
Partially covered admission program

This program was created to help students who are unable to fully pay their tuitions by covering 50% of their tuition fees. The students will have the option to split the rest of their tuition over multiple payments or even postponed to the next year. The number of students who were covered by this program in 2020 is 203, 2021 215, 2022 230 and in 2023 243 students.
The name of the applicants are confidential and will not be exposed to the public for their favorite. TU created a committee including three professors to meet the applicants and study their cases. The application starts from 12 of June to 12 of November. The students can ask for the application form from the office of their department chair who needs to approve the application first: Conditions

  • Fall the application form
  • The applicant must provide legitimate evidence for their need for the support
  • The applicant must attend an interview to convince the support center committee of their case

AL-turath University

Services Division at Alturath University

Visit the British Cultural Attaché to Alturath University

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Alturath University, Professor Ali Al-Ukaili, fulfills a simple request for God’s loved ones

Visit of the Italian Ambassador to Alturath University

Out of 110 universities in 20 Alturath countries participating in the international commercial arbitration competition