Al Salami H.; Sabah Bustani G.; Eldeeb F.A. | The Potential Benefits of Legumes Germ and Cereal Grains on Roosters’ Reproductive Performance | 2022 | Archives of Razi Institute | |
64 | Abd Zaid S.M.; AbdulRazak A.A.; Abid M.F. | Desulfurization of a Model Liquid Fuel by Adsorption over Zinc oxide/Activated Alumina Assisted with Ultrasonication | 2022 | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry | |
65 | Jibril Ibrahim A.; Ghani H.A.; Hussein E.S.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Kadhim M.M.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Turki Jalil A.; Anshul Y. | Metal-decorated BN monolayer as potential chemical sensors for detection of purinethol drug | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
66 | Hussein A.K. | Chat network study and design using HTML and PHP web programming | 2022 | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | |
67 | Hussein S.A.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Alfatlawi T.; Abbood A.-K.N. | Assessment of Surface and Subsurface Drainage from Permeable Friction Course (As a Sustainable Pavement) under Different Geometric and Hydrologic Conditions | 2022 | Iraqi Geological Journal | |
68 | Jawad M.M.; Abd Malik N.N.N.; Murad N.A.; Esa M.R.M.; Ahmad M.R.; Al Radh O.H.A.; Abdulbari A.A.; Hussein Y.M.; Al-Dhief F.T. | Design and characterization substrate integrated waveguide antenna for WBANS application | 2022 | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | |
69 | Hassan Q.; Jaszczur M.; Abdulateef A.M.; Abdulateef J.; Hasan A.; Mohamad A. | An analysis of photovoltaic/supercapacitor energy system for improving self-consumption and self-sufficiency | 2022 | Energy Reports | |
70 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Alreda B.A.; Alkhuwaylidee A.R.; Alyousif S. | A Machine Learning-Based Semantic Pattern Matching Model for Remote Sensing Data Registration | 2022 | Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | |
71 | Datta D.; Mallick P.K.; Reddy A.V.N.; Mohammed M.A.; Jaber M.M.; Alghawli A.S.; Al-qaness M.A.A. | A Hybrid Classification of Imbalanced Hyperspectral Images Using ADASYN and Enhanced Deep Subsampled Multi-Grained Cascaded Forest | 2022 | Remote Sensing | |
72 | Hassan Q.; Jaszczur M.; Al-Jiboory A.K.; Hasan A.; Mohamad A. | Optimizing of hybrid renewable photovoltaic/wind turbine/super capacitor for improving self-sustainability | 2022 | Energy Harvesting and Systems | |
73 | Jaber M.M.; Ali M.H.; Abd S.K.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A.; Aziz H.W.; Alkhuwaylidee A.R. | Predicting climate factors based on big data analytics based agricultural disaster management | 2022 | Physics and Chemistry of the Earth | |
74 | Kahrizi M.S.; Maghsoodi S.; Ghayoumi F.; Etemadi H.; Aminzadeh S.; Safa K.; Alesaeidi S.; Ahmed O.S. | Mesenchymal stem/stroma cell (MSC)-derived nanoscale exosomes inhibit T cell proliferation by negative regulation of PI3K/Akt and MAPK/ERK pathway | 2022 | Nanomedicine Research Journal | |
75 | Ali M.H.; Sherif N.H. | Design and Implementation of Adaptive Universal Filtered Multi Carrier for 5G and Beyond | 2022 | International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security | |
76 | Sherif N.H.; Ali M.H.; Jazea N.A. | Design and implementation reversible multiplexer using quantum-dot cellular automata approach | 2022 | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | |
77 | Abdtawfeeq T.H.; Mahmood E.A.; Azimi S.B.; Kadhim M.M.; Kareem R.T.; Charati F.R.; Vessally E. | Direct selenosulfonylation of unsaturated compounds: a review | 2022 | RSC Advances | |
78 | Mohammed M.M.; Alalwan H.A.; Alminshid A.; Hussein S.A.M.; Mohammed M.F. | Desulfurization of heavy naphtha by oxidation-adsorption process using iron-promoted activated carbon and Cu+2-promoted zeolite 13X | 2022 | Catalysis Communications | |
79 | Esmaeilzadeh A.A.; Kashian M.; Salman H.M.; Alsaffar M.F.; Jaber M.M.; Soltani S.; Amiri Manjili D.; Ilhan A.; Bahrami A.; Kastelic J.W. | Identify Biomarkers and Design Effective Multi-Target Drugs in Ovarian Cancer: Hit Network-Target Sets Model Optimizing | 2022 | Biology | |
80 | Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Rehman A.; Awan M.J.; Damaševičius R.; Bahaj S.A. | Threat Analysis and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack Recognition in the Internet of Things (IoT) | 2022 | Electronics (Switzerland) | |
81 | Radhi N.S.; Kareem N.E.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Sahi N.M.; Falah M.W. | Investigation Biological and Mechanical Characteristics of Hybrid PMMA Composite Materials as Prosthesis Complete Denture | 2022 | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry | |
82 | Al-shami S.A.; Aldahmani S.; Kamalrudin M.; Al-Kumaim N.H.; Al Mamun A.; Al-shami M.; Jaber M.M. | A Model of Motivational and Technological Factors Influencing Massive Open Online Courses’ Continuous Intention to Use | 2022 | Sustainability (Switzerland) | |
83 | Kadhim M.M.; Sheibanian N.; Ashoori D.; Sadri M.; Tavakoli-Far B.; Khadivi R.; Akhavan-Sigari R. | The drug delivery of hydrea anticancer by a nanocone-oxide: Computational assessments | 2022 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | |
84 | Kadhim M.M.; Sead F.F.; Jalil A.T.; Taban T.Z.; Rheima A.M.; Almashhadani H.A.; Shadhar M.H.; Hamel S. | Al-, Ga-, and In-decorated BP nanotubes as chemical sensors for 2-chloroethanol | 2022 | Monatshefte fur Chemie | |
85 | Sadeghi M.; Bahrami A.; Hasankhani A.; Kioumarsi H.; Nouralizadeh R.; Abdulkareem S.A.; Ghafouri F.; Barkema H.W. | lncRNA–miRNA–mRNA ceRNA Network Involved in Sheep Prolificacy: An Integrated Approach | 2022 | Genes | |
86 | Turki Jalil A.; Alameri A.A.; Iqbal Doewes R.; El-Sehrawy A.A.; Ahmad I.; Ramaiah P.; Kadhim M.M.; Kzar H.H.; Sivaraman R.; Romero-Parra R.M.; Ansari M.J.; Fakri Mustafa Y. | Circulating and dietary advanced glycation end products and obesity in an adult population: A paradox of their detrimental effects in obesity | 2022 | Frontiers in Endocrinology | |
87 | Salman A.M.; Al-Hayali K.; Al-Janabi A.H. | Wide-range and highly sensitive pH sensor based on a figure-eight fiber structure coated with copper/polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel | 2022 | Optical Materials Express | |
88 | Abouzid M.; El-Sherif D.M.; Al Naggar Y.; Alshehri M.M.; Alothman S.; El-Seedi H.R.; Trabelsi R.; Ibrahim O.M.; Temraz E.H.; Buimsaedah A.; Aziz I.A.; Alwan M.; Al Hasan N.H.J.; Ragab H.N.; Koraiem A.M.; Ahmed M.H.; Temraz H.H.; Madeeh A.K.; Alshareif M.O.; Elkhafeefi F.S.; Badis I.-E.; Abdelslam A.E.; Ali A.A.M.; Kotni N.E.I.; Amer T. | Investigating the current environmental situation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic: urban vs. rural context | 2022 | BMC Public Health | |
89 | Kadhim M.M.; Alomar S.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Zedan Taban T.; Alnasod N. | Aluminium carbide nano-sheet as a promising adsorbent for removal of carbendazim | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
90 | Fawzi Nassar M.; Zedan Taban T.; Fadhel Obaid R.; Hatem Shadhar M.; Abdulkareem Almashhadani H.; Kadhim M.M.; Liu P. | Study to amino acid-based inhibitors as an effective anti-corrosion material | 2022 | Journal of Molecular Liquids | |
91 | Aslaminabad R.; Rahimianshahreza N.; Hosseini S.A.; Armagan G.; Khan A.K.; Özbolat G.; Ahmed O.S.; Mardi Azar A.; Adili A.; Dağcı T.; Konyalıoğlu S.; Özgönül A.M. | Regulation of Nrf2 and Nrf2-related proteins by ganoderma lucidum ın hepatocellular carcinoma | 2022 | Molecular Biology Reports | |
92 | Hassan Q.; Jaszczur M.; Hafedh S.A.; Abbas M.K.; Abdulateef A.M.; Hasan A.; Abdulateef J.; Mohamad A. | Optimizing a microgrid photovoltaic-fuel cell energy system at the highest renewable fraction | 2022 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
93 | Waheeb A.S.; Al-Adilee K.J.; Al-Janabi A.S.; Shanmuganathan R.; Kadhim M.M. | Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxic, and computational studies of new complexes (copper and cadmium) | 2022 | Journal of Molecular Structure | |
94 | Jassim G.S.; Taban T.Z.; Shadhar M.H.; Kadhim M.M.; Noori A.S.; Almashhadani H.A.; Rheima A.M.; Mohamadi A. | Perception of Mg adsorption on the BC2N nanotube as a anode for rechargeable Mg ion batteries | 2022 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
95 | Al-Zuhairy S.A.S.; Kadhim M.M.; Hatem Shadhar M.; Jaber N.A.; Abdulkareem Almashhadani H.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Mousa M.N.; Cao Y. | Study to molecular insight into the role of aluminum nitride nanotubes on to deliver of 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) drug in smart drug delivery | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
96 | Kadhim M.M.; Jihad A.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Taban T.Z.; Rheima A.M. | A molecular modeling on the potential application of beryllium oxide nanotube for delivery of hydroxyurea anticancer drug | 2022 | Journal of Molecular Modeling | |
97 | Khamis Mahal R.; Mohammrd Naser S.; Abdulwahid Abdulhussain M.; Taha A.; Hachim S.K.; Abdullaha S.A.H.; Kadhim M.M.; Mahdi Rheima A.; Zedan Taban T. | First-principles studies on two-dimensional aluminum carbide as potential nanocarriers for drug delivery systems | 2022 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | |
98 | Abduljaleel I.Q.; Abduljabbar Z.A.; Al Sibahee M.A.; Ghrabat M.J.J.; Ma J.; Nyangaresi V.O. | A Lightweight Hybrid Scheme for Hiding Text Messages in Colour Images Using LSB, Lah Transform and Chaotic Techniques | 2022 | Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks | |
99 | Ameri A.; Tavakoli-Far B.; Rostami M.; Abedi kiasari B.; Sakhaei D.; Saad Ahmed O.; Forouzani F.; Fazli Y. | Recent advances in atezolizumab-based programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) blockade therapy for breast cancer | 2022 | International Immunopharmacology | |
100 | Pandiaraj S.; Govindasamy K.; Pandey A.; Sonawane C.; Alrubaie A.J.; Majdi A.; Mohamed M.A.; Jaber M.M.; Muthusamy S.; Panchal H. | A case study on development of thermodynamic entropy measuring device and its implication on the human body | 2022 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | |
101 | Vivekananda G.N.; Jarwar M.A.; Jaber M.M.; Prakash C.; Buddhi D.; Gnanasigamani L.J.; Sanz-Prieto I. | Effective two-tier tokenization for intelligent transportation supply chain systems using hybrid optimized query expansion | 2022 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | |
102 | Ahmed Z.H.; Hameed A.S.; Mutar M.L. | Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for the Asymmetric Distance-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem | 2022 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | |
103 | Alshareefi H.; Lupu C.; Alboudkhal H.; Ismail L. | NEW TOOL FOR SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION AND PREDICTIVE CONTROL BASED ON NEURAL NETWORKS USING LABVIEW SOFTWARE | 2022 | UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | |
104 | Joy R.C.; George S.T.; Rajan A.A.; Subathra M.S.P.; Sairamya N.J.; Prasanna J.; Mohammed M.A.; Al-Waisy A.S.; Jaber M.M.; Al-Andoli M.N. | Detection and Classification of ADHD from EEG Signals Using Tunable Q-Factor Wavelet Transform | 2022 | Journal of Sensors | |
105 | Kumar A.; Rahmath M.; Raju Y.; Reddy Vulapula S.; Prathap B.R.; Hassan M.M.; Mohamed M.A.; Asakipaam S.A. | Enhanced Secure Technique for Detecting Cyber Attacks Using Artificial Intelligence and Optimal IoT | 2022 | Security and Communication Networks | |
106 | Ali Al-Abyadh M.H.; Iesa M.A.M.; Hafeez Abdel Azeem H.A.; Singh D.P.; Kumar P.; Abdulamir M.; Jalali A. | Deep Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data Using a Hybrid Ghost Convolution Neural Network Model | 2022 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | |
107 | Ali Y.A.; Falah M.W.; Ali A.H.; Al-Mulali M.Z.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Hashim T.M.; Al Sa’adi A.H.M.; Al-Hashimi O. | Studying the effect of shear stud distribution on the behavior of steel-reactive powder concrete composite beams using ABAQUS software | 2022 | Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials | |
108 | Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Ali S.M. | Adam Optimized Deep Learning Model for Segmenting ROI Region in Medical Imaging | 2022 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | |
109 | Al-Taie R.R.K.; Ali M.M.; Tawfeeq O.A.; Al-Adhami Y.; Ghazi H.S.; Noori N.M.; Elwi T.A. | On the Performance of a Composite Right Left Hand Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure | 2022 | International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI) | |
110 | Al-Husban A.; Abdulridha M.M.; Mohamad A.A.H.; Ibrahim A.M. | Biocomposite’s Multiple Uses for a New Approach in the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease Using a Machine Learning Algorithm | 2022 | Adsorption Science and Technology | |
111 | Alfoudi A.S.; Aziz M.R.; Alyasseri Z.A.A.; Alsaeedi A.H.; Nuiaa R.R.; Mohammed M.A.; Abdulkareem K.H.; Jaber M.M. | Hyper clustering model for dynamic network intrusion detection | 2022 | IET Communications | |
112 | Almilly R.F.; Chasib M.I.; Hashim H.M. | Tracking the Precipitation of Sulfate Ions by Hydrocyclone using CFD | 2022 | Chemical Engineering Transactions | |
113 | Abbas M.K.; Hassan Q.; Jaszczur M.; Al-Sagar Z.S.; Hussain A.N.; Hasan A.; Mohamad A. | Energy visibility of a modeled photovoltaic/diesel generator set connected to the grid | 2022 | Energy Harvesting and Systems | |
114 | Hamodi L.E.; Naji A.S.; Ismael S.H. | FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH ANEMIA IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE IN IRAQI FEMALES SAMPLE | 2022 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
115 | Mohammed G.J.; Burhanuddin M.A.; Alyousif S.; Alkhayyat A.; Ali M.H.; Malik R.Q.; Jaber M.M. | Affecting Factors for the Adoption of Cloud-Based ERP System in Iraqi SMEs: An Empirical Study | 2022 | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies | |
116 | Abed F.N.; Abdulridha M.M.; Mohamad A.A.H.; Meraf Z.; Abdelhedi M. | Synthesis and Use of Environmentally Friendly Superabsorbent Smart Polymer to Improve the Properties of the Gypsum Soil | 2022 | Adsorption Science and Technology | |
117 | Hadi S.M.; Alsaeedi A.H.; Al-Shammary D.; Alkareem Alyasseri Z.A.; Mohammed M.A.; Abdulkareem K.H.; Nuiaa R.R.; Jaber M.M. | Trigonometric words ranking model for spam message classification | 2022 | IET Networks | |
118 | Ghazi H.F.; Hasan T.N.; AbdalQader M.A. | KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE OF YOUNG ATHLETES IN BAGHDAD CITY/IRAQ TOWARD THE USE OF SPORTS SUPPLEMENTS | 2022 | Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine | |
119 | Ali A.M.; Falah M.W.; Hafedh A.A.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Radhi S. | Evaluation the influence of steel-fiber on the concrete characteristics | 2022 | Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences | |
120 | Uwamungu J.Y.; Kumar P.; Alkhayyat A.; Younas T.; Capangpangan R.Y.; Alguno A.C.; Ofori I. | Future of Water/Wastewater Treatment and Management by Industry 4.0 Integrated Nanocomposite Manufacturing | 2022 | Journal of Nanomaterials | |
121 | Al-Azzawi W.K.; Chenchamma G.; Hamad A.A.; Alshudukhi J.; Alhamazani K.T.; Meraf Z. | Use of Radiation Circuits for Diagnosis of Melanoma Skin Cancer in Images of Skin Lesions Using Convolutional Neural Networks | 2022 | Journal of Nanomaterials | |
122 | Neeraja B.; Salman H.M.; Reddy C.V.K.; Ghai S.; Deepak A.; Kumar P. | Neural Network based Solar Panel Tracking for Maximum Power Yield | 2022 | Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, IC3I 2022 | |
123 | Falah M.W.; Ali Y.A.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Al-Mulali M.Z.; Al-Husseinawi F.N. | Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete Hollow Core Columns Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer under Eccentric Loading | 2022 | Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering | |
124 | Enbeyle W.; Hamad A.A.; Al-Obeidi A.S.; Abebaw S.; Belay A.; Markos A.; Abate L.; Derebew B. | Trend Analysis and Prediction on Water Consumption in Southwestern Ethiopia | 2022 | Journal of Nanomaterials | |
125 | Majdi H.S.; Altalib M.A.S.; Saieed A.N.A.; Abbas W.A.M.; Hamid O.T.; Al-Saaidi H.A.I. | IDENTIFYING OF THE EFFECT OF THE NUMBER OF TESLA FUSES IN A COILED COLLECTOR ON DIRECT AND REVERSE HEAT TRANSFER | 2022 | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | |
126 | Hamza A.H.; Hussein S.A.; Ismaeel G.A.; Abbas S.Q.; AbdulZahra M.M.; Sabry A.H. | DEVELOPING THREE DIMENSIONAL LOCALIZATION SYSTEM USING DEEP LEARNING AND PRE-TRAINED ARCHITECTURES FOR IEEE 802.11 WI-FI | 2022 | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | |
127 | Abd S.K.; Jaber M.M.; Ali S.M. | Analyzing the Digital Pathology Images Using Optimized Generative Adversarial Deep Learning Networks | 2022 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | |
129 | Zaki S.M.; Jaber M.M.; Kashmoola M.A. | Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network | 2022 | Baghdad Science Journal | |
130 | Ahmed G.S.; Shari F.H.; Alwan H.A.; Obaid R.F.; Almashhadani H.A.; Kadhim M.M. | The Level of Nitric Oxide Synthase and Nitric Oxide in Hypertensive Women | 2022 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | |
131 | Abdulmohsin H.A.; Wahab H.B.A.; Hossen A.M.J.A. | A novel classification method with cubic spline interpolation | 2022 | Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing | |
132 | Eftakhari Z.; Patra I.; Hamza T.A.; Adhab A.H.; Hachim S.K.; Abulkassim R.; Hameed N.M.; Naghdi N. | Evaluation of the Total Antioxidant Capacity of Bitter and Sweet Varieties of Ferula assa-foetida and Bunium persicum | 2022 | Advancements in Life Sciences | |
133 | Al-Douri A.T.; Mohammed Kadhim N.; Mohamad A.A.H.; Abeyie M. | Simulation of Vehicular Network Use in Emergency Situations and Security Applications on a Pakistan Highway | 2022 | Security and Communication Networks | |
134 | Al-Khafaji Z.; Hafedh A.A.; Al-Bedyry N.K.; Hussien S.A. | Utilizing of shields factors for sedimentation movements and drainage channels at the middle of Iraq (as a case study) | 2022 | Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences | |
135 | Fawzi I.M.; Mahdi S.A.; Fawzi S.M.; Jaafar I.F. | ASSESSMENT OF INTERNS’ TRAINING IN THE TEACHING HOSPITALS OF BAGHDAD MEDICAL CITY COMPLEX | 2022 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
136 | Abed K.M.; Radhi N.S.; Jasim A.H.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Radhi S.; Hussien S.A. | Study the effect of adding zirconia particles to nickel-phosphorus electroless coatings as product innovation on stainless steel substrate | 2022 | Open Engineering | |
137 | Al-yousif S.; Najm I.A.; Talab H.S.; Al Qahtani N.H.; Alfiras M.; Al-Rawi O.Y.M.; Al-Dayyeni W.S.; Alrawi A.A.A.; Mnati M.J.; Jarrar M.; Ghabban F.; Al-Shareefi N.A.; Jaber M.M.; Saleh A.H.; Tahir N.M.; Najim H.T.; Taher M. | Intrapartum cardiotocography trace pattern pre-processing, features extraction and fetal health condition diagnoses based on RCOG guideline | 2022 | PeerJ Computer Science | |
138 | Ibrahim N.A.; Matter Nassir L. | Demographic analysis of global migration | 2022 | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
139 | Musa Jaber M.; Yussof S.; Ali M.H.; Khalil Abd S.; Jassim M.M.; Alkhayyat A. | Internet of Things security framework based on near field communication with Otway Rees protocol | 2022 | Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies | |
140 | Hussein S.A.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Alfatlawi T.J.M.; Abbood A.-K.N. | Improvement of permeable asphalt pavement by adding crumb rubber waste | 2022 | Open Engineering | |
141 | Al-Husseinawi F.N.; Atherton W.; Al-Khafaji Z.; Sadique M.; Yaseen Z.M. | The Impact of Molar Proportion of Sodium Hydroxide and Water Amount on the Compressive Strength of Slag/Metakaolin (Waste Materials) Geopolymer Mortar | 2022 | Advances in Civil Engineering | |
142 | Najim S.M.; Fadhil A.A.; Abdullah M.N.; Hammodi L.E. | Estimation of the healing effects of the topical use of MEBO and hyaluronic acid gel in the burned rats | 2022 | Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research | |
143 | Zghurska О.; Hammadi K.J.; Larina Y.; Tymchenko Y.; Oleksandr T.; Kubiv S.; Kyrychenko A. | MODELING OF INFORMATION INFLUENCE ON SOCIO-CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY | 2022 | Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design | |
144 | Bloh A.H.; Khamis M.F.; Altekrety A.A.-A.; Mustafa Y.F.; Almashhadani H.A.; Kadhim M.M. | Total Oxidants, Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Capacity in the Serum of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients | 2022 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | |
145 | Jabar Hussain A.; Al-Khafaji Z.S. | Experimental investigation on applying waste iron filings in the engineering fields for protection the environment from contamination | 2022 | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
146 | Amare N.; Al-Bhadly O.; Birhan M.; Sulaiman Hamid S.; Mohamad A.A.H. | The Practices of Solid Waste Utility and Thriving Conditions of Logistics (a Case of Tepi Town): A Study to Treat the Healthy Environment | 2022 | Journal of Environmental and Public Health | |
147 | Abdul-Razaq A.A.; Nasser H.K.; Hameed A.S.; Mutar M.L.; Alrikabi H.M.B.; AL-Rifaie M.F.; Jaber M.M. | IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ENHANCED ANT COLONY SYSTEM ALGORITHM TO SOLVE RELIABLE COMMUNICATION NETWORK DESIGN | 2022 | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | |
148 | Hussein S.A.; Hamza A.H.; Al-Shoukry S.; Zahra M.M.A.; Nouwar A.S.A.; Abdulkareem S.A.; Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M. | EVALUATING IMAGE ENCRYPTION ALGORITHMS FOR THE HYPERCHAOTIC SYSTEM AND FIBONACCI Q-MATRIX, SECURE INTERNET OF THINGS, AND ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD | 2022 | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | |
149 | Singh R.; Mishra R.; Richa; Rao P.V.; Gopinathan R.; Kadhim N.M. | Design of FIR Filter under Frequency Domain responses | 2022 | Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems, ICSES 2022 | |
150 | Falah M.W.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Yaseen R.; Yousif D.F.; Hamza K.A.; Radhi S.S. | Finite Element Simulations for the Sustainable CFRP Retrofitted Hollow Square Columns | 2022 | Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering | |
151 | Singh A.; Kumar A.; Salman H.M.; Rawat N.; Jain S.K.; Rao A.T. | Transfer Learning Approach on Bacteria Classification from Microscopic Images | 2022 | Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, IC3I 2022 | |
152 | Alalwan H.A.; Alminshid A.H.; Mohammed M.M.; Hussein S.A.M.; Mohammed M.F. | Employing Synthesized MgO-SiO2 Nanoparticles as Catalysts in Ethanol Conversion to 1,3-Butadiene | 2022 | International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | |
153 | Joseph Leon S.L.; Manikandan N.; Santhanakrishnan R.; Al-Khafaji M.O.; Mahmood Salman H.; Anandaram H.; Malkiya Rasalin Prince R.; Karthick L.; Rajesh Sharma R. | Heat Index Based Optimisation of Primary Process Parameters in Friction Stir Welding on Light Weight Materials | 2022 | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | |
154 | Jassim D.A.; Elwi T.A. | Optical nano monopoles for interconnection electronic chips applications | 2022 | Optik | |
155 | Ali S.M.; Burhanuddin M.A.; Nather I.T.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K. | Critical Analysis of Electronic Health Readiness Assessment Factors for Development of e-Health Framework in Iraq | 2022 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | |
156 | Uma Maheswaran S.K.; Singh R.; Kumar Jethabhai P.Y.; Kant R.; Abdulridha M.M.; Daya Sagar K.V. | IoT Military Bot using IoT for Missions Process | 2022 | Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems, ICSES 2022 | |
157 | Abdulkareem AlMashhadani H.; Khadom A.A.; Khadhim M.M. | Effect of Polyeugenol coating on surface treatment of grade 23 titanium alloy by micro arc technique for dental application | 2022 | Results in Chemistry | |
158 | Almagsoosi L.Q.K.; Abadi M.T.E.; Hasan H.F.; Sharaf H.K. | Effect of the Volatility of the Crypto Currency and Its Effect on the Market Returns | 2022 | Industrial Engineering and Management Systems | |
159 | Mohammeda S.; Yousif Z.; Abid M.; Abed K.; Ibrahim M.; Neamah Z.H. | Photodegradation of Automobile Exhaust Gases Using Catalytic Asphalt Pavement | 2022 | 2022 International Conference for Natural and Applied Sciences, ICNAS 2022 | |
160 | Ali M.H.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Alkhayyat A.; Albaghdadi M.F. | Big data analysis and cloud computing for smart transportation system integration | 2022 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | |
161 | Salman S.; Sharaf H.K.; Hussein A.F.; Khalaf N.J.; Abbas M.K.; Aned A.M.; Al-Taie A.A.T.; Jaber M.M. | Optimization of raw material properties of natural starch by food glue based on dry heat method | 2022 | Food Science and Technology (Brazil) | |
162 | Elameer A.S.; Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K. | Radiography image analysis using cat swarm optimized deep belief networks | 2022 | Journal of Intelligent Systems | |
163 | Jaber M.M.; Yussof S.; Elameer A.S.; Weng L.Y.; Abd S.K.; Nayyar A. | Medical Image Analysis Using Deep Learning and Distribution Pattern Matching Algorithm | 2022 | Computers, Materials and Continua | |
164 | Mahdi S.A.; Obid Y.Y.; Jaafar I.F. | The techniques of CT scanning in evaluation of diffuse lung disease | 2022 | Onkologia i Radioterapia | |
165 | Akram Abdulrazzaq A.; Al-Douri A.T.; Abdullah Hamad A.; Musa Jaber M.; Meraf Z. | Assessing Deep Learning Techniques for the Recognition of Tropical Disease in Images from Parasitological Exams | 2022 | Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications | |
166 | Hassan Q.; Hafedh S.A.; Hasan A.; Jaszczur M. | Evaluation of energy generation in Iraqi territory by solar photovoltaic power plants with a capacity of 20 MW | 2022 | Energy Harvesting and Systems | |
167 | Ismail L.S.; Lupu C.; Alshareefi H.; Luu D.L. | DESIGN OF PID CONTROLLER FOR NONLINEAR MAGNETIC LEVITATION SYSTEM USING FUZZY-TUNING APPROACH | 2022 | UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | |
168 | Hamad A.A.; Jaber M.M.; Ahmed M.A.; Abdulsahib G.M.; Khalaf O.I.; Meraf Z. | Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 2022 | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering |
No: | Authors | Title | Year | Source title | |
1 | Shehab M.H.; Ali K.K. | Stratigraphic Study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Period in Qasab-Jawan Area in Northwestern Iraq by using 2D Seismic Survey | 2021 | Iraqi Journal of Science | |
2 | Ewadh R.M.J.; Alhussin A.A.A.; Kadhum S.A. | Hepatitis HAV and HBV in different ages and gender in Hilla City | 2021 | Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses | |
3 | Ismail L.S.; Petrescu C.; Lupu C.; Luu D.L. | Design of Optimal PID Controller for Magnetic Levitation System Using Linear Quadratic Regulator Approach | 2020 | 2020 International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, ISFEE 2020 | |
4 | Ferman A.K.H.; Jaber G.H.S.; Mahmood W. | Fabrication of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation in liquid – PLAL and Study their physical Properties | 2021 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | |
5 | Al Maadhde T.S.; Jumali M.H.; Al-Agealy H.J.M.; Razak F.B.A.; Yap C.C. | An investigation of the fill factor and efficiency of molecular semiconductor solar cells | 2021 | Materials Science Forum | |
6 | Naji A.M.; Nief O.A.; Kareem S.H.; Mohammed M.K.A. | Polymer-Based Anti-Solvent Engineering to Fabricate Stable and Efficient Triple-Cation Perovskite Solar Cells | 2021 | ChemistrySelect | |
7 | Lupu C.; Nasture A.M.; Ismail L.S.; Lupu M. | Safety concerning for Algorithms Switching in Multiple Model Control Structures | 2020 | 2020 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2020 – Proceedings | |
8 | Salman A.M.; Al-Hayali S.K.; Faris R.A.; Al-Janabi A. | Hybrid nanocomposite film provides FWM and Fabry Perot Filter: Towards multi-wavelength fiber laser generation in 1 µm region | 2021 | Optik | |
9 | Ahmed D.S.; Mohammed B.K.; Mohammed M.K.A. | Long-term stable and hysteresis-free planar perovskite solar cells using green antisolvent strategy | 2021 | Journal of Materials Science | |
12 | Abdul Hussian T.A.; Hamoudi A.K. | Spectral fluctuations in 24Mg nucleus using the framework of the nuclear shell model | 2020 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | |
13 | Hassan Q.; Jaszczur M. | Self‐consumption and self‐sufficiency improvement for photovoltaic system integrated with ultra‐supercapacitor | 2021 | Energies | |
15 | Nagaraj G.; Mohammed M.K.A.; Shekargoftar M.; Sasikumar P.; Sakthivel P.; Ravi G.; Dehghanipour M.; Akin S.; Shalan A.E. | High-performance perovskite solar cells using the graphene quantum dot–modified SnO2/ZnO photoelectrode | 2021 | Materials Today Energy | |
16 | Merza H.Q.; Al-Hayali S.K.; Al-Janabi A.H. | Tunable full waveband- and adjustable spacing multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on controlling cavity losses through bending sensitive interferometric filter | 2021 | Infrared Physics and Technology | |
17 | Alsweefe H.; Al-Hayali S.K.; Al-Janabi A. | Efficient humidity sensor based on an etched no-core fiber coated with copper oxide nanoparticles | 2018 | Journal of Nanophotonics | |
18 | Sahlaoui H.; Alaoui E.A.A.; Nayyar A.; Agoujil S.; Jaber M.M. | Predicting and Interpreting Student Performance Using Ensemble Models and Shapley Additive Explanations | 2021 | IEEE Access | |
19 | Ahmed W.S.; Abbas S.Q.; Khamees M.; Jaber M.M. | DEVELOPMENT OF MANDELBROT SET FOR THE LOGISTIC MAP WITH TWO PARAMETERS IN THE COMPLEX PLANE | 2021 | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | |
20 | Abdulhussein W.R.; El Abbadi N.K.; Gaber A.M. | Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Facial Expressions Recognition | 2021 | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | |
21 | Merza H.Q.; Al-Hayali S.K.; Al-Janabi A.H. | All-fiber Mach–Zehnder interferometric comb filter based on macrobend single-mode optical fiber for selecting lasing performance in 1-micron region | 2021 | Optics Communications | |
23 | Saad M.A.; Mustafa S.T.; Ali M.H.; Hashim M.M.; Ismail M.B.; Ali A.H. | Spectrum sensing and energy detection in cognitive networks | 2020 | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | |
24 | Naji A.M.; Kareem S.H.; Faris A.H.; Mohammed M.K.A. | Polyaniline polymer-modified ZnO electron transport material for high-performance planar perovskite solar cells | 2021 | Ceramics International | |
26 | Al-Mashhadane F.A.; Taqa G.A.; Al – Sandook T.A.; Taqa A.A.R. | Determination of the ED50 and antinociceptive activity of mahaleb cherry (Prunus mahaleb L.) in mice | 2020 | Plant Archives | |
27 | Abdul Hussian T.A.; Farman A.Kh. | Evaluation the Safety and Security Procedures used In X-ray Clinics in Al-Harthiya-Baghdad | 2021 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | |
28 | Mohammed N.R.; Mohamad A.A.A. | Refractive surgery of myopia by LASIK, Z-LASIK, PRK, PHACO, and I.C.L. | 2019 | Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | |
29 | Hussein H.T.; Mohammed M.K.A.; Kamel R.I.; Nayef U.M. | Improved sensing performance of porous silicon photodetector with CuO nanoparticles | 2021 | Chemical Papers | |
30 | Luu D.L.; Lupu C.; Ismail L.S.; Alshareefi H. | Spacing Control of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicle Platoon | 2020 | 2020 22nd IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics – THETA, AQTR 2020 – Proceedings | |
31 | Al-Agealy H.J.M.; Almaadhede T.S.; Hassooni M.A.; Sadoon A.K.; Ashweik A.M.; Mahdi H.A.; Ghadhban R.Q. | Theoretical study of electronic transfer current rate at dye-sensitized solar cells | 2018 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
32 | Al-Agealy H.J.M.; Al Maadhede T.S.; Al Shafaay B.; Mjeed R.H.; Ashweik A.M. | Theoretical study of Charge Transfer simulation at Fe Metal with Ge and ZnO semiconductors Nano devices material | 2017 | Energy Procedia | |
33 | Hussain A.N.; Al-Sagar Z.S.; Al-Tamimi M.K.A.; Abid M.; Hassan Q.; AL-Abbooda K.S. | Comparison of using photovoltaic system and diesel generator to feed the desired load | 2021 | 4th International Iraqi Conference on Engineering Technology and Their Applications, IICETA 2021 | |
34 | Kadhim S.J.; Kareem T.F.; Mahdi S.A. | Magnetic resonance imaging for soft tissue tumors in comparison to histopathology | 2021 | Onkologia i Radioterapia | |
36 | Elwi T.A.; Jassim D.A.; Mohammed H.H. | Novel miniaturized folded UWB microstrip antenna-based metamaterial for RF energy harvesting | 2020 | International Journal of Communication Systems | |
37 | Mohammed B.K.; Mohammed M.K.A.; Ahmed D.S. | Ethanol-incorporated lead iodide precursor solution for improving triple-cation perovskite performance | 2021 | Materials Letters | |
38 | Ahmed M.M. | ASSOCIATION BETWEEN APE1 GENE AND LUNG CANCER IN IRAQI POPULATION | 2021 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
40 | Majeed S.M.; Ahmed D.S.; Mohammed M.K.A. | Anti-solvent engineering via potassium bromide additive for highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells | 2021 | Organic Electronics | |
42 | Hammadi S.S. | Arabic and English Conditional Clauses: A Comparative Study | 2019 | Proceedings of International Conference on Research in Education and Science | |
43 | Al-Hayali S.K.; Al-Janabi A.H. | Effect of graphene nanoparticle coating on the detection performance of cladding etched no-core fiber interferometer sensor for relative humidity measurement | 2020 | Optical Fiber Technology | |
45 | Sherif N.H.; Ali M.H. | A Review: Asynchronous Counters Using Quantum Gates | 2020 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | |
46 | Al-Hayali S.K.; Salman A.M.; Al-Janabi A.H. | High sensitivity balloon-like interferometric optical fiber humidity sensor based on tuning gold nanoparticles coating thickness | 2021 | Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation | |
47 | Faris R.A.; Al-Hayali S.K.; Al-Janabi A.H. | Au coated ZnO/MWCNTs nanocomposites film-induced four-wave-mixing effect for multi-wavelength generation in erbium-doped fiber laser | 2021 | Optics Communications | |
48 | Saad M.A.; Ali M.H.; Alani S.; Ali A.H.; Hussein Y.A. | Performance evaluation improvement of energy consumption in adhoc wireless network | 2020 | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | |
49 | Al-Hayali S.K.; Salman A.M.; Hadi Al-Janabi A. | Effect of hygroscopic polymer-coatings on the performance of relative humidity sensor based on macro-bend single-mode fiber | 2021 | Optical Fiber Technology | |
50 | Hasan T.N.; Jwad Taher T.M.; Ghazi H.F. | AWARENESS REGARDING PAP SMEAR AMONG WOMEN IN BAGHDAD CITY, IRAQ | 2021 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
51 | Abdulmohsin H.A.; Wahab H.B.A.; Hossen A.M.J.A. | A new hybrid feature selection method using t-test and fitness function | 2021 | Computers, Materials and Continua | |
52 | Hasan F.T.; Mohey M.A. | ASSOCIATION OF GENETIC POLYMORPHISM AND EXPRESSION OF UMOD GENE AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE | 2021 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
53 | Nassir L.M.; Ibrahim N.A. | The Bayesian estimator for probabilistic dagum distribution | 2020 | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | |
54 | Al-Jumaili M.H.A.; Hamed A.S.; Akkurt N.; Torun L. | Six-armed structures based on benzene ring, synthesis and characterization via sonogashira coupling | 2020 | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry | |
55 | Marshdi Q.S.R.; Hussien S.A.; Mareai B.M.; Al-Khafaji Z.S.; Shubbar A.A. | Applying of No-fines concretes as a porous concrete in different construction application | 2021 | Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences | |
56 | Jaber G.S.; Khashan K.S.; Abbas M.J. | Study the antibacterial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesis by laser ablation in liquid | 2021 | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
57 | Abd S.K.; Khalid D.A.; Jaber M.M.; Hassan R.; Meri A. | Using energy efficient security technique to protect live virtual machine migration in cloud computing infrastructure | 2021 | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology | |
58 | Kutaif R.H.; Alabbassi M.G.; Hussein W.A.; Aldujaili A.A.-M.; Ali Z.F.; Jassim S.K. | Effects of raloxifene and their combination with pioglitazone on serum anti-Müllerian hormone levels in patients with resistance polycystic ovary syndrome | 2021 | Latin American Journal of Pharmacy | |
59 | Hussian T.A.A.; Jbeur R.A. | A study of the safety and security conditions followed in the X-ray clinics in the Al-Amiriya-Baghdad | 2021 | AIP Conference Proceedings | |
60 | Al-Khafaji Z.; Hafedh A.A.; Al-Bedyry N.K.; Hussien S.A. | Utilizing of shields factors for sedimentation movements and drainage channels at the middle of Iraq (as a case study) | 2021 | Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences | |
61 | Mekki A.S.; Yousif S.M.; Ahmed B.M.; Jawad M.M. | An end-fire low profile patch antenna to work on wimax frequencies used for harvesting power supply | 2021 | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | |
62 | Salman A.M.; Al-Hayali S.K.; Al-Janabi A. | Sensitivity-Enhanced Moisture Sensor Based on θ-Shape Bending Fiber Coated with Copper-Polyvinyl Alcohol Thin Film | 2021 | IEEE Sensors Journal | |
63 | Al-Agealy H.J.M.; Maadhede T.S.A.; Al-Khafaji A.A.; Aleabi S.H.; Hassooni M.A.; Rabeea R.F. | Theoretical Estimation of Electronic Flow Rate at Al-TiO2Interfaces System | 2021 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | |
64 | Mustafa M.B.; Hamoudi W.K.; Jaber G.S.; Abbas M.Y.; Abdulhameed N.R. | EXACT LASER FLUENCE FOR SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF FACE AND LEG TELANGIECTASIA | 2021 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
65 | Jaber M.M.; Abd S.K.; Shakeel P.M.; Burhanuddin M.A.; Mohammed M.A.; Yussof S. | A telemedicine tool framework for lung sounds classification using ensemble classifier algorithms | 2020 | Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation | |
66 | Suffer K.H.; Jalil J.M.; Hasan H.A. | Numerical investigation of PCM thermal storage in water solar collector | 2020 | Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences | |
67 | Mohammed N.R. | Inhibition gene expression MexAB-OprM and MexXY efflux pumps of pseudomonas aeruginosa (XDR) by novel inhibitors levofloxacin, silver nanoparticles and beta rays | 2019 | Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | |
68 | Naji A.S.; Gata A.K.; Hamodi L.E.; Abass M.; Yousif F.S. | OUTCOME OF ALLOGENEIC BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT FOR IRAQI PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA | 2021 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
69 | Salman H.M. | Proposed preprocessing methods for manipulate text of tweet | 2019 | Test Engineering and Management | |
70 | Abdulmohsin H.A.; Abdul wahab H.B.; Abdul hossen A.M.J. | A new proposed statistical feature extraction method in speech emotion recognition | 2021 | Computers and Electrical Engineering | |
71 | Al-Hayali S.K.; Al-Janabi A.H. | All fiber-optic temperature sensor based on cladding etched no-core fiber coated with nanostructured copper oxide-polyvinyl alcohol thin film | 2020 | Optik | |
72 | Abdulbari A.A.; Jawad M.M.; Hanoosh H.O.; Saare M.A.; Lashari S.A.; Sari S.A.; Ahmad S.; Khalill Y.; Hussain Y.M. | Design compact microstrap patch antenna with t-shaped 5g application | 2021 | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | |
73 | Rahi F.A.; Mohammed Ameen M.S.; Fayyadh M.S. | LINAGLIPTIN AND GLICLAZIDE DI-LOADED EXTENDED-RELEASE NANOPARTICLES: FORMULATION AND EVALUATION | 2021 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
74 | Gati K.H.; Ja’afer H.I.; Alsammarraie A.-K.M.A. | Effect of stress on SCC susceptibility of low carbon steel in 0.1 M of sulphuric acid solution using tension test | 2018 | Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology | |
75 | Hassan Q.; Abbas M.K.; Abdulateef A.M.; Abulateef J.; Mohamad A. | Assessment the potential solar energy with the models for optimum tilt angles of maximum solar irradiance for Iraq | 2021 | Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering | |
76 | Mansoor A.J.; Abdullah H.N.; Al-Gailani M.F.; Ziboon H.T. | Chaotic encryption system based on pixel value and position transformation for color images | 2021 | 18th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2021 | |
77 | Al-Rubaiyee H.A.; Al-Hayali S.K.; Al-Janabi A.H. | Nanostructured coating of graphene nanoparticles deposited onto a cladding etched no-core optical fiber for temperature measurement | 2020 | Applied Optics | |
78 | Ali S.M.; Elameer A.S.; Jaber M.M. | IoT network security using autoencoder deep neural network and channel access algorithm | 2021 | Journal of Intelligent Systems | |
79 | Jihad N.A.; Issa Y.W. | ROLE OF MICRORNA-155 AS A DIAGNOSTIC BIOMARKER FOR HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS ASSOCIATED CERVICAL CANCER | 2021 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | |
81 | Jawad M.M.; Malik N.N.N.A.; Murad N.A.; Esa M.R.M.; Ahmad M.R.; Mekki A.S.; Al-Dhief F.T.; Hussein Y.M. | Implantable slot antenna with substrate integrated waveguide for biomedical applications | 2021 | Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) | |
82 | Najim S.M.; Moustafa M.M.; Hammodi L.E. | Alzheimer’s as a metabolic disease: A review | 2021 | International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology |
اسماء باحثين جامعة التراث في سكوبس
No: | Author Name | Auth-ID |
1 | Jassim, Daniya Amer | 57213833076 |
2 | Kutaif, Rana Hussein | 57202930316 |
3 | Mahdi Hussin, Marwa Saad | 58641892600 |
4 | Ismail, Sajida Hussein | 14052337900 |
5 | Hasan, Ali | 59049479300 |
6 | Al-Naqeeb, Bashar Zuhair Talib | 58081380100 |
7 | Abood, Wrood Kareem | 58184144800 |
8 | Kharnoob, Hussian H. | 58523332500 |
9 | Abid, Mohammad Fadhil | 55657505200 |
10 | Ahmed Al-Dulaimi, Ahmed A. | 42861064900 |
11 | Abdul-Hossen, Abdul Mohssen Jaber | 56316373100 |
12 | Ahmed, Saif Saad | 57208226190 |
13 | Mahdi, Sahar Ahmed | 57404305300 |
14 | Ahmed, Nabaa Adnan | 57404347900 |
15 | Abed, Mustafa Mohammed Jawad | 59139087600 |
16 | Hussen Ali, Alaa | 57404286700 |
17 | Ali Abdulkareem, Sarah | 58918650300 |
18 | Qinbr, Moataz Ibrahim | 58315255600 |
19 | Jabar, Mustafa Musa | 58102724000 |
20 | Ismael, Sajidah Hussein | 57459333400 |
21 | Al-Athari, Faris Muslim | 25722956400 |
22 | Aslandook, Tahani | 58419743500 |
23 | Mohammed Abed, Ansam | 58920036700 |
24 | Gaber, Abdul M. | 57431694400 |
25 | Muslih, Ali Hadi | 57404314300 |
26 | Anwar, Khalid | 58796126300 |
27 | Harith Jameel Mahdi, Hasan | 58919091800 |
28 | AlKhafaji, Khlood S. | 57295425600 |
29 | Alhussin, Ameer A.Abd | 57330185900 |
30 | Mirzah, Nubogh | 58209669400 |
31 | Jasim, Ihsan Khudhair | 58168075500 |
32 | Rasool Ali, Taghreed Abdul | 57404287000 |
33 | Qinb, Moataz | 57968983900 |
34 | Alatba, Sura Rahim | 58306989400 |
35 | Mohammed, Mohammed Fakhir | 57763605100 |
36 | Al Maadhede, Taif Saad | 58531480000 |
37 | Abdulrahman, Imad Saeed | 57914020800 |
38 | Sherif, Noora H. | 57220594156 |
39 | Al-Haidarie, Yousif K. | 57063198200 |
40 | Abdulkareem, Sahar Sarah Ali | 59130799900 |
41 | Mahdi, Sahar Ahmed | 59245472600 |
42 | Kshaish, Raad Hassan | 58712329900 |
43 | Alzidi, Enas | 58313984600 |
44 | Gati, Kamal Hameed | 57200270166 |
45 | Jalil, Mohammed Abdul | 58205466300 |
46 | Fayyadh, Mohammed Shamil | 57404334800 |
47 | Abbas, Saad Qasim | 57216738570 |
48 | Dawood, Ahmed Salam | 57727328300 |
49 | Hussain, Angham Khalid | 58909448900 |
50 | Al-Saaidi, Hussein Alawai Ibrahim | 57962928200 |
51 | Khalida, A. | 58714060900 |
52 | Mustafa, Wael Waleed | 57204543854 |
53 | Musa Jaber, Mustafa | 58977074400 |
54 | Sami, Diana Salam | 57404282000 |
55 | Farman, Anwar Kh | 57424544300 |
56 | Shafeeq, Suhair R. | 57555589200 |
57 | Nayef, Jassim Mohamed | 58908392400 |
58 | Naji, Hasanain Amer | 58706100700 |
59 | Abdulqader Othman, Aya Hasan | 58909393300 |
60 | Turki, Kismat M. | 8950029400 |
61 | Hasan, Hiba Abdulameer | 59176953200 |
62 | Dulaimi, Ahmed | 58990815800 |
63 | Adnan, Abdulmohaimen Amjed | 59170654800 |
64 | Adil Kamil, Raya | 57999883000 |
65 | Ali, Afaq Mahdi | 59189056300 |
66 | AbdulKareem, Samah K. | 57222762920 |
67 | Fawzi, Hanan | 57404327700 |
68 | Ibrahim, Nathier A. | 57760649500 |
69 | Al – Sandook, Tahani A. | 35761067300 |
70 | Khalaf, Doaa H. | 58906294500 |
71 | Al-Ani, Ramzei R. | 57204011212 |
72 | Hussein, Asmaa M. | 58991944300 |
73 | Altaei, Alaa Hussein | 57404339000 |
74 | Salman, Hayder Mahmood | 57954744000 |
75 | Sahib, Mohanad Naji | 36115077400 |
76 | Barakat, Maha | 58958318700 |
77 | Abdul Hussian, Thuraya A. | 57216352396 |
78 | Al Radh, Ola Hussein Abed | 57719657800 |
79 | Mahdi Ali, Afaq | 59206173700 |
80 | Dawood, Mustafa Nazar | 58641890900 |
81 | Abdulamir, Mohammed | 57825239200 |
82 | Hamodi, Luma Essa | 57404291800 |
83 | Hassan, Noor Baqir | 57223021119 |
84 | Abdulsalam, Abbas Hashim | 58204920100 |
85 | Hachim, Safa Kareem | 57467604300 |
86 | M Kadhim, Mustafa | 58149048700 |
87 | Abdulhameed, Sarah A. | 59146836300 |
88 | Hossen, Abdul Mohssen Jaber | 57277459600 |
89 | Obid, Younis Yaqoub | 57711297100 |
90 | Mansoor, Atheer J. | 57208424277 |
91 | Baban, Omar | 57968984000 |
92 | Radhi, Sabaa S. | 57733760700 |
93 | Maktoof, Mohammed Abdul Jaleel | 58018991300 |
94 | Talib Al-Naqeeb, Bashar Zuhair | 58110971300 |
95 | Jawad, Mustafa Mohammed | 57215771275 |
96 | Abdalhameed, Noor Kamil | 57285475400 |
97 | Abdul-Amir, Yousif Kadhim | 57189890170 |
98 | Zuhair Talib Al-Naqeeb, Bashar | 58303323000 |
99 | Sabri, Istabraq Sadoon | 57727353800 |
100 | Kamil, Amna Shibib | 57999003500 |
101 | Ibrahim, Natier A. | 59129281200 |
102 | Alkurtas, Salah A. | 58793726300 |
103 | Jameel Mahdi, Hasan Harith | 58909384300 |
104 | Musa, Mustafa | 58156909300 |
105 | Abdulkareem, Sarah Ali | 57822753300 |
106 | Jassim Ghrabat, Mudhafar Jalil | 57210728344 |
107 | Jasim, Mohammed Adel | 57404339100 |
108 | Hammodi, Luma Eassa | 57244470500 |
109 | Khadim Al-Azzawi, Abdel Kareem J. | 58909092000 |
110 | Ahmed, Omar S. | 57817428800 |
111 | Abdul Amir, Rafah Habib | 57404315400 |
112 | Abdullah, Ibrahim N. | 58555379200 |
113 | Ahmed, Mustafa Mamon | 57404328200 |
114 | Mohammed, Athir Kadhim | 57914296700 |
115 | Hasan, Farah Thamer | 57218915775 |
116 | Ali, Huda Mohammad Hasan | 59143321000 |
117 | Mohsin, Sarah Kadhim | 58909486500 |
118 | Mansur | 58713194400 |
119 | Mohamed, Mohamed A. | 57814966800 |
120 | Salman Mazin, Hayder Mahmood | 58918640700 |
121 | Abbas, Saad Qasim | 58908855500 |
122 | Hussein, Angham Khalid | 57754259800 |
123 | Wasmi Zaydan, Nabaa Rabea | 58703867100 |
124 | Mohammed, Mustafa K.A. | 58082496800 |
125 | Ferman, A. K.H. | 57709404000 |
126 | Sherif, Noora Hani | 59139434000 |
127 | Talib, Bashar Zuhair | 57727341800 |
128 | Hamad, Ayat Maythem | 58796570500 |
129 | Ismail, Laith S. | 57218564945 |
130 | Hani, Thamer | 58195313300 |
131 | Hammadi, Khaleel Jdayea | 59235788000 |
132 | Mekki, Anwer Sabah | 56902445600 |
133 | Kalaw, Haider | 58909578200 |
134 | Ahmed, Saif Saad | 58270411500 |
135 | Raheema, Mazin Hasan | 58523797200 |
136 | Shehab, Marwa H. | 57287079700 |
137 | Abed, Ansam Mohammed | 57222527206 |
138 | Dawood, Mohammed Salman | 57821607900 |
139 | Hashim, Hiba M. | 57795857500 |
140 | Jaleel Maktoof, Mohammed Abdul | 58909549100 |
141 | Ismail, Mohammed Nuther | 59131478200 |
142 | Aldafaay, Ameer A.A. | 57261042800 |
143 | Abbood, Mohammed Anwar | 58957090200 |
مدير الشعبة العلمية
للتواصل مع الشعبة العلمية عبر البريد الالكتروني